RentHedz - Hedz.xyz - is 313 AI generated characters by JeffJag using multiple AIArt tools. 25% of revenue from both primary and secondary sales will go to The Gathering Place (https://tgpdenver.org/) in Denver via payment splitter. Support your local housing initiatives. :: The main character in each was generated in MidJourney, the starfield overlay was generated in Dall-E. These two images were combined using custom masking for each in After Effects as layered image sequences. The results were further edited using Content Aware Fill in Photoshop to fill in areas such as shoulders and torsos and removing blemishes. Each hand edited composite was then upscaled in Gigapixel AI to emphasize the fine details. The final AI component is this custom poem/statement created just for this NFT. This was written by AI :: Pain makes me stronger. It tells me where to focus my attention. For one minute in a day, pain is my friend.