pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
* @title ERC165
* @dev
interface ERC165 {
* @notice Query if a contract implements an interface
* @param _interfaceId The interface identifier, as specified in ERC-165
* @dev Interface identification is specified in ERC-165. This function
* uses less than 30,000 gas.
function supportsInterface(bytes4 _interfaceId)
returns (bool);
// contract that uses the Azimuth data contract
* @title Ownable
* @dev The Ownable contract has an owner address, and provides basic authorization control
* functions, this simplifies the implementation of "user permissions".
contract Ownable {
address public owner;
event OwnershipRenounced(address indexed previousOwner);
event OwnershipTransferred(
address indexed previousOwner,
address indexed newOwner
* @dev The Ownable constructor sets the original `owner` of the contract to the sender
* account.
constructor() public {
owner = msg.sender;
* @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner.
modifier onlyOwner() {
require(msg.sender == owner);
* @dev Allows the current owner to relinquish control of the contract.
* @notice Renouncing to ownership will leave the contract without an owner.
* It will not be possible to call the functions with the `onlyOwner`
* modifier anymore.
function renounceOwnership() public onlyOwner {
emit OwnershipRenounced(owner);
owner = address(0);
* @dev Allows the current owner to transfer control of the contract to a newOwner.
* @param _newOwner The address to transfer ownership to.
function transferOwnership(address _newOwner) public onlyOwner {
* @dev Transfers control of the contract to a newOwner.
* @param _newOwner The address to transfer ownership to.
function _transferOwnership(address _newOwner) internal {
require(_newOwner != address(0));
emit OwnershipTransferred(owner, _newOwner);
owner = _newOwner;
// the azimuth data store
// Azimuth: point state data contract
// This contract is used for storing all data related to Azimuth points
// and their ownership. Consider this contract the Azimuth ledger.
// It also contains permissions data, which ties in to ERC721
// functionality. Operators of an address are allowed to transfer
// ownership of all points owned by their associated address
// (ERC721's approveAll()). A transfer proxy is allowed to transfer
// ownership of a single point (ERC721's approve()).
// Separate from ERC721 are managers, assigned per point. They are
// allowed to perform "low-impact" operations on the owner's points,
// like configuring public keys and making escape requests.
// Since data stores are difficult to upgrade, this contract contains
// as little actual business logic as possible. Instead, the data stored
// herein can only be modified by this contract's owner, which can be
// changed and is thus upgradable/replaceable.
// This contract will be owned by the Ecliptic contract.
contract Azimuth is Ownable
// Events
// OwnerChanged: :point is now owned by :owner
event OwnerChanged(uint32 indexed point, address indexed owner);
// Activated: :point is now active
event Activated(uint32 indexed point);
// Spawned: :prefix has spawned :child
event Spawned(uint32 indexed prefix, uint32 indexed child);
// EscapeRequested: :point has requested a new :sponsor
event EscapeRequested(uint32 indexed point, uint32 indexed sponsor);
// EscapeCanceled: :point's :sponsor request was canceled or rejected
event EscapeCanceled(uint32 indexed point, uint32 indexed sponsor);
// EscapeAccepted: :point confirmed with a new :sponsor
event EscapeAccepted(uint32 indexed point, uint32 indexed sponsor);
// LostSponsor: :point's :sponsor is now refusing it service
event LostSponsor(uint32 indexed point, uint32 indexed sponsor);
// ChangedKeys: :point has new network public keys
event ChangedKeys( uint32 indexed point,
bytes32 encryptionKey,
bytes32 authenticationKey,
uint32 cryptoSuiteVersion,
uint32 keyRevisionNumber );
// BrokeContinuity: :point has a new continuity number, :number
event BrokeContinuity(uint32 indexed point, uint32 number);
// ChangedSpawnProxy: :spawnProxy can now spawn using :point
event ChangedSpawnProxy(uint32 indexed point, address indexed spawnProxy);
// ChangedTransferProxy: :transferProxy can now transfer ownership of :point
event ChangedTransferProxy( uint32 indexed point,
address indexed transferProxy );
// ChangedManagementProxy: :managementProxy can now manage :point
event ChangedManagementProxy( uint32 indexed point,
address indexed managementProxy );
// ChangedVotingProxy: :votingProxy can now vote using :point
event ChangedVotingProxy(uint32 indexed point, address indexed votingProxy);
// ChangedDns: dnsDomains have been updated
event ChangedDns(string primary, string secondary, string tertiary);
// Structures
// Size: kinds of points registered on-chain
// NOTE: the order matters, because of Solidity enum numbering
enum Size
Galaxy, // = 0
Star, // = 1
Planet // = 2
// Point: state of a point
// While the ordering of the struct members is semantically chaotic,
// they are ordered to tightly pack them into Ethereum's 32-byte storage
// slots, which reduces gas costs for some function calls.
