"The White Minority" is a painting that delves into the quest for social equality, set against a bluish atmosphere enriched with cloudy brands and Adinkra symbols from the Akan of Ghana and the Ivory Coast. These symbols, which convey deep philosophical beliefs and cultural values, emphasize the universality of gender equality across different origins and racial boundaries. This artwork advocates for the elevation of the female gender, positioning it firmly within a sphere of equal standing and recognition.
Acrylic and silk screen print on canvas 110 X 140cm
# [Boris Anje]
Born in Bamenda, Cameroon, Boris Anje's art explores fashion, identity, and consumer culture. His journey began in the studios of local artists in Brazzaville, Congo, where he encountered the flamboyantly dressed young men of the streets known as "Dandies." After earning a master's degree in drawing and painting from the Institute of Fine Arts of Foumban (IBAF), Anje gained international acclaim. His work is featured in prestigious public and private collections worldwide, including the World Bank's permanent collection in Washington, D.C.
Instagram: [@borisanje](https://www.instagram.com/borisanje/)