pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
// File: contracts/token/interfaces/IERC20Token.sol
ERC20 Standard Token interface
contract IERC20Token {
// these functions aren't abstract since the compiler emits automatically generated getter functions as external
function name() public view returns (string) {}
function symbol() public view returns (string) {}
function decimals() public view returns (uint8) {}
function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256) {}
function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256) { _owner; }
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public view returns (uint256) { _owner; _spender; }
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success);
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success);
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success);
// File: contracts/utility/interfaces/IWhitelist.sol
Whitelist interface
contract IWhitelist {
function isWhitelisted(address _address) public view returns (bool);
// File: contracts/converter/interfaces/IBancorConverter.sol
Bancor Converter interface
contract IBancorConverter {
function getReturn(IERC20Token _fromToken, IERC20Token _toToken, uint256 _amount) public view returns (uint256, uint256);
function convert(IERC20Token _fromToken, IERC20Token _toToken, uint256 _amount, uint256 _minReturn) public returns (uint256);
function conversionWhitelist() public view returns (IWhitelist) {}
function conversionFee() public view returns (uint32) {}
function connectors(address _address) public view returns (uint256, uint32, bool, bool, bool) { _address; }
function getConnectorBalance(IERC20Token _connectorToken) public view returns (uint256);
function claimTokens(address _from, uint256 _amount) public;
// deprecated, backward compatibility
function change(IERC20Token _fromToken, IERC20Token _toToken, uint256 _amount, uint256 _minReturn) public returns (uint256);
// File: contracts/converter/interfaces/IBancorConverterUpgrader.sol
Bancor Converter Upgrader interface
contract IBancorConverterUpgrader {
function upgrade(bytes32 _version) public;
function upgrade(uint16 _version) public;
// File: contracts/converter/interfaces/IBancorFormula.sol
Bancor Formula interface
contract IBancorFormula {
function calculatePurchaseReturn(uint256 _supply, uint256 _connectorBalance, uint32 _connectorWeight, uint256 _depositAmount) public view returns (uint256);
function calculateSaleReturn(uint256 _supply, uint256 _connectorBalance, uint32 _connectorWeight, uint256 _sellAmount) public view returns (uint256);
function calculateCrossConnectorReturn(uint256 _fromConnectorBalance, uint32 _fromConnectorWeight, uint256 _toConnectorBalance, uint32 _toConnectorWeight, uint256 _amount) public view returns (uint256);
// File: contracts/IBancorNetwork.sol
Bancor Network interface
contract IBancorNetwork {
function convert(IERC20Token[] _path, uint256 _amount, uint256 _minReturn) public payable returns (uint256);
function convertFor(IERC20Token[] _path, uint256 _amount, uint256 _minReturn, address _for) public payable returns (uint256);
function convertForPrioritized3(
IERC20Token[] _path,
uint256 _amount,
uint256 _minReturn,
address _for,
uint256 _customVal,
uint256 _block,
uint8 _v,
bytes32 _r,
bytes32 _s
) public payable returns (uint256);
// deprecated, backward compatibility
function convertForPrioritized2(
IERC20Token[] _path,
uint256 _amount,
uint256 _minReturn,
address _for,
uint256 _block,
uint8 _v,
bytes32 _r,
bytes32 _s
) public payable returns (uint256);
// deprecated, backward compatibility
function convertForPrioritized(
IERC20Token[] _path,
uint256 _amount,
uint256 _minReturn,
address _for,
uint256 _block,
uint256 _nonce,
uint8 _v,
bytes32 _r,
bytes32 _s
) public payable returns (uint256);
// File: contracts/ContractIds.sol
@dev Id definitions for bancor contracts
Can be used in conjunction with the contract registry to get contract addresses
contract ContractIds {
// generic
bytes32 public constant CONTRACT_FEATURES = "ContractFeatures";
bytes32 public constant CONTRACT_REGISTRY = "ContractRegistry";
bytes32 public constant NON_STANDARD_TOKEN_REGISTRY = "NonStandardTokenRegistry";
// bancor logic
bytes32 public constant BANCOR_NETWORK = "BancorNetwork";
bytes32 public constant BANCOR_FORMULA = "BancorFormula";
bytes32 public constant BANCOR_GAS_PRICE_LIMIT = "BancorGasPriceLimit";
bytes32 public constant BANCOR_CONVERTER_UPGRADER = "BancorConverterUpgrader";
bytes32 public constant BANCOR_CONVERTER_FACTORY = "BancorConverterFactory";
// BNT core
bytes32 public constant BNT_TOKEN = "BNTToken";
bytes32 public constant BNT_CONVERTER = "BNTConverter";
// BancorX
bytes32 public constant BANCOR_X = "BancorX";
bytes32 public constant BANCOR_X_UPGRADER = "BancorXUpgrader";
// File: contracts/FeatureIds.sol
@dev Id definitions for bancor contract features
Can be used to query the ContractFeatures contract to check whether a certain feature is supported by a contract
contract FeatureIds {
// converter features
uint256 public constant CONVERTER_CONVERSION_WHITELIST = 1 << 0;
// File: contracts/utility/interfaces/IOwned.sol
Owned contract interface
contract IOwned {
// this function isn't abstract since the compiler emits automatically generated getter functions as external
function owner() public view returns (address) {}
function transferOwnership(address _newOwner) public;
function acceptOwnership() public;
// File: contracts/utility/Owned.sol
@dev Provides support and utilities for contract ownership
contract Owned is IOwned {
address public owner;
address public newOwner;
@dev triggered when the owner is updated
@param _prevOwner previous owner
@param _newOwner new owner
event OwnerUpdate(address indexed _prevOwner, address indexed _newOwner);
@dev initializes a new Owned instance
constructor() public {
owner = msg.sender;
// allows execution by the owner only
modifier ownerOnly {
require(msg.sender == owner);
@dev allows transferring the contract ownership
the new owner still needs to accept the transfer
can only be called by the contract owner
@param _newOwner new contract owner
function transferOwnership(address _newOwner) public ownerOnly {
require(_newOwner != owner);
newOwner = _newOwner;
@dev used by a new owner to accept an ownership transfer
function acceptOwnership() public {
require(msg.sender == newOwner);
emit OwnerUpdate(owner, newOwner);
owner = newOwner;
newOwner = address(0);
// File: contracts/utility/Managed.sol
