// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
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pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
/// @title Interface of Threshold Network staking contract
/// @notice The staking contract enables T owners to have their wallets offline
/// and their stake managed by providers on their behalf. All off-chain
/// client software should be able to run without exposing provider’s
/// private key and should not require any owner’s keys at all.
/// The stake delegation optimizes the network throughput without
/// compromising the security of the owners’ stake.
interface IStaking {
enum StakeType {
// Delegating a stake
/// @notice Creates a delegation with `msg.sender` owner with the given
/// provider, beneficiary, and authorizer. Transfers the given
/// amount of T to the staking contract.
/// @dev The owner of the delegation needs to have the amount approved to
/// transfer to the staking contract.
function stake(
address stakingProvider,
address payable beneficiary,
address authorizer,
uint96 amount
) external;
/// @notice Copies delegation from the legacy KEEP staking contract to T
/// staking contract. No tokens are transferred. Caches the active
/// stake amount from KEEP staking contract. Can be called by
/// anyone.
function stakeKeep(address stakingProvider) external;
/// @notice Copies delegation from the legacy NU staking contract to T
/// staking contract, additionally appointing beneficiary and
/// authorizer roles. Caches the amount staked in NU staking
/// contract. Can be called only by the original delegation owner.
function stakeNu(
address stakingProvider,
address payable beneficiary,
address authorizer
) external;
/// @notice Refresh Keep stake owner. Can be called only by the old owner.
function refreshKeepStakeOwner(address stakingProvider) external;
/// @notice Allows the Governance to set the minimum required stake amount.
/// This amount is required to protect against griefing the staking
/// contract and individual applications are allowed to require
/// higher minimum stakes if necessary.
function setMinimumStakeAmount(uint96 amount) external;
// Authorizing an application
/// @notice Allows the Governance to approve the particular application
/// before individual stake authorizers are able to authorize it.
function approveApplication(address application) external;
/// @notice Increases the authorization of the given provider for the given
/// application by the given amount. Can only be called by the given
/// provider’s authorizer.
/// @dev Calls `authorizationIncreased(address stakingProvider, uint256 amount)`
/// on the given application to notify the application about
/// authorization change. See `IApplication`.
function increaseAuthorization(
address stakingProvider,
address application,
uint96 amount
) external;
/// @notice Requests decrease of the authorization for the given provider on
/// the given application by the provided amount.
/// It may not change the authorized amount immediatelly. When
/// it happens depends on the application. Can only be called by the
/// given provider’s authorizer. Overwrites pending authorization
/// decrease for the given provider and application.
/// @dev Calls `authorizationDecreaseRequested(address stakingProvider, uint256 amount)`
/// on the given application. See `IApplication`.
function requestAuthorizationDecrease(
address stakingProvider,
address application,
uint96 amount
) external;
/// @notice Requests decrease of all authorizations for the given provider on
/// the applications by all authorized amount.
/// It may not change the authorized amount immediatelly. When
/// it happens depends on the application. Can only be called by the
/// given provider’s authorizer. Overwrites pending authorization
/// decrease for the given provider and application.
/// @dev Calls `authorizationDecreaseRequested(address stakingProvider, uint256 amount)`
/// for each authorized application. See `IApplication`.
function requestAuthorizationDecrease(address stakingProvider) external;
/// @notice Called by the application at its discretion to approve the
/// previously requested authorization decrease request. Can only be
/// called by the application that was previously requested to
/// decrease the authorization for that provider.
/// Returns resulting authorized amount for the application.
function approveAuthorizationDecrease(address stakingProvider)
returns (uint96);
/// @notice Decreases the authorization for the given `stakingProvider` on
/// the given disabled `application`, for all authorized amount.
/// Can be called by anyone.
function forceDecreaseAuthorization(
address stakingProvider,
address application
) external;
/// @notice Pauses the given application’s eligibility to slash stakes.
/// Besides that stakers can't change authorization to the application.
/// Can be called only by the Panic Button of the particular
/// application. The paused application can not slash stakes until
/// it is approved again by the Governance using `approveApplication`
/// function. Should be used only in case of an emergency.
function pauseApplication(address application) external;
/// @notice Disables the given application. The disabled application can't
/// slash stakers. Also stakers can't increase authorization to that
/// application but can decrease without waiting by calling
/// `requestAuthorizationDecrease` at any moment. Can be called only
/// by the governance. The disabled application can't be approved
/// again. Should be used only in case of an emergency.
function disableApplication(address application) external;
/// @notice Sets the Panic Button role for the given application to the
/// provided address. Can only be called by the Governance. If the
/// Panic Button for the given application should be disabled, the
/// role address should be set to 0x0 address.
function setPanicButton(address application, address panicButton) external;
/// @notice Sets the maximum number of applications one provider can
/// authorize. Used to protect against DoSing slashing queue.