// The comment ticks indicate assumed slot boundaries.
struct Point
// encryptionKey: (curve25519) encryption public key, or 0 for none
bytes32 encryptionKey;
// authenticationKey: (ed25519) authentication public key, or 0 for none
bytes32 authenticationKey;
// spawned: for stars and galaxies, all :active children
uint32[] spawned;
// hasSponsor: true if the sponsor still supports the point
bool hasSponsor;
// active: whether point can be linked
// false: point belongs to prefix, cannot be configured or linked
// true: point no longer belongs to prefix, can be configured and linked
bool active;
// escapeRequested: true if the point has requested to change sponsors
bool escapeRequested;
// sponsor: the point that supports this one on the network, or,
// if :hasSponsor is false, the last point that supported it.
// (by default, the point's half-width prefix)
uint32 sponsor;
// escapeRequestedTo: if :escapeRequested is true, new sponsor requested
uint32 escapeRequestedTo;
// cryptoSuiteVersion: version of the crypto suite used for the pubkeys
uint32 cryptoSuiteVersion;
// keyRevisionNumber: incremented every time the public keys change
uint32 keyRevisionNumber;
// continuityNumber: incremented to indicate network-side state loss
uint32 continuityNumber;
// Deed: permissions for a point
struct Deed
// owner: address that owns this point
address owner;
// managementProxy: 0, or another address with the right to perform
// low-impact, managerial operations on this point
address managementProxy;
// spawnProxy: 0, or another address with the right to spawn children
// of this point
address spawnProxy;
// votingProxy: 0, or another address with the right to vote as this point
address votingProxy;
// transferProxy: 0, or another address with the right to transfer
// ownership of this point
address transferProxy;
// General state
// points: per point, general network-relevant point state
mapping(uint32 => Point) public points;
// rights: per point, on-chain ownership and permissions
mapping(uint32 => Deed) public rights;
// operators: per owner, per address, has the right to transfer ownership
// of all the owner's points (ERC721)
mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) public operators;
// dnsDomains: base domains for contacting galaxies
// dnsDomains[0] is primary, the others are used as fallbacks
string[3] public dnsDomains;
// Lookups
// sponsoring: per point, the points they are sponsoring
mapping(uint32 => uint32[]) public sponsoring;
// sponsoringIndexes: per point, per point, (index + 1) in
// the sponsoring array
mapping(uint32 => mapping(uint32 => uint256)) public sponsoringIndexes;
// escapeRequests: per point, the points they have open escape requests from
mapping(uint32 => uint32[]) public escapeRequests;
// escapeRequestsIndexes: per point, per point, (index + 1) in
// the escapeRequests array
mapping(uint32 => mapping(uint32 => uint256)) public escapeRequestsIndexes;
// pointsOwnedBy: per address, the points they own
mapping(address => uint32[]) public pointsOwnedBy;
// pointOwnerIndexes: per owner, per point, (index + 1) in
// the pointsOwnedBy array
// We delete owners by moving the last entry in the array to the
// newly emptied slot, which is (n - 1) where n is the value of
// pointOwnerIndexes[owner][point].
mapping(address => mapping(uint32 => uint256)) public pointOwnerIndexes;
// managerFor: per address, the points they are the management proxy for
mapping(address => uint32[]) public managerFor;
// managerForIndexes: per address, per point, (index + 1) in
// the managerFor array
mapping(address => mapping(uint32 => uint256)) public managerForIndexes;
// spawningFor: per address, the points they can spawn with
mapping(address => uint32[]) public spawningFor;
// spawningForIndexes: per address, per point, (index + 1) in
// the spawningFor array
mapping(address => mapping(uint32 => uint256)) public spawningForIndexes;
// votingFor: per address, the points they can vote with
mapping(address => uint32[]) public votingFor;
// votingForIndexes: per address, per point, (index + 1) in
// the votingFor array
mapping(address => mapping(uint32 => uint256)) public votingForIndexes;
// transferringFor: per address, the points they can transfer
mapping(address => uint32[]) public transferringFor;
// transferringForIndexes: per address, per point, (index + 1) in
// the transferringFor array
mapping(address => mapping(uint32 => uint256)) public transferringForIndexes;
// Logic
// constructor(): configure default dns domains
setDnsDomains("", "", "");
// setDnsDomains(): set the base domains used for contacting galaxies
// Note: since a string is really just a byte[], and Solidity can't
// work with two-dimensional arrays yet, we pass in the three
// domains as individual strings.