@dev Provides support and utilities for contract management
Note that a managed contract must also have an owner
contract Managed is Owned {
address public manager;
address public newManager;
@dev triggered when the manager is updated
@param _prevManager previous manager
@param _newManager new manager
event ManagerUpdate(address indexed _prevManager, address indexed _newManager);
@dev initializes a new Managed instance
constructor() public {
manager = msg.sender;
// allows execution by the manager only
modifier managerOnly {
assert(msg.sender == manager);
// allows execution by either the owner or the manager only
modifier ownerOrManagerOnly {
require(msg.sender == owner || msg.sender == manager);
@dev allows transferring the contract management
the new manager still needs to accept the transfer
can only be called by the contract manager
@param _newManager new contract manager
function transferManagement(address _newManager) public ownerOrManagerOnly {
require(_newManager != manager);
newManager = _newManager;
@dev used by a new manager to accept a management transfer
function acceptManagement() public {
require(msg.sender == newManager);
emit ManagerUpdate(manager, newManager);
manager = newManager;
newManager = address(0);
// File: contracts/utility/Utils.sol
@dev Utilities & Common Modifiers
contract Utils {
constructor() public {
// verifies that an amount is greater than zero
modifier greaterThanZero(uint256 _amount) {
require(_amount > 0);
// validates an address - currently only checks that it isn't null
modifier validAddress(address _address) {
require(_address != address(0));
// verifies that the address is different than this contract address
modifier notThis(address _address) {
require(_address != address(this));
// File: contracts/utility/SafeMath.sol
@dev Library for basic math operations with overflow/underflow protection
library SafeMath {
@dev returns the sum of _x and _y, reverts if the calculation overflows
@param _x value 1
@param _y value 2
@return sum
function add(uint256 _x, uint256 _y) internal pure returns (uint256) {
uint256 z = _x + _y;
require(z >= _x);
return z;
@dev returns the difference of _x minus _y, reverts if the calculation underflows
@param _x minuend
@param _y subtrahend
@return difference
function sub(uint256 _x, uint256 _y) internal pure returns (uint256) {
require(_x >= _y);
return _x - _y;
@dev returns the product of multiplying _x by _y, reverts if the calculation overflows
@param _x factor 1
@param _y factor 2
@return product
function mul(uint256 _x, uint256 _y) internal pure returns (uint256) {
// gas optimization
if (_x == 0)
return 0;
uint256 z = _x * _y;
require(z / _x == _y);
return z;
@dev Integer division of two numbers truncating the quotient, reverts on division by zero.
@param _x dividend
@param _y divisor
@return quotient
function div(uint256 _x, uint256 _y) internal pure returns (uint256) {
require(_y > 0);
uint256 c = _x / _y;
return c;
// File: contracts/utility/interfaces/IContractRegistry.sol
Contract Registry interface
contract IContractRegistry {
function addressOf(bytes32 _contractName) public view returns (address);
// deprecated, backward compatibility
function getAddress(bytes32 _contractName) public view returns (address);
// File: contracts/utility/interfaces/IContractFeatures.sol
Contract Features interface
contract IContractFeatures {
function isSupported(address _contract, uint256 _features) public view returns (bool);
function enableFeatures(uint256 _features, bool _enable) public;
// File: contracts/utility/interfaces/IAddressList.sol
Address list interface
contract IAddressList {
mapping (address => bool) public listedAddresses;
// File: contracts/token/interfaces/ISmartToken.sol
Smart Token interface
contract ISmartToken is IOwned, IERC20Token {
function disableTransfers(bool _disable) public;
function issue(address _to, uint256 _amount) public;
function destroy(address _from, uint256 _amount) public;
// File: contracts/utility/interfaces/ITokenHolder.sol
Token Holder interface
contract ITokenHolder is IOwned {
function withdrawTokens(IERC20Token _token, address _to, uint256 _amount) public;
// File: contracts/token/interfaces/INonStandardERC20.sol
ERC20 Standard Token interface which doesn't return true/false for transfer, transferFrom and approve
contract INonStandardERC20 {
// these functions aren't abstract since the compiler emits automatically generated getter functions as external
function name() public view returns (string) {}
function symbol() public view returns (string) {}
function decimals() public view returns (uint8) {}
function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256) {}
function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256) { _owner; }
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public view returns (uint256) { _owner; _spender; }
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public;
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public;
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public;
// File: contracts/utility/TokenHolder.sol
@dev We consider every contract to be a 'token holder' since it's currently not possible
for a contract to deny receiving tokens.
The TokenHolder's contract sole purpose is to provide a safety mechanism that allows
the owner to send tokens that were sent to the contract by mistake back to their sender.
Note that we use the non standard ERC-20 interface which has no return value for transfer
in order to support both non standard as well as standard token contracts.
contract TokenHolder is ITokenHolder, Owned, Utils {
@dev initializes a new TokenHolder instance
constructor() public {
@dev withdraws tokens held by the contract and sends them to an account
can only be called by the owner
@param _token ERC20 token contract address
@param _to account to receive the new amount
@param _amount amount to withdraw
function withdrawTokens(IERC20Token _token, address _to, uint256 _amount)
INonStandardERC20(_token).transfer(_to, _amount);
// File: contracts/token/SmartTokenController.sol
@dev The smart token controller is an upgradable part of the smart token that allows
more functionality as well as fixes for bugs/exploits.
Once it accepts ownership of the token, it becomes the token's sole controller
that can execute any of its functions.
To upgrade the controller, ownership must be transferred to a new controller, along with
any relevant data.
The smart token must be set on construction and cannot be changed afterwards.
