Instructions on how to verify the authenticity of this domain can be found at: https://www.historicaldomains.io/verify
(d/) Registration Order: 11090-11238
Domain: d/mollermaersk
First Registration Date: December 29, 2011, 2:08PM
Total Supply of (d/) 2011 Domains: 11,888
Owning this NFT gives ownership of the mollermaersk.bit domain and can be unwrapped to be used as server hosting content. This domain is in the standard d/form.
More importantly though, this is one of the earliest domain name NFTs ever stored on a blockchain. Namecoin was the first fork of Bitcoin and the first to store domain names on a blockchain.
Note, Namecoin is a domain name system (DNS) & thus assets need to be renewed (every ~9 months).
Because the renewal cost fluctuates over time, we recommend having a balance of 2 $NMC in your vault and it'll auto-renew the domain for +50 years.
Furthermore, you can use domain names to store details such as bitcoin addresses, profile/splash images, occupations, e
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