function setDnsDomains(string _primary, string _secondary, string _tertiary)
dnsDomains[0] = _primary;
dnsDomains[1] = _secondary;
dnsDomains[2] = _tertiary;
emit ChangedDns(_primary, _secondary, _tertiary);
// Point reading
// isActive(): return true if _point is active
function isActive(uint32 _point)
returns (bool equals)
return points[_point].active;
// getKeys(): returns the public keys and their details, as currently
// registered for _point
function getKeys(uint32 _point)
returns (bytes32 crypt, bytes32 auth, uint32 suite, uint32 revision)
Point storage point = points[_point];
return (point.encryptionKey,
// getKeyRevisionNumber(): gets the revision number of _point's current
// public keys
function getKeyRevisionNumber(uint32 _point)
returns (uint32 revision)
return points[_point].keyRevisionNumber;
// hasBeenLinked(): returns true if the point has ever been assigned keys
function hasBeenLinked(uint32 _point)
returns (bool result)
return ( points[_point].keyRevisionNumber > 0 );
// isLive(): returns true if _point currently has keys properly configured
function isLive(uint32 _point)
returns (bool result)
Point storage point = points[_point];
return ( point.encryptionKey != 0 &&
point.authenticationKey != 0 &&
point.cryptoSuiteVersion != 0 );
// getContinuityNumber(): returns _point's current continuity number
function getContinuityNumber(uint32 _point)
returns (uint32 continuityNumber)
return points[_point].continuityNumber;
// getSpawnCount(): return the number of children spawned by _point
function getSpawnCount(uint32 _point)
returns (uint32 spawnCount)
uint256 len = points[_point].spawned.length;
assert(len < 2**32);
return uint32(len);
// getSpawned(): return array of points created under _point
// Note: only useful for clients, as Solidity does not currently
// support returning dynamic arrays.
function getSpawned(uint32 _point)
returns (uint32[] spawned)
return points[_point].spawned;
// hasSponsor(): returns true if _point's sponsor is providing it service
function hasSponsor(uint32 _point)
returns (bool has)
return points[_point].hasSponsor;
// getSponsor(): returns _point's current (or most recent) sponsor
function getSponsor(uint32 _point)
returns (uint32 sponsor)
return points[_point].sponsor;
// isSponsor(): returns true if _sponsor is currently providing service
// to _point
function isSponsor(uint32 _point, uint32 _sponsor)
returns (bool result)
Point storage point = points[_point];
return ( point.hasSponsor &&
(point.sponsor == _sponsor) );
// getSponsoringCount(): returns the number of points _sponsor is
// providing service to
function getSponsoringCount(uint32 _sponsor)
returns (uint256 count)
return sponsoring[_sponsor].length;
// getSponsoring(): returns a list of points _sponsor is providing
// service to
// Note: only useful for clients, as Solidity does not currently
// support returning dynamic arrays.
function getSponsoring(uint32 _sponsor)
returns (uint32[] sponsees)
return sponsoring[_sponsor];
// escaping
// isEscaping(): returns true if _point has an outstanding escape request
function isEscaping(uint32 _point)
returns (bool escaping)
return points[_point].escapeRequested;
// getEscapeRequest(): returns _point's current escape request
// the returned escape request is only valid as long as isEscaping()
// returns true
function getEscapeRequest(uint32 _point)
returns (uint32 escape)
return points[_point].escapeRequestedTo;
// isRequestingEscapeTo(): returns true if _point has an outstanding
// escape request targetting _sponsor
function isRequestingEscapeTo(uint32 _point, uint32 _sponsor)
returns (bool equals)
Point storage point = points[_point];
return (point.escapeRequested && (point.escapeRequestedTo == _sponsor));
// getEscapeRequestsCount(): returns the number of points _sponsor
// is providing service to
function getEscapeRequestsCount(uint32 _sponsor)
returns (uint256 count)
return escapeRequests[_sponsor].length;
// getEscapeRequests(): get the points _sponsor has received escape
// requests from
// Note: only useful for clients, as Solidity does not currently
// support returning dynamic arrays.