Wrappers are provided (as opposed to a single 'execute' function) for each of the token's functions, for easier access.
Note that the controller can transfer token ownership to a new controller that
doesn't allow executing any function on the token, for a trustless solution.
Doing that will also remove the owner's ability to upgrade the controller.
contract SmartTokenController is TokenHolder {
ISmartToken public token; // smart token
@dev initializes a new SmartTokenController instance
constructor(ISmartToken _token)
token = _token;
// ensures that the controller is the token's owner
modifier active() {
require(token.owner() == address(this));
// ensures that the controller is not the token's owner
modifier inactive() {
require(token.owner() != address(this));
@dev allows transferring the token ownership
the new owner needs to accept the transfer
can only be called by the contract owner
@param _newOwner new token owner
function transferTokenOwnership(address _newOwner) public ownerOnly {
@dev used by a new owner to accept a token ownership transfer
can only be called by the contract owner
function acceptTokenOwnership() public ownerOnly {
@dev disables/enables token transfers
can only be called by the contract owner
@param _disable true to disable transfers, false to enable them
function disableTokenTransfers(bool _disable) public ownerOnly {
@dev withdraws tokens held by the controller and sends them to an account
can only be called by the owner
@param _token ERC20 token contract address
@param _to account to receive the new amount
@param _amount amount to withdraw
function withdrawFromToken(IERC20Token _token, address _to, uint256 _amount) public ownerOnly {
ITokenHolder(token).withdrawTokens(_token, _to, _amount);
// File: contracts/token/interfaces/IEtherToken.sol
Ether Token interface
contract IEtherToken is ITokenHolder, IERC20Token {
function deposit() public payable;
function withdraw(uint256 _amount) public;
function withdrawTo(address _to, uint256 _amount) public;
// File: contracts/bancorx/interfaces/IBancorX.sol
contract IBancorX {
function xTransfer(bytes32 _toBlockchain, bytes32 _to, uint256 _amount, uint256 _id) public;
function getXTransferAmount(uint256 _xTransferId, address _for) public view returns (uint256);
// File: contracts\converter\BancorConverter.sol
@dev Bancor Converter
The Bancor converter allows for conversions between a Smart Token and other ERC20 tokens and between different ERC20 tokens and themselves.
The ERC20 connector balance can be virtual, meaning that the calculations are based on the virtual balance instead of relying on the actual connector balance. This is a security mechanism that prevents the need to keep a very large (and valuable) balance in a single contract.
The converter is upgradable (just like any SmartTokenController) and all upgrades are opt-in.
WARNING: It is NOT RECOMMENDED to use the converter with Smart Tokens that have less than 8 decimal digits or with very small numbers because of precision loss
Open issues:
- Front-running attacks are currently mitigated by the following mechanisms:
- minimum return argument for each conversion provides a way to define a minimum/maximum price for the transaction
- gas price limit prevents users from having control over the order of execution
- gas price limit check can be skipped if the transaction comes from a trusted, whitelisted signer
Other potential solutions might include a commit/reveal based schemes
- Possibly add getters for the connector fields so that the client won't need to rely on the order in the struct
contract BancorConverter is IBancorConverter, SmartTokenController, Managed, ContractIds, FeatureIds {
using SafeMath for uint256;
uint32 private constant MAX_WEIGHT = 1000000;
uint64 private constant MAX_CONVERSION_FEE = 1000000;
struct Connector {
uint256 virtualBalance; // connector virtual balance
uint32 weight; // connector weight, represented in ppm, 1-1000000
bool isVirtualBalanceEnabled; // true if virtual balance is enabled, false if not
bool isSaleEnabled; // is sale of the connector token enabled, can be set by the owner
bool isSet; // used to tell if the mapping element is defined
@dev version number
uint16 public version = 14;
string public converterType = 'bancor';
bool public allowRegistryUpdate = true; // allows the owner to prevent/allow the registry to be updated
bool public claimTokensEnabled = false; // allows BancorX contract to claim tokens without allowance (to save the extra transaction)
IContractRegistry public prevRegistry; // address of previous registry as security mechanism
IContractRegistry public registry; // contract registry contract
IWhitelist public conversionWhitelist; // whitelist contract with list of addresses that are allowed to use the converter
IERC20Token[] public connectorTokens; // ERC20 standard token addresses
mapping (address => Connector) public connectors; // connector token addresses -> connector data
uint32 private totalConnectorWeight = 0; // used to efficiently prevent increasing the total connector weight above 100%
uint32 public maxConversionFee = 0; // maximum conversion fee for the lifetime of the contract,
// represented in ppm, 0...1000000 (0 = no fee, 100 = 0.01%, 1000000 = 100%)
uint32 public conversionFee = 0; // current conversion fee, represented in ppm, 0...maxConversionFee
bool public conversionsEnabled = true; // true if token conversions is enabled, false if not
IERC20Token[] private convertPath;
@dev triggered when a conversion between two tokens occurs
@param _fromToken ERC20 token converted from
@param _toToken ERC20 token converted to
@param _trader wallet that initiated the trade
@param _amount amount converted, in fromToken
@param _return amount returned, minus conversion fee
@param _conversionFee conversion fee
event Conversion(
address indexed _fromToken,
address indexed _toToken,
address indexed _trader,
uint256 _amount,
uint256 _return,
int256 _conversionFee
@dev triggered after a conversion with new price data
@param _connectorToken connector token
@param _tokenSupply smart token supply
@param _connectorBalance connector balance
