"You are the Lady of Sais, that is the Primeval Mound (...). Primeval goddess, mysterious and great, she who began to be in the beginning, and who initiates all things." Adoration to the Goddess Neith, Esna Temple (1800 BC). The spider is a well-known figure across the world, often linked to goddesses of fate (for the weaving of the web of fate). Neith is one of the most famous weaver goddesses. In the Hopi creation story, Spider Woman is the goddess of the earth and the land. Together with Tawa, the sun god, she created the first living beings and animals. Then, they created the first man and first woman. Tawa is seen as the conceptual mind behind the creation, while Spider Woman was seen as the one who molded animals and humans from clay. She is linked to the physicality of creation, to our body in blood and bones, and she would also weave the fate of her creation before giving birth to them. The Cherokee, too, attributed the creation of the first human civilization to the grandmother spider who stole the sun for humans. And the dreamcatcher is called "the spiderweb charm" by the Anishinaabe/Ojibwe cultures from which it originated. According to the ethnographer Frances Densmore, the spiderwebs of the dreamcatchers would call the Spider Woman to take care of the children and protect them in their dreams, catching bad dreams in her webs. Card: Protection and safety.
This card is a tribute to Tombheads