“Quantum of Solace” captures the essence of sunny sunset evenings in the artist's homeland. This painting vividly portrays the therapeutic act of dancing away daily stresses, and the rejuvenation that follows. The central figure, adorned in a colorful gown, sets the pace for a delightful encounter, embodying the joy and liberation found in these fleeting, yet profound moments of release.
Acrylic and silk screen print on canvas 110 X 140cm
# [Boris Anje]
Born in Bamenda, Cameroon, Boris Anje's art explores fashion, identity, and consumer culture. His journey began in the studios of local artists in Brazzaville, Congo, where he encountered the flamboyantly dressed young men of the streets known as "Dandies." After earning a master's degree in drawing and painting from the Institute of Fine Arts of Foumban (IBAF), Anje gained international acclaim. His work is featured in prestigious public and private collections worldwide, including the World Bank's permanent collection in Washington, D.C.
Instagram: [@borisanje](https://www.instagram.com/borisanje/)