@param _connectorWeight connector weight
event PriceDataUpdate(
address indexed _connectorToken,
uint256 _tokenSupply,
uint256 _connectorBalance,
uint32 _connectorWeight
@dev triggered when the conversion fee is updated
@param _prevFee previous fee percentage, represented in ppm
@param _newFee new fee percentage, represented in ppm
event ConversionFeeUpdate(uint32 _prevFee, uint32 _newFee);
@dev triggered when conversions are enabled/disabled
@param _conversionsEnabled true if conversions are enabled, false if not
event ConversionsEnable(bool _conversionsEnabled);
@dev initializes a new BancorConverter instance
@param _token smart token governed by the converter
@param _registry address of a contract registry contract
@param _maxConversionFee maximum conversion fee, represented in ppm
@param _connectorToken optional, initial connector, allows defining the first connector at deployment time
@param _connectorWeight optional, weight for the initial connector
ISmartToken _token,
IContractRegistry _registry,
uint32 _maxConversionFee,
IERC20Token _connectorToken,
uint32 _connectorWeight
registry = _registry;
prevRegistry = _registry;
IContractFeatures features = IContractFeatures(registry.addressOf(ContractIds.CONTRACT_FEATURES));
// initialize supported features
if (features != address(0))
features.enableFeatures(FeatureIds.CONVERTER_CONVERSION_WHITELIST, true);
maxConversionFee = _maxConversionFee;
if (_connectorToken != address(0))
addConnector(_connectorToken, _connectorWeight, false);
// validates a connector token address - verifies that the address belongs to one of the connector tokens
modifier validConnector(IERC20Token _address) {
// validates a token address - verifies that the address belongs to one of the convertible tokens
modifier validToken(IERC20Token _address) {
require(_address == token || connectors[_address].isSet);
// validates maximum conversion fee
modifier validMaxConversionFee(uint32 _conversionFee) {
require(_conversionFee >= 0 && _conversionFee <= MAX_CONVERSION_FEE);
// validates conversion fee
modifier validConversionFee(uint32 _conversionFee) {
require(_conversionFee >= 0 && _conversionFee <= maxConversionFee);
// validates connector weight range
modifier validConnectorWeight(uint32 _weight) {
require(_weight > 0 && _weight <= MAX_WEIGHT);
// validates a conversion path - verifies that the number of elements is odd and that maximum number of 'hops' is 10
modifier validConversionPath(IERC20Token[] _path) {
require(_path.length > 2 && _path.length <= (1 + 2 * 10) && _path.length % 2 == 1);
// allows execution only when the total weight is 100%
modifier maxTotalWeightOnly() {
require(totalConnectorWeight == MAX_WEIGHT);
// allows execution only when conversions aren't disabled
modifier conversionsAllowed {
// allows execution by the BancorNetwork contract only
modifier bancorNetworkOnly {
IBancorNetwork bancorNetwork = IBancorNetwork(registry.addressOf(ContractIds.BANCOR_NETWORK));
require(msg.sender == address(bancorNetwork));
// allows execution by the converter upgrader contract only
modifier converterUpgraderOnly {
address converterUpgrader = registry.addressOf(ContractIds.BANCOR_CONVERTER_UPGRADER);
require(owner == converterUpgrader);
// allows execution only when claim tokens is enabled
modifier whenClaimTokensEnabled {
@dev sets the contract registry to whichever address the current registry is pointing to
function updateRegistry() public {
// require that upgrading is allowed or that the caller is the owner
require(allowRegistryUpdate || msg.sender == owner);
// get the address of whichever registry the current registry is pointing to
address newRegistry = registry.addressOf(ContractIds.CONTRACT_REGISTRY);
// if the new registry hasn't changed or is the zero address, revert
require(newRegistry != address(registry) && newRegistry != address(0));
// set the previous registry as current registry and current registry as newRegistry
prevRegistry = registry;
registry = IContractRegistry(newRegistry);
@dev security mechanism allowing the converter owner to revert to the previous registry,
to be used in emergency scenario
function restoreRegistry() public ownerOrManagerOnly {
// set the registry as previous registry
registry = prevRegistry;
// after a previous registry is restored, only the owner can allow future updates
allowRegistryUpdate = false;
@dev disables the registry update functionality
this is a safety mechanism in case of a emergency
can only be called by the manager or owner
@param _disable true to disable registry updates, false to re-enable them
function disableRegistryUpdate(bool _disable) public ownerOrManagerOnly {
allowRegistryUpdate = !_disable;
@dev disables/enables the claim tokens functionality
@param _enable true to enable claiming of tokens, false to disable
function enableClaimTokens(bool _enable) public ownerOnly {
claimTokensEnabled = _enable;
@dev returns the number of connector tokens defined
@return number of connector tokens
function connectorTokenCount() public view returns (uint16) {
return uint16(connectorTokens.length);
@dev allows the owner to update & enable the conversion whitelist contract address
when set, only addresses that are whitelisted are actually allowed to use the converter
note that the whitelist check is actually done by the BancorNetwork contract
@param _whitelist address of a whitelist contract
function setConversionWhitelist(IWhitelist _whitelist)
conversionWhitelist = _whitelist;
@dev disables the entire conversion functionality
this is a safety mechanism in case of a emergency
can only be called by the manager
@param _disable true to disable conversions, false to re-enable them
function disableConversions(bool _disable) public ownerOrManagerOnly {
if (conversionsEnabled == _disable) {
conversionsEnabled = !_disable;
emit ConversionsEnable(conversionsEnabled);
@dev allows transferring the token ownership
the new owner needs to accept the transfer
can only be called by the contract owner
note that token ownership can only be transferred while the owner is the converter upgrader contract
@param _newOwner new token owner