/// Can only be called by the Governance.
function setAuthorizationCeiling(uint256 ceiling) external;
// Stake top-up
/// @notice Increases the amount of the stake for the given provider.
/// Can be called only by the owner or provider.
/// @dev The sender of this transaction needs to have the amount approved to
/// transfer to the staking contract.
function topUp(address stakingProvider, uint96 amount) external;
/// @notice Propagates information about stake top-up from the legacy KEEP
/// staking contract to T staking contract. Can be called only by
/// the owner or provider.
function topUpKeep(address stakingProvider) external;
/// @notice Propagates information about stake top-up from the legacy NU
/// staking contract to T staking contract. Can be called only by
/// the owner or provider.
function topUpNu(address stakingProvider) external;
// Undelegating a stake (unstaking)
/// @notice Reduces the liquid T stake amount by the provided amount and
/// withdraws T to the owner. Reverts if there is at least one
/// authorization higher than the sum of the legacy stake and
/// remaining liquid T stake or if the unstake amount is higher than
/// the liquid T stake amount. Can be called only by the owner or
/// provider.
function unstakeT(address stakingProvider, uint96 amount) external;
/// @notice Sets the legacy KEEP staking contract active stake amount cached
/// in T staking contract to 0. Reverts if the amount of liquid T
/// staked in T staking contract is lower than the highest
/// application authorization. This function allows to unstake from
/// KEEP staking contract and still being able to operate in T
/// network and earning rewards based on the liquid T staked. Can be
/// called only by the delegation owner and provider.
function unstakeKeep(address stakingProvider) external;
/// @notice Reduces cached legacy NU stake amount by the provided amount.
/// Reverts if there is at least one authorization higher than the
/// sum of remaining legacy NU stake and liquid T stake for that
/// provider or if the untaked amount is higher than the cached
/// legacy stake amount. If succeeded, the legacy NU stake can be
/// partially or fully undelegated on the legacy staking contract.
/// This function allows to unstake from NU staking contract and
/// still being able to operate in T network and earning rewards
/// based on the liquid T staked. Can be called only by the
/// delegation owner and provider.
function unstakeNu(address stakingProvider, uint96 amount) external;
/// @notice Sets cached legacy stake amount to 0, sets the liquid T stake
/// amount to 0 and withdraws all liquid T from the stake to the
/// owner. Reverts if there is at least one non-zero authorization.
/// Can be called only by the delegation owner and provider.
function unstakeAll(address stakingProvider) external;
// Keeping information in sync
/// @notice Notifies about the discrepancy between legacy KEEP active stake
/// and the amount cached in T staking contract. Slashes the provider
/// in case the amount cached is higher than the actual active stake
/// amount in KEEP staking contract. Needs to update authorizations
/// of all affected applications and execute an involuntary
/// allocation decrease on all affected applications. Can be called
/// by anyone, notifier receives a reward.
function notifyKeepStakeDiscrepancy(address stakingProvider) external;
/// @notice Notifies about the discrepancy between legacy NU active stake
/// and the amount cached in T staking contract. Slashes the
/// provider in case the amount cached is higher than the actual
/// active stake amount in NU staking contract. Needs to update
/// authorizations of all affected applications and execute an
/// involuntary allocation decrease on all affected applications.
/// Can be called by anyone, notifier receives a reward.
function notifyNuStakeDiscrepancy(address stakingProvider) external;
/// @notice Sets the penalty amount for stake discrepancy and reward
/// multiplier for reporting it. The penalty is seized from the
/// provider account, and 5% of the penalty, scaled by the
/// multiplier, is given to the notifier. The rest of the tokens are
/// burned. Can only be called by the Governance. See `seize` function.
function setStakeDiscrepancyPenalty(
uint96 penalty,
uint256 rewardMultiplier
) external;
/// @notice Sets reward in T tokens for notification of misbehaviour
/// of one provider. Can only be called by the governance.
function setNotificationReward(uint96 reward) external;
/// @notice Transfer some amount of T tokens as reward for notifications
/// of misbehaviour
function pushNotificationReward(uint96 reward) external;
/// @notice Withdraw some amount of T tokens from notifiers treasury.