function getEscapeRequests(uint32 _sponsor)
returns (uint32[] requests)
return escapeRequests[_sponsor];
// Point writing
// activatePoint(): activate a point, register it as spawned by its prefix
function activatePoint(uint32 _point)
// make a point active, setting its sponsor to its prefix
Point storage point = points[_point];
require(!; = true;
registerSponsor(_point, true, getPrefix(_point));
emit Activated(_point);
// setKeys(): set network public keys of _point to _encryptionKey and
// _authenticationKey, with the specified _cryptoSuiteVersion
function setKeys(uint32 _point,
bytes32 _encryptionKey,
bytes32 _authenticationKey,
uint32 _cryptoSuiteVersion)
Point storage point = points[_point];
if ( point.encryptionKey == _encryptionKey &&
point.authenticationKey == _authenticationKey &&
point.cryptoSuiteVersion == _cryptoSuiteVersion )
point.encryptionKey = _encryptionKey;
point.authenticationKey = _authenticationKey;
point.cryptoSuiteVersion = _cryptoSuiteVersion;
emit ChangedKeys(_point,
// incrementContinuityNumber(): break continuity for _point
function incrementContinuityNumber(uint32 _point)
Point storage point = points[_point];
emit BrokeContinuity(_point, point.continuityNumber);
// registerSpawn(): add a point to its prefix's list of spawned points
function registerSpawned(uint32 _point)
// if a point is its own prefix (a galaxy) then don't register it
uint32 prefix = getPrefix(_point);
if (prefix == _point)
// register a new spawned point for the prefix
emit Spawned(prefix, _point);
// loseSponsor(): indicates that _point's sponsor is no longer providing
// it service
function loseSponsor(uint32 _point)
Point storage point = points[_point];
if (!point.hasSponsor)
registerSponsor(_point, false, point.sponsor);
emit LostSponsor(_point, point.sponsor);
// setEscapeRequest(): for _point, start an escape request to _sponsor
function setEscapeRequest(uint32 _point, uint32 _sponsor)
if (isRequestingEscapeTo(_point, _sponsor))
registerEscapeRequest(_point, true, _sponsor);
emit EscapeRequested(_point, _sponsor);
// cancelEscape(): for _point, stop the current escape request, if any
function cancelEscape(uint32 _point)
Point storage point = points[_point];
if (!point.escapeRequested)
uint32 request = point.escapeRequestedTo;
registerEscapeRequest(_point, false, 0);
emit EscapeCanceled(_point, request);
// doEscape(): perform the requested escape
function doEscape(uint32 _point)
Point storage point = points[_point];
registerSponsor(_point, true, point.escapeRequestedTo);
registerEscapeRequest(_point, false, 0);
emit EscapeAccepted(_point, point.sponsor);
// Point utils
// getPrefix(): compute prefix ("parent") of _point
function getPrefix(uint32 _point)
returns (uint16 prefix)
if (_point < 0x10000)
return uint16(_point % 0x100);
return uint16(_point % 0x10000);
// getPointSize(): return the size of _point
function getPointSize(uint32 _point)
returns (Size _size)
if (_point < 0x100) return Size.Galaxy;
if (_point < 0x10000) return Size.Star;
return Size.Planet;
// internal use
// registerSponsor(): set the sponsorship state of _point and update the
// reverse lookup for sponsors
function registerSponsor(uint32 _point, bool _hasSponsor, uint32 _sponsor)
Point storage point = points[_point];
bool had = point.hasSponsor;
uint32 prev = point.sponsor;
// if we didn't have a sponsor, and won't get one,
// or if we get the sponsor we already have,
// nothing will change, so jump out early.
if ( (!had && !_hasSponsor) ||
(had && _hasSponsor && prev == _sponsor) )
// if the point used to have a different sponsor, do some gymnastics
// to keep the reverse lookup gapless. delete the point from the old
// sponsor's list, then fill that gap with the list tail.
