"The moon is at her full, and riding high, floods the calm fields with light. The airs that hover in the summer sky are all asleep tonight." William C. Bryant. A Greek goddess of the moon, Selene was said to spend her time driving a moon chariot led by white horses across the sky, representing the changing shapes of the moon. According to a Greek myth, Selene fell in love with a mortal man named Endymion, but she was unable to accept the fact that one day he would pass away. So Selene went to Zeus and asked him to grant immortality to Endymion. Zeus agreed but, as always, his gift came with a cost: Selene's mortal man was granted his immortality, but he would live out the rest of eternity inside a deep clumber from which he would never wake. Selene, still loving the now immortal but eternally sleeping man, would visit Endymion every night, shining both her moonlight and her eternal devotion upon him. Card: Dreams, inspiration, and protection.