This Emblem Vault contains the private keys to a Bitcoin wallet which holds the Bitcoin Ordinal Inscription #213222.
This inscription is part of the Bitcoin Punks i2 project, which was the second byte-perfect decentralized minting of all 10,000 original CryptoPunks using the Ordinals protocol on Bitcoin.
You can validate that this vault contains the inscription by looking at its location on ordinals.com/inscription/aa53cb77250687ba327bf3900c06f905602ef093aace8e454a8305763ec982a0i0 and that it matches the address of the BTC wallet for this vault.
View contents of NFT by expanding Properties Below and at Emblem.Finance 👇
[View this NFT on Emblem.Finance](https://emblem.finance/nft?id=90024648748701011)
BTC Explorer: [1BKHVBbAFqyCpRzwpy2DQTnb9C3MeBpXhx](https://blockchain.info/address/1BKHVBbAFqyCpRzwpy2DQTnb9C3MeBpXhx)
Taproot Explorer: [bc1pn42xyxqh0wmcjssvj2n9clxcg23ng70a0cwwel4yar7y2z9zqr8qwplkzt](https://blockchain.info/address/bc1pn42xyxqh0wmcjssvj2n9clxcg23ng70a0cwwel4yar7y2z9zqr8qwplkzt)