if (had)
// i: current index in previous sponsor's list of sponsored points
uint256 i = sponsoringIndexes[prev][_point];
// we store index + 1, because 0 is the solidity default value
assert(i > 0);
// copy the last item in the list into the now-unused slot,
// making sure to update its :sponsoringIndexes reference
uint32[] storage prevSponsoring = sponsoring[prev];
uint256 last = prevSponsoring.length - 1;
uint32 moved = prevSponsoring[last];
prevSponsoring[i] = moved;
sponsoringIndexes[prev][moved] = i + 1;
// delete the last item
prevSponsoring.length = last;
sponsoringIndexes[prev][_point] = 0;
if (_hasSponsor)
uint32[] storage newSponsoring = sponsoring[_sponsor];
sponsoringIndexes[_sponsor][_point] = newSponsoring.length;
point.sponsor = _sponsor;
point.hasSponsor = _hasSponsor;
// registerEscapeRequest(): set the escape state of _point and update the
// reverse lookup for sponsors
function registerEscapeRequest( uint32 _point,
bool _isEscaping, uint32 _sponsor )
Point storage point = points[_point];
bool was = point.escapeRequested;
uint32 prev = point.escapeRequestedTo;
// if we weren't escaping, and won't be,
// or if we were escaping, and the new target is the same,
// nothing will change, so jump out early.
if ( (!was && !_isEscaping) ||
(was && _isEscaping && prev == _sponsor) )
// if the point used to have a different request, do some gymnastics
// to keep the reverse lookup gapless. delete the point from the old
// sponsor's list, then fill that gap with the list tail.
if (was)
// i: current index in previous sponsor's list of sponsored points
uint256 i = escapeRequestsIndexes[prev][_point];
// we store index + 1, because 0 is the solidity default value
assert(i > 0);
// copy the last item in the list into the now-unused slot,
// making sure to update its :escapeRequestsIndexes reference
uint32[] storage prevRequests = escapeRequests[prev];
uint256 last = prevRequests.length - 1;
uint32 moved = prevRequests[last];
prevRequests[i] = moved;
escapeRequestsIndexes[prev][moved] = i + 1;
// delete the last item
prevRequests.length = last;
escapeRequestsIndexes[prev][_point] = 0;
if (_isEscaping)
uint32[] storage newRequests = escapeRequests[_sponsor];
escapeRequestsIndexes[_sponsor][_point] = newRequests.length;
point.escapeRequestedTo = _sponsor;
point.escapeRequested = _isEscaping;
// Deed reading
// owner
// getOwner(): return owner of _point
function getOwner(uint32 _point)
returns (address owner)
return rights[_point].owner;
// isOwner(): true if _point is owned by _address
function isOwner(uint32 _point, address _address)
returns (bool result)
return (rights[_point].owner == _address);
// getOwnedPointCount(): return length of array of points that _whose owns
function getOwnedPointCount(address _whose)
returns (uint256 count)
return pointsOwnedBy[_whose].length;
// getOwnedPoints(): return array of points that _whose owns
// Note: only useful for clients, as Solidity does not currently
// support returning dynamic arrays.
function getOwnedPoints(address _whose)
returns (uint32[] ownedPoints)
return pointsOwnedBy[_whose];
// getOwnedPointAtIndex(): get point at _index from array of points that
// _whose owns
function getOwnedPointAtIndex(address _whose, uint256 _index)
returns (uint32 point)
uint32[] storage owned = pointsOwnedBy[_whose];
require(_index < owned.length);
return owned[_index];
// management proxy
// getManagementProxy(): returns _point's current management proxy
function getManagementProxy(uint32 _point)
returns (address manager)
return rights[_point].managementProxy;
// isManagementProxy(): returns true if _proxy is _point's management proxy
function isManagementProxy(uint32 _point, address _proxy)
returns (bool result)
return (rights[_point].managementProxy == _proxy);
// canManage(): true if _who is the owner or manager of _point
function canManage(uint32 _point, address _who)
returns (bool result)
Deed storage deed = rights[_point];
return ( (0x0 != _who) &&
( (_who == deed.owner) ||
(_who == deed.managementProxy) ) );
// getManagerForCount(): returns the amount of points _proxy can manage
function getManagerForCount(address _proxy)
returns (uint256 count)
return managerFor[_proxy].length;
// getManagerFor(): returns the points _proxy can manage
// Note: only useful for clients, as Solidity does not currently
// support returning dynamic arrays.