function transferTokenOwnership(address _newOwner)
@dev updates the current conversion fee
can only be called by the manager
@param _conversionFee new conversion fee, represented in ppm
function setConversionFee(uint32 _conversionFee)
emit ConversionFeeUpdate(conversionFee, _conversionFee);
conversionFee = _conversionFee;
@dev given a return amount, returns the amount minus the conversion fee
@param _amount return amount
@param _magnitude 1 for standard conversion, 2 for cross connector conversion
@return return amount minus conversion fee
function getFinalAmount(uint256 _amount, uint8 _magnitude) public view returns (uint256) {
return _amount.mul((MAX_CONVERSION_FEE - conversionFee) ** _magnitude).div(MAX_CONVERSION_FEE ** _magnitude);
@dev withdraws tokens held by the converter and sends them to an account
can only be called by the owner
note that connector tokens can only be withdrawn by the owner while the converter is inactive
unless the owner is the converter upgrader contract
@param _token ERC20 token contract address
@param _to account to receive the new amount
@param _amount amount to withdraw
function withdrawTokens(IERC20Token _token, address _to, uint256 _amount) public {
address converterUpgrader = registry.addressOf(ContractIds.BANCOR_CONVERTER_UPGRADER);
// if the token is not a connector token, allow withdrawal
// otherwise verify that the converter is inactive or that the owner is the upgrader contract
require(!connectors[_token].isSet || token.owner() != address(this) || owner == converterUpgrader);
super.withdrawTokens(_token, _to, _amount);
@dev allows the BancorX contract to claim BNT from any address (so that users
dont have to first give allowance when calling BancorX)
@param _from address to claim the BNT from
@param _amount the amount to claim
function claimTokens(address _from, uint256 _amount) public whenClaimTokensEnabled {
address bancorX = registry.addressOf(ContractIds.BANCOR_X);
// only the bancorX contract may call this method
require(msg.sender == bancorX);
// destroy the tokens belonging to _from, and issue the same amount to bancorX contract
token.destroy(_from, _amount);
token.issue(msg.sender, _amount);
@dev upgrades the converter to the latest version
can only be called by the owner
note that the owner needs to call acceptOwnership/acceptManagement on the new converter after the upgrade
function upgrade() public ownerOnly {
IBancorConverterUpgrader converterUpgrader = IBancorConverterUpgrader(registry.addressOf(ContractIds.BANCOR_CONVERTER_UPGRADER));
@dev defines a new connector for the token
can only be called by the owner while the converter is inactive
@param _token address of the connector token
@param _weight constant connector weight, represented in ppm, 1-1000000
@param _enableVirtualBalance true to enable virtual balance for the connector, false to disable it
function addConnector(IERC20Token _token, uint32 _weight, bool _enableVirtualBalance)
require(_token != token && !connectors[_token].isSet && totalConnectorWeight + _weight <= MAX_WEIGHT); // validate input
connectors[_token].virtualBalance = 0;
connectors[_token].weight = _weight;
connectors[_token].isVirtualBalanceEnabled = _enableVirtualBalance;
connectors[_token].isSaleEnabled = true;
connectors[_token].isSet = true;
totalConnectorWeight += _weight;
@dev updates one of the token connectors
can only be called by the owner
@param _connectorToken address of the connector token
@param _weight constant connector weight, represented in ppm, 1-1000000
@param _enableVirtualBalance true to enable virtual balance for the connector, false to disable it
@param _virtualBalance new connector's virtual balance
function updateConnector(IERC20Token _connectorToken, uint32 _weight, bool _enableVirtualBalance, uint256 _virtualBalance)
Connector storage connector = connectors[_connectorToken];
require(totalConnectorWeight - connector.weight + _weight <= MAX_WEIGHT); // validate input
totalConnectorWeight = totalConnectorWeight - connector.weight + _weight;
connector.weight = _weight;
connector.isVirtualBalanceEnabled = _enableVirtualBalance;
connector.virtualBalance = _virtualBalance;
@dev disables converting from the given connector token in case the connector token got compromised
can only be called by the owner
note that converting to the token is still enabled regardless of this flag and it cannot be disabled by the owner
@param _connectorToken connector token contract address
@param _disable true to disable the token, false to re-enable it
function disableConnectorSale(IERC20Token _connectorToken, bool _disable)
connectors[_connectorToken].isSaleEnabled = !_disable;
@dev returns the connector's virtual balance if one is defined, otherwise returns the actual balance
@param _connectorToken connector token contract address
@return connector balance
function getConnectorBalance(IERC20Token _connectorToken)
returns (uint256)
Connector storage connector = connectors[_connectorToken];
return connector.isVirtualBalanceEnabled ? connector.virtualBalance : _connectorToken.balanceOf(this);
@dev returns the expected return for converting a specific amount of _fromToken to _toToken
@param _fromToken ERC20 token to convert from
@param _toToken ERC20 token to convert to
@param _amount amount to convert, in fromToken
@return expected conversion return amount and conversion fee
function getReturn(IERC20Token _fromToken, IERC20Token _toToken, uint256 _amount) public view returns (uint256, uint256) {
require(_fromToken != _toToken); // validate input
// conversion between the token and one of its connectors
if (_toToken == token)
return getPurchaseReturn(_fromToken, _amount);
else if (_fromToken == token)
return getSaleReturn(_toToken, _amount);
// conversion between 2 connectors
return getCrossConnectorReturn(_fromToken, _toToken, _amount);
@dev returns the expected return for buying the token for a connector token
@param _connectorToken connector token contract address
@param _depositAmount amount to deposit (in the connector token)
@return expected purchase return amount and conversion fee
function getPurchaseReturn(IERC20Token _connectorToken, uint256 _depositAmount)
