This is 1 “TEST,” the first asset ever to be issued on the Counterparty protocol of Bitcoin
A forerunner to all bitcoin NFTs including Spells of Genesis and Rare Pepes. Issued before the token “XCP” itself was created, this is for the true connoisseur of early blockchain collectables
Issued: Jan 13, 2014
View contents of NFT by expanding Properties Below and at Emblem.Finance 👇
[View this NFT on Emblem.Finance](https://emblem.finance/nft?id=24977737651762791)
XCP Explorer: [15RXPHueY4Wc3TzGp8zq9fsCewaxT3vrCi](https://xchain.io/address/15RXPHueY4Wc3TzGp8zq9fsCewaxT3vrCi)