/// Can only be called by the governance.
function withdrawNotificationReward(address recipient, uint96 amount)
/// @notice Adds providers to the slashing queue along with the amount that
/// should be slashed from each one of them. Can only be called by
/// application authorized for all providers in the array.
function slash(uint96 amount, address[] memory stakingProviders) external;
/// @notice Adds providers to the slashing queue along with the amount.
/// The notifier will receive reward per each provider from
/// notifiers treasury. Can only be called by application
/// authorized for all providers in the array.
function seize(
uint96 amount,
uint256 rewardMultipier,
address notifier,
address[] memory stakingProviders
) external;
/// @notice Takes the given number of queued slashing operations and
/// processes them. Receives 5% of the slashed amount.
/// Executes `involuntaryAllocationDecrease` function on each
/// affected application.
function processSlashing(uint256 count) external;
// Auxiliary functions
/// @notice Returns the authorized stake amount of the provider for the
/// application.
function authorizedStake(address stakingProvider, address application)
returns (uint96);
/// @notice Returns staked amount of T, Keep and Nu for the specified
/// staking provider.
/// @dev All values are in T denomination
function stakes(address stakingProvider)
returns (
uint96 tStake,
uint96 keepInTStake,
uint96 nuInTStake
/// @notice Returns start staking timestamp for T/NU stake.
/// @dev This value is set at most once, and only when a stake is created
/// with T or NU tokens. If a stake is created from a legacy KEEP
/// stake, this value will remain as zero
function getStartStakingTimestamp(address stakingProvider)
returns (uint256);
/// @notice Returns staked amount of NU for the specified provider
function stakedNu(address stakingProvider) external view returns (uint256);
/// @notice Gets the stake owner, the beneficiary and the authorizer
/// for the specified provider address.
/// @return owner Stake owner address.
/// @return beneficiary Beneficiary address.
/// @return authorizer Authorizer address.
function rolesOf(address stakingProvider)
returns (
address owner,
address payable beneficiary,
address authorizer
/// @notice Returns length of application array
function getApplicationsLength() external view returns (uint256);
/// @notice Returns length of slashing queue
function getSlashingQueueLength() external view returns (uint256);
/// @notice Returns minimum possible stake for T, KEEP or NU in T denomination
/// @dev For example, suppose the given provider has 10 T, 20 T worth
/// of KEEP, and 30 T worth of NU all staked, and the maximum
/// application authorization is 40 T, then `getMinStaked` for
/// that provider returns:
/// * 0 T if KEEP stake type specified i.e.
/// min = 40 T max - (10 T + 30 T worth of NU) = 0 T
/// * 10 T if NU stake type specified i.e.
/// min = 40 T max - (10 T + 20 T worth of KEEP) = 10 T
/// * 0 T if T stake type specified i.e.
/// min = 40 T max - (20 T worth of KEEP + 30 T worth of NU) < 0 T
/// In other words, the minimum stake amount for the specified
/// stake type is the minimum amount of stake of the given type
/// needed to satisfy the maximum application authorization given
/// the staked amounts of the other stake types for that provider.
function getMinStaked(address stakingProvider, StakeType stakeTypes)
returns (uint96);
/// @notice Returns available amount to authorize for the specified application
function getAvailableToAuthorize(
address stakingProvider,
address application
) external view returns (uint96);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "IStaking.sol";
* @title PRE Application
* @notice Contract handles PRE configuration
contract SimplePREApplication {
* @notice Signals that an operator was bonded to the staking provider
* @param stakingProvider Staking provider address
* @param operator Operator address
* @param startTimestamp Timestamp bonding occurred
event OperatorBonded(address indexed stakingProvider, address indexed operator, uint256 startTimestamp);
* @notice Signals that an operator address is confirmed
* @param stakingProvider Staking provider address
* @param operator Operator address
event OperatorConfirmed(address indexed stakingProvider, address indexed operator);
struct StakingProviderInfo {
address operator;
bool operatorConfirmed;
uint256 operatorStartTimestamp;
uint256 public immutable minAuthorization;
uint256 public immutable minOperatorSeconds;
IStaking public immutable tStaking;
mapping (address => StakingProviderInfo) public stakingProviderInfo;
address[] public stakingProviders;
mapping(address => address) internal _stakingProviderFromOperator;