returns (uint256, uint256)
Connector storage connector = connectors[_connectorToken];
require(connector.isSaleEnabled); // validate input
uint256 tokenSupply = token.totalSupply();
uint256 connectorBalance = getConnectorBalance(_connectorToken);
IBancorFormula formula = IBancorFormula(registry.addressOf(ContractIds.BANCOR_FORMULA));
uint256 amount = formula.calculatePurchaseReturn(tokenSupply, connectorBalance, connector.weight, _depositAmount);
uint256 finalAmount = getFinalAmount(amount, 1);
// return the amount minus the conversion fee and the conversion fee
return (finalAmount, amount - finalAmount);
@dev returns the expected return for selling the token for one of its connector tokens
@param _connectorToken connector token contract address
@param _sellAmount amount to sell (in the smart token)
@return expected sale return amount and conversion fee
function getSaleReturn(IERC20Token _connectorToken, uint256 _sellAmount)
returns (uint256, uint256)
Connector storage connector = connectors[_connectorToken];
uint256 tokenSupply = token.totalSupply();
uint256 connectorBalance = getConnectorBalance(_connectorToken);
IBancorFormula formula = IBancorFormula(registry.addressOf(ContractIds.BANCOR_FORMULA));
uint256 amount = formula.calculateSaleReturn(tokenSupply, connectorBalance, connector.weight, _sellAmount);
uint256 finalAmount = getFinalAmount(amount, 1);
// return the amount minus the conversion fee and the conversion fee
return (finalAmount, amount - finalAmount);
@dev returns the expected return for selling one of the connector tokens for another connector token
@param _fromConnectorToken contract address of the connector token to convert from
@param _toConnectorToken contract address of the connector token to convert to
@param _sellAmount amount to sell (in the from connector token)
@return expected sale return amount and conversion fee (in the to connector token)
function getCrossConnectorReturn(IERC20Token _fromConnectorToken, IERC20Token _toConnectorToken, uint256 _sellAmount)
returns (uint256, uint256)
Connector storage fromConnector = connectors[_fromConnectorToken];
Connector storage toConnector = connectors[_toConnectorToken];
require(fromConnector.isSaleEnabled); // validate input
IBancorFormula formula = IBancorFormula(registry.addressOf(ContractIds.BANCOR_FORMULA));
uint256 amount = formula.calculateCrossConnectorReturn(
uint256 finalAmount = getFinalAmount(amount, 2);
// return the amount minus the conversion fee and the conversion fee
// the fee is higher (magnitude = 2) since cross connector conversion equals 2 conversions (from / to the smart token)
return (finalAmount, amount - finalAmount);
@dev converts a specific amount of _fromToken to _toToken
can only be called by the bancor network contract
@param _fromToken ERC20 token to convert from
@param _toToken ERC20 token to convert to
@param _amount amount to convert, in fromToken
@param _minReturn if the conversion results in an amount smaller than the minimum return - it is cancelled, must be nonzero
@return conversion return amount
function convertInternal(IERC20Token _fromToken, IERC20Token _toToken, uint256 _amount, uint256 _minReturn)
returns (uint256)
require(_fromToken != _toToken); // validate input
// conversion between the token and one of its connectors
if (_toToken == token)
return buy(_fromToken, _amount, _minReturn);
else if (_fromToken == token)
return sell(_toToken, _amount, _minReturn);
uint256 amount;
uint256 feeAmount;
// conversion between 2 connectors
(amount, feeAmount) = getCrossConnectorReturn(_fromToken, _toToken, _amount);
// ensure the trade gives something in return and meets the minimum requested amount
require(amount != 0 && amount >= _minReturn);
// update the source token virtual balance if relevant
Connector storage fromConnector = connectors[_fromToken];
if (fromConnector.isVirtualBalanceEnabled)
fromConnector.virtualBalance = fromConnector.virtualBalance.add(_amount);
// update the target token virtual balance if relevant
Connector storage toConnector = connectors[_toToken];
if (toConnector.isVirtualBalanceEnabled)
toConnector.virtualBalance = toConnector.virtualBalance.sub(amount);
// ensure that the trade won't deplete the connector balance
uint256 toConnectorBalance = getConnectorBalance(_toToken);
assert(amount < toConnectorBalance);
// transfer funds from the caller in the from connector token
ensureTransferFrom(_fromToken, msg.sender, this, _amount);
// transfer funds to the caller in the to connector token
// the transfer might fail if the actual connector balance is smaller than the virtual balance
ensureTransfer(_toToken, msg.sender, amount);
// dispatch the conversion event
// the fee is higher (magnitude = 2) since cross connector conversion equals 2 conversions (from / to the smart token)
dispatchConversionEvent(_fromToken, _toToken, _amount, amount, feeAmount);
// dispatch price data updates for the smart token / both connectors
emit PriceDataUpdate(_fromToken, token.totalSupply(), getConnectorBalance(_fromToken), fromConnector.weight);
emit PriceDataUpdate(_toToken, token.totalSupply(), getConnectorBalance(_toToken), toConnector.weight);
return amount;
@dev converts a specific amount of _fromToken to _toToken
@param _fromToken ERC20 token to convert from
@param _toToken ERC20 token to convert to
@param _amount amount to convert, in fromToken
@param _minReturn if the conversion results in an amount smaller than the minimum return - it is cancelled, must be nonzero
@return conversion return amount
function convert(IERC20Token _fromToken, IERC20Token _toToken, uint256 _amount, uint256 _minReturn) public returns (uint256) {
convertPath = [_fromToken, token, _toToken];
return quickConvert(convertPath, _amount, _minReturn);
@dev buys the token by depositing one of its connector tokens
@param _connectorToken connector token contract address
@param _depositAmount amount to deposit (in the connector token)
@param _minReturn if the conversion results in an amount smaller than the minimum return - it is cancelled, must be nonzero
@return buy return amount
