A double rainbow is a weather phenomenon that is formed when "two internal reflections and the rays exit the drop the second time at an angle of around 50°, rather than the 42° for the primary rainbow. If you climb high enough you will see that a rainbow in its completion, as an entire full circle. Such an occurrence is thought to be one of magnanimous divine and cosmic consequence, a blessing to all who behold. The spiritual significance is one of transformation, faith and trust in divine timing.
I began to write something sad here about grief and transformation as I have grieved for what has felt like an eternity for over a year now. Then I scribbled it out and started over because that chapter is closing and another is beginning.
In this chapter I relinquish the armor adopted to survive. I stand in the shadow of both lightning and rainbow and don’t question its goodness nor myself as source. Sure, steady and open-hearted I press forward across the circle of my existence in perfect peace. I let the tears of water the seeds of my dreams and garden of my heart. I leave secrets at my ancestral altar and watch them written into existence. The storm has passed and I am free to transmute, transform and transcend until I stand looking down the spiral of all that has led me to myself. The shackles have fallen and the world must bear witness.
No fear of man or machine, no fear of what the mind can conceive, no fear at all. Close my eyes and fly til’ morning, awake to crashing waves under an open sky. If God is a circle, man is one too.