Soon after starting CryptoArt in May 2019, I started a Artwork collection called "AquaBizarre" - Deep diving in the liquid imagination of mine, crossing the paths of the strangest water-being possible.
Who is watching who? AquaBizarre is a window to an underworld filled with liquid wonder beings, curious, but will always stay at a distance... maybe because they don't see you. Or do they?
Ask yourself who is the observer, the AquaBizarre watchers - Who is the strangest being there... The answer maybe closer to the tip of your nose than anticipated.
Renaissance, is a re-birth, an explosion of imagination, re-centering the creation to the wonders of starting again, from the white page. Back to the Origin or where all started once again... in 2019. Why am I here, Where am I going, Who are you? Questioning and painting the answer is the mystery of Art.
Medium: Watercolour, Ink and some Digital Wonder.