function buy(IERC20Token _connectorToken, uint256 _depositAmount, uint256 _minReturn) internal returns (uint256) {
uint256 amount;
uint256 feeAmount;
(amount, feeAmount) = getPurchaseReturn(_connectorToken, _depositAmount);
// ensure the trade gives something in return and meets the minimum requested amount
require(amount != 0 && amount >= _minReturn);
// update virtual balance if relevant
Connector storage connector = connectors[_connectorToken];
if (connector.isVirtualBalanceEnabled)
connector.virtualBalance = connector.virtualBalance.add(_depositAmount);
// transfer funds from the caller in the connector token
ensureTransferFrom(_connectorToken, msg.sender, this, _depositAmount);
// issue new funds to the caller in the smart token
token.issue(msg.sender, amount);
// dispatch the conversion event
dispatchConversionEvent(_connectorToken, token, _depositAmount, amount, feeAmount);
// dispatch price data update for the smart token/connector
emit PriceDataUpdate(_connectorToken, token.totalSupply(), getConnectorBalance(_connectorToken), connector.weight);
return amount;
@dev sells the token by withdrawing from one of its connector tokens
@param _connectorToken connector token contract address
@param _sellAmount amount to sell (in the smart token)
@param _minReturn if the conversion results in an amount smaller the minimum return - it is cancelled, must be nonzero
@return sell return amount
function sell(IERC20Token _connectorToken, uint256 _sellAmount, uint256 _minReturn) internal returns (uint256) {
require(_sellAmount <= token.balanceOf(msg.sender)); // validate input
uint256 amount;
uint256 feeAmount;
(amount, feeAmount) = getSaleReturn(_connectorToken, _sellAmount);
// ensure the trade gives something in return and meets the minimum requested amount
require(amount != 0 && amount >= _minReturn);
// ensure that the trade will only deplete the connector balance if the total supply is depleted as well
uint256 tokenSupply = token.totalSupply();
uint256 connectorBalance = getConnectorBalance(_connectorToken);
assert(amount < connectorBalance || (amount == connectorBalance && _sellAmount == tokenSupply));
// update virtual balance if relevant
Connector storage connector = connectors[_connectorToken];
if (connector.isVirtualBalanceEnabled)
connector.virtualBalance = connector.virtualBalance.sub(amount);
// destroy _sellAmount from the caller's balance in the smart token
token.destroy(msg.sender, _sellAmount);
// transfer funds to the caller in the connector token
// the transfer might fail if the actual connector balance is smaller than the virtual balance
ensureTransfer(_connectorToken, msg.sender, amount);
// dispatch the conversion event
dispatchConversionEvent(token, _connectorToken, _sellAmount, amount, feeAmount);
// dispatch price data update for the smart token/connector
emit PriceDataUpdate(_connectorToken, token.totalSupply(), getConnectorBalance(_connectorToken), connector.weight);
return amount;
@dev converts the token to any other token in the bancor network by following a predefined conversion path
note that when converting from an ERC20 token (as opposed to a smart token), allowance must be set beforehand
@param _path conversion path, see conversion path format in the BancorNetwork contract
@param _amount amount to convert from (in the initial source token)
@param _minReturn if the conversion results in an amount smaller than the minimum return - it is cancelled, must be nonzero
@return tokens issued in return
function quickConvert(IERC20Token[] _path, uint256 _amount, uint256 _minReturn)
returns (uint256)
return quickConvertPrioritized(_path, _amount, _minReturn, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0);
@dev converts the token to any other token in the bancor network by following a predefined conversion path
note that when converting from an ERC20 token (as opposed to a smart token), allowance must be set beforehand
@param _path conversion path, see conversion path format in the BancorNetwork contract
@param _amount amount to convert from (in the initial source token)
@param _minReturn if the conversion results in an amount smaller than the minimum return - it is cancelled, must be nonzero
@param _block if the current block exceeded the given parameter - it is cancelled
@param _v (signature[128:130]) associated with the signer address and helps validating if the signature is legit
@param _r (signature[0:64]) associated with the signer address and helps validating if the signature is legit
@param _s (signature[64:128]) associated with the signer address and helps validating if the signature is legit
@return tokens issued in return
function quickConvertPrioritized(IERC20Token[] _path, uint256 _amount, uint256 _minReturn, uint256 _block, uint8 _v, bytes32 _r, bytes32 _s)
returns (uint256)
IERC20Token fromToken = _path[0];
IBancorNetwork bancorNetwork = IBancorNetwork(registry.addressOf(ContractIds.BANCOR_NETWORK));
// we need to transfer the source tokens from the caller to the BancorNetwork contract,
// so it can execute the conversion on behalf of the caller
if (msg.value == 0) {
// not ETH, send the source tokens to the BancorNetwork contract
// if the token is the smart token, no allowance is required - destroy the tokens
// from the caller and issue them to the BancorNetwork contract
if (fromToken == token) {
token.destroy(msg.sender, _amount); // destroy _amount tokens from the caller's balance in the smart token
token.issue(bancorNetwork, _amount); // issue _amount new tokens to the BancorNetwork contract
} else {
// otherwise, we assume we already have allowance, transfer the tokens directly to the BancorNetwork contract
ensureTransferFrom(fromToken, msg.sender, bancorNetwork, _amount);
// execute the conversion and pass on the ETH with the call
return bancorNetwork.convertForPrioritized3.value(msg.value)(_path, _amount, _minReturn, msg.sender, _amount, _block, _v, _r, _s);
@dev allows a user to convert BNT that was sent from another blockchain into any other
token on the BancorNetwork without specifying the amount of BNT to be converted, but
rather by providing the xTransferId which allows us to get the amount from BancorX.