* @notice Constructor sets address of token contract and parameters for staking
* @param _tStaking T token staking contract
* @param _minAuthorization Amount of minimum allowable authorization
* @param _minOperatorSeconds Min amount of seconds while an operator can't be changed
IStaking _tStaking,
uint256 _minAuthorization,
uint256 _minOperatorSeconds
) {
_tStaking.authorizedStake(address(this), address(this)) == 0,
"Wrong input parameters"
minAuthorization = _minAuthorization;
tStaking = _tStaking;
minOperatorSeconds = _minOperatorSeconds;
* @dev Checks caller is a staking provider or stake owner
modifier onlyOwnerOrStakingProvider(address _stakingProvider)
require(isAuthorized(_stakingProvider), "Not owner or provider");
if (_stakingProvider != msg.sender) {
(address owner,,) = tStaking.rolesOf(_stakingProvider);
require(owner == msg.sender, "Not owner or provider");
* @notice Returns staking provider for specified operator
function stakingProviderFromOperator(address _operator) public view returns (address) {
return _stakingProviderFromOperator[_operator];
* @notice Returns operator for specified staking provider
function getOperatorFromStakingProvider(address _stakingProvider) public view returns (address) {
return stakingProviderInfo[_stakingProvider].operator;
* @notice Get all tokens delegated to the staking provider
function authorizedStake(address _stakingProvider) public view returns (uint96) {
(uint96 tStake, uint96 keepInTStake, uint96 nuInTStake) = tStaking.stakes(_stakingProvider);
return tStake + keepInTStake + nuInTStake;
* @notice Get the value of authorized tokens for active providers as well as providers and their authorized tokens
* @param _startIndex Start index for looking in providers array
* @param _maxStakingProviders Max providers for looking, if set 0 then all will be used
* @return allAuthorizedTokens Sum of authorized tokens for active providers
* @return activeStakingProviders Array of providers and their authorized tokens.
* Providers addresses stored as uint256
* @dev Note that activeStakingProviders[0] is an array of uint256, but you want addresses.
* Careful when used directly!
function getActiveStakingProviders(uint256 _startIndex, uint256 _maxStakingProviders)
external view returns (uint256 allAuthorizedTokens, uint256[2][] memory activeStakingProviders)
uint256 endIndex = stakingProviders.length;
require(_startIndex < endIndex, "Wrong start index");
if (_maxStakingProviders != 0 && _startIndex + _maxStakingProviders < endIndex) {
endIndex = _startIndex + _maxStakingProviders;
activeStakingProviders = new uint256[2][](endIndex - _startIndex);
allAuthorizedTokens = 0;
uint256 resultIndex = 0;
for (uint256 i = _startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
address stakingProvider = stakingProviders[i];
StakingProviderInfo storage info = stakingProviderInfo[stakingProvider];
uint256 eligibleAmount = authorizedStake(stakingProvider);
if (eligibleAmount < minAuthorization || !info.operatorConfirmed) {
activeStakingProviders[resultIndex][0] = uint256(uint160(stakingProvider));
activeStakingProviders[resultIndex++][1] = eligibleAmount;
allAuthorizedTokens += eligibleAmount;
assembly {
mstore(activeStakingProviders, resultIndex)
* @notice Returns beneficiary related to the staking provider
function getBeneficiary(address _stakingProvider) public view returns (address payable beneficiary) {
(, beneficiary,) = tStaking.rolesOf(_stakingProvider);
* @notice Returns true if staking provider has authorized stake to this application
function isAuthorized(address _stakingProvider) public view returns (bool) {
return authorizedStake(_stakingProvider) >= minAuthorization;
* @notice Returns true if operator has confirmed address
// TODO maybe _stakingProvider instead of _operator as input?
function isOperatorConfirmed(address _operator) public view returns (bool) {
address stakingProvider = _stakingProviderFromOperator[_operator];
StakingProviderInfo storage info = stakingProviderInfo[stakingProvider];
return info.operatorConfirmed;
* @notice Return the length of the array of staking providers
function getStakingProvidersLength() external view returns (uint256) {
return stakingProviders.length;
* @notice Bond operator
* @param _stakingProvider Staking provider address
* @param _operator Operator address. Must be a real address, not a contract
function bondOperator(address _stakingProvider, address _operator)
external onlyOwnerOrStakingProvider(_stakingProvider)
StakingProviderInfo storage info = stakingProviderInfo[_stakingProvider];
require(_operator != info.operator, "Specified operator is already bonded with this provider");
// If this staker had an operator ...
