XASSETHOLDIN was an invisible Counterparty token. The first attempt to issue the token took place on September 3rd, 2015. Since the wallet did not have enough XCP, the transaction failed. On January 5, 2022, after being invisible on the Counterparty explorer for nearly severn years, XASSETHODIN was successfully claimed and came back to live. and is now showcased at Fakes Rare's.
Series 9
Card 8
supply 100
Fake Rare
View contents of NFT by expanding Properties Below and at Emblem.Finance 👇
[View this NFT on Emblem.Finance](https://emblem.finance/nft?id=71724093876107531)
XCP Explorer: [18JVC55yxAN8AV5zFoURwzZwvVuUe9CEDX](https://xchain.io/address/18JVC55yxAN8AV5zFoURwzZwvVuUe9CEDX)