@param _path conversion path, see conversion path format in the BancorNetwork contract
@param _minReturn if the conversion results in an amount smaller than the minimum return - it is cancelled, must be nonzero
@param _conversionId pre-determined unique (if non zero) id which refers to this transaction
@param _block if the current block exceeded the given parameter - it is cancelled
@param _v (signature[128:130]) associated with the signer address and helps to validate if the signature is legit
@param _r (signature[0:64]) associated with the signer address and helps to validate if the signature is legit
@param _s (signature[64:128]) associated with the signer address and helps to validate if the signature is legit
@return tokens issued in return
function completeXConversion(
IERC20Token[] _path,
uint256 _minReturn,
uint256 _conversionId,
uint256 _block,
uint8 _v,
bytes32 _r,
bytes32 _s
returns (uint256)
IBancorX bancorX = IBancorX(registry.addressOf(ContractIds.BANCOR_X));
IBancorNetwork bancorNetwork = IBancorNetwork(registry.addressOf(ContractIds.BANCOR_NETWORK));
// verify that the first token in the path is BNT
require(_path[0] == registry.addressOf(ContractIds.BNT_TOKEN));
// get conversion amount from BancorX contract
uint256 amount = bancorX.getXTransferAmount(_conversionId, msg.sender);
// send BNT from msg.sender to the BancorNetwork contract
token.destroy(msg.sender, amount);
token.issue(bancorNetwork, amount);
return bancorNetwork.convertForPrioritized3(_path, amount, _minReturn, msg.sender, _conversionId, _block, _v, _r, _s);
@dev ensures transfer of tokens, taking into account that some ERC-20 implementations don't return
true on success but revert on failure instead
@param _token the token to transfer
@param _to the address to transfer the tokens to
@param _amount the amount to transfer
function ensureTransfer(IERC20Token _token, address _to, uint256 _amount) private {
IAddressList addressList = IAddressList(registry.addressOf(ContractIds.NON_STANDARD_TOKEN_REGISTRY));
if (addressList.listedAddresses(_token)) {
uint256 prevBalance = _token.balanceOf(_to);
// we have to cast the token contract in an interface which has no return value
INonStandardERC20(_token).transfer(_to, _amount);
uint256 postBalance = _token.balanceOf(_to);
assert(postBalance > prevBalance);
} else {
// if the token isn't whitelisted, we assert on transfer
assert(_token.transfer(_to, _amount));
@dev ensures transfer of tokens, taking into account that some ERC-20 implementations don't return
true on success but revert on failure instead
@param _token the token to transfer
@param _from the address to transfer the tokens from
@param _to the address to transfer the tokens to
@param _amount the amount to transfer
function ensureTransferFrom(IERC20Token _token, address _from, address _to, uint256 _amount) private {
IAddressList addressList = IAddressList(registry.addressOf(ContractIds.NON_STANDARD_TOKEN_REGISTRY));
if (addressList.listedAddresses(_token)) {
uint256 prevBalance = _token.balanceOf(_to);
// we have to cast the token contract in an interface which has no return value
INonStandardERC20(_token).transferFrom(_from, _to, _amount);
uint256 postBalance = _token.balanceOf(_to);
assert(postBalance > prevBalance);
} else {
// if the token is standard, we assert on transfer
assert(_token.transferFrom(_from, _to, _amount));
@dev buys the token with all connector tokens using the same percentage
i.e. if the caller increases the supply by 10%, it will cost an amount equal to
10% of each connector token balance
can only be called if the max total weight is exactly 100% and while conversions are enabled
@param _amount amount to increase the supply by (in the smart token)
function fund(uint256 _amount)
uint256 supply = token.totalSupply();
// iterate through the connector tokens and transfer a percentage equal to the ratio between _amount
// and the total supply in each connector from the caller to the converter
IERC20Token connectorToken;
uint256 connectorBalance;
uint256 connectorAmount;
for (uint16 i = 0; i < connectorTokens.length; i++) {
connectorToken = connectorTokens[i];
connectorBalance = getConnectorBalance(connectorToken);
connectorAmount = _amount.mul(connectorBalance).sub(1).div(supply).add(1);
// update virtual balance if relevant
Connector storage connector = connectors[connectorToken];
if (connector.isVirtualBalanceEnabled)
connector.virtualBalance = connector.virtualBalance.add(connectorAmount);
// transfer funds from the caller in the connector token
ensureTransferFrom(connectorToken, msg.sender, this, connectorAmount);
// dispatch price data update for the smart token/connector
emit PriceDataUpdate(connectorToken, supply + _amount, connectorBalance + connectorAmount, connector.weight);
// issue new funds to the caller in the smart token
token.issue(msg.sender, _amount);
@dev sells the token for all connector tokens using the same percentage
i.e. if the holder sells 10% of the supply, they will receive 10% of each
connector token balance in return
can only be called if the max total weight is exactly 100%
note that the function can also be called if conversions are disabled
@param _amount amount to liquidate (in the smart token)
function liquidate(uint256 _amount) public maxTotalWeightOnly {
uint256 supply = token.totalSupply();
// destroy _amount from the caller's balance in the smart token
token.destroy(msg.sender, _amount);
// iterate through the connector tokens and send a percentage equal to the ratio between _amount
// and the total supply from each connector balance to the caller
IERC20Token connectorToken;
uint256 connectorBalance;
uint256 connectorAmount;
for (uint16 i = 0; i < connectorTokens.length; i++) {
connectorToken = connectorTokens[i];
connectorBalance = getConnectorBalance(connectorToken);
connectorAmount = _amount.mul(connectorBalance).div(supply);
// update virtual balance if relevant
Connector storage connector = connectors[connectorToken];
if (connector.isVirtualBalanceEnabled)
connector.virtualBalance = connector.virtualBalance.sub(connectorAmount);
// transfer funds to the caller in the connector token
// the transfer might fail if the actual connector balance is smaller than the virtual balance
ensureTransfer(connectorToken, msg.sender, connectorAmount);
// dispatch price data update for the smart token/connector
emit PriceDataUpdate(connectorToken, supply - _amount, connectorBalance - connectorAmount, connector.weight);
@dev deprecated, backward compatibility
function change(IERC20Token _fromToken, IERC20Token _toToken, uint256 _amount, uint256 _minReturn) public returns (uint256) {
return convertInternal(_fromToken, _toToken, _amount, _minReturn);
@dev helper, dispatches the Conversion event
@param _fromToken ERC20 token to convert from
@param _toToken ERC20 token to convert to
@param _amount amount purchased/sold (in the source token)
@param _returnAmount amount returned (in the target token)
function dispatchConversionEvent(IERC20Token _fromToken, IERC20Token _toToken, uint256 _amount, uint256 _returnAmount, uint256 _feeAmount) private {
// fee amount is converted to 255 bits -
// negative amount means the fee is taken from the source token, positive amount means its taken from the target token
// currently the fee is always taken from the target token
// since we convert it to a signed number, we first ensure that it's capped at 255 bits to prevent overflow
assert(_feeAmount <= 2 ** 255);
emit Conversion(_fromToken, _toToken, msg.sender, _amount, _returnAmount, int256(_feeAmount));
"compilationTarget": {
"BancorConverter.sol": "BancorConverter"
"evmVersion": "byzantium",
"libraries": {},
"optimizer": {
"enabled": true,
"runs": 200
"remappings": []