if (info.operator != address(0)) {
block.timestamp >= info.operatorStartTimestamp + minOperatorSeconds,
"Not enough time passed to change operator"
// Remove the old relation "operator->stakingProvider"
_stakingProviderFromOperator[info.operator] = address(0);
if (_operator != address(0)) {
require(_stakingProviderFromOperator[_operator] == address(0), "Specified operator is already in use");
_operator == _stakingProvider || getBeneficiary(_operator) == address(0),
"Specified operator is a provider"
// Set new operator->stakingProvider relation
_stakingProviderFromOperator[_operator] = _stakingProvider;
if (info.operatorStartTimestamp == 0) {
// Bond new operator (or unbond if _operator == address(0))
info.operator = _operator;
info.operatorStartTimestamp = block.timestamp;
info.operatorConfirmed = false;
emit OperatorBonded(_stakingProvider, _operator, block.timestamp);
* @notice Make a confirmation by operator
function confirmOperatorAddress() external {
address stakingProvider = _stakingProviderFromOperator[msg.sender];
require(isAuthorized(stakingProvider), "No stake associated with the operator");
StakingProviderInfo storage info = stakingProviderInfo[stakingProvider];
require(!info.operatorConfirmed, "Operator address is already confirmed");
require(msg.sender == tx.origin, "Only operator with real address can make a confirmation");
info.operatorConfirmed = true;
emit OperatorConfirmed(stakingProvider, msg.sender);
"compilationTarget": {
"SimplePREApplication.sol": "SimplePREApplication"
"evmVersion": "london",
"libraries": {},
"metadata": {
"bytecodeHash": "ipfs"
"optimizer": {
"enabled": true,
"runs": 200
"remappings": []
[{"inputs":[{"internalType":"contract IStaking","name":"_tStaking","type":"address"},{"internalType":"uint256","name":"_minAuthorization","type":"uint256"},{"internalType":"uint256","name":"_minOperatorSeconds","type":"uint256"}],"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"constructor"},{"anonymous":false,"inputs":[{"indexed":true,"internalType":"address","name":"stakingProvider","type":"address"},{"indexed":true,"internalType":"address","name":"operator","type":"address"},{"indexed":false,"internalType":"uint256","name":"startTimestamp","type":"uint256"}],"name":"OperatorBonded","type":"event"},{"anonymous":false,"inputs":[{"indexed":true,"internalType":"address","name":"stakingProvider","type":"address"},{"indexed":true,"internalType":"address","name":"operator","type":"address"}],"name":"OperatorConfirmed","type":"event"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"_stakingProvider","type":"address"}],"name":"authorizedStake","outputs":[{"internalType":"uint96","name":"","type":"uint96"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"_stakingProvider","type":"address"},{"internalType":"address","name":"_operator","type":"address"}],"name":"bondOperator","outputs":[],"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"},{"inputs":[],"name":"confirmOperatorAddress","outputs":[],"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"uint256","name":"_startIndex","type":"uint256"},{"internalType":"uint256","name":"_maxStakingProviders","type":"uint256"}],"name":"getActiveStakingProviders","outputs":[{"internalType":"uint256","name":"allAuthorizedTokens","type":"uint256"},{"internalType":"uint256[2][]","name":"activeStakingProviders","type":"uint256[2][]"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"_stakingProvider","type":"address"}],"name":"getBeneficiary","outputs":[{"internalType":"address payable","name":"beneficiary","type":"address"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"_stakingProvider","type":"address"}],"name":"getOperatorFromStakingProvider","outputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"","type":"address"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"inputs":[],"name":"getStakingProvidersLength","outputs":[{"internalType":"uint256","name":"","type":"uint256"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"_stakingProvider","type":"address"}],"name":"isAuthorized","outputs":[{"internalType":"bool","name":"","type":"bool"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"_operator","type":"address"}],"name":"isOperatorConfirmed","outputs":[{"internalType":"bool","name":"","type":"bool"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"inputs":[],"name":"minAuthorization","outputs":[{"internalType":"uint256","name":"","type":"uint256"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"inputs":[],"name":"minOperatorSeconds","outputs":[{"internalType":"uint256","name":"","type":"uint256"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"_operator","type":"address"}],"name":"stakingProviderFromOperator","outputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"","type":"address"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"","type":"address"}],"name":"stakingProviderInfo","outputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"operator","type":"address"},{"internalType":"bool","name":"operatorConfirmed","type":"bool"},{"internalType":"uint256","name":"operatorStartTimestamp","type":"uint256"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"uint256","name":"","type":"uint256"}],"name":"stakingProviders","outputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"","type":"address"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"inputs":[],"name":"tStaking","outputs":[{"internalType":"contract IStaking","name":"","type":"address"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"}]