Decoded Asset: 亚洲
Asset: d/xn--jlqt95e
Mint: Feb 8th, 2016
A few pioneers in the blockchain space used an encoding language called "punycode" to encode various forms of art, emojis, alphabets and words as non-fungible assets, onto the Namecoin blockchain. In hindsight, this gave birth to one of the 1st NFT collections in the history of cryptographic collectables: Punycodes.
Total supply of Punycodes (2011-2017): 3,255
Note, Namecoin is a DNS & thus assets need to be renewed (every 9 months). Have a small $NMC in your vault & it'll autorenew.
2 $NMC = Autorenewal for 100+ years
View contents of NFT by expanding Properties Below and at Emblem.Finance 👇
[View this NFT on Emblem.Finance](https://emblem.finance/nft?id=14286027499843581)
NMC Explorer: [N8tzUnmsTGScLhkyM4DtqbEDhdSnCoiPzt](https://nmc.tokenview.com/en/address/N8tzUnmsTGScLhkyM4DtqbEDhdSnCoiPzt)