function getManagerFor(address _proxy)
returns (uint32[] mfor)
return managerFor[_proxy];
// spawn proxy
// getSpawnProxy(): returns _point's current spawn proxy
function getSpawnProxy(uint32 _point)
returns (address spawnProxy)
return rights[_point].spawnProxy;
// isSpawnProxy(): returns true if _proxy is _point's spawn proxy
function isSpawnProxy(uint32 _point, address _proxy)
returns (bool result)
return (rights[_point].spawnProxy == _proxy);
// canSpawnAs(): true if _who is the owner or spawn proxy of _point
function canSpawnAs(uint32 _point, address _who)
returns (bool result)
Deed storage deed = rights[_point];
return ( (0x0 != _who) &&
( (_who == deed.owner) ||
(_who == deed.spawnProxy) ) );
// getSpawningForCount(): returns the amount of points _proxy
// can spawn with
function getSpawningForCount(address _proxy)
returns (uint256 count)
return spawningFor[_proxy].length;
// getSpawningFor(): get the points _proxy can spawn with
// Note: only useful for clients, as Solidity does not currently
// support returning dynamic arrays.
function getSpawningFor(address _proxy)
returns (uint32[] sfor)
return spawningFor[_proxy];
// voting proxy
// getVotingProxy(): returns _point's current voting proxy
function getVotingProxy(uint32 _point)
returns (address voter)
return rights[_point].votingProxy;
// isVotingProxy(): returns true if _proxy is _point's voting proxy
function isVotingProxy(uint32 _point, address _proxy)
returns (bool result)
return (rights[_point].votingProxy == _proxy);
// canVoteAs(): true if _who is the owner of _point,
// or the voting proxy of _point's owner
function canVoteAs(uint32 _point, address _who)
returns (bool result)
Deed storage deed = rights[_point];
return ( (0x0 != _who) &&
( (_who == deed.owner) ||
(_who == deed.votingProxy) ) );
// getVotingForCount(): returns the amount of points _proxy can vote as
function getVotingForCount(address _proxy)
returns (uint256 count)
return votingFor[_proxy].length;
// getVotingFor(): returns the points _proxy can vote as
// Note: only useful for clients, as Solidity does not currently
// support returning dynamic arrays.
function getVotingFor(address _proxy)
returns (uint32[] vfor)
return votingFor[_proxy];
// transfer proxy
// getTransferProxy(): returns _point's current transfer proxy
function getTransferProxy(uint32 _point)
returns (address transferProxy)
return rights[_point].transferProxy;
// isTransferProxy(): returns true if _proxy is _point's transfer proxy
function isTransferProxy(uint32 _point, address _proxy)
returns (bool result)
return (rights[_point].transferProxy == _proxy);
// canTransfer(): true if _who is the owner or transfer proxy of _point,
// or is an operator for _point's current owner
function canTransfer(uint32 _point, address _who)
returns (bool result)
Deed storage deed = rights[_point];
return ( (0x0 != _who) &&
( (_who == deed.owner) ||
(_who == deed.transferProxy) ||
operators[deed.owner][_who] ) );
// getTransferringForCount(): returns the amount of points _proxy
// can transfer
function getTransferringForCount(address _proxy)
returns (uint256 count)
return transferringFor[_proxy].length;
// getTransferringFor(): get the points _proxy can transfer
// Note: only useful for clients, as Solidity does not currently
// support returning dynamic arrays.
function getTransferringFor(address _proxy)
returns (uint32[] tfor)
return transferringFor[_proxy];
// isOperator(): returns true if _operator is allowed to transfer
// ownership of _owner's points
function isOperator(address _owner, address _operator)
returns (bool result)
return operators[_owner][_operator];
// Deed writing
// setOwner(): set owner of _point to _owner
// Note: setOwner() only implements the minimal data storage
// logic for a transfer; the full transfer is implemented in
// Ecliptic.
// Note: _owner must not be the zero address.
function setOwner(uint32 _point, address _owner)
// prevent burning of points by making zero the owner
require(0x0 != _owner);
// prev: previous owner, if any
address prev = rights[_point].owner;
if (prev == _owner)
// if the point used to have a different owner, do some gymnastics to
// keep the list of owned points gapless. delete this point from the
// list, then fill that gap with the list tail.
if (0x0 != prev)
// i: current index in previous owner's list of owned points
uint256 i = pointOwnerIndexes[prev][_point];
// we store index + 1, because 0 is the solidity default value
assert(i > 0);
// copy the last item in the list into the now-unused slot,
// making sure to update its :pointOwnerIndexes reference
uint32[] storage owner = pointsOwnedBy[prev];
uint256 last = owner.length - 1;
uint32 moved = owner[last];
owner[i] = moved;
pointOwnerIndexes[prev][moved] = i + 1;
// delete the last item
owner.length = last;
pointOwnerIndexes[prev][_point] = 0;
// update the owner list and the owner's index list
rights[_point].owner = _owner;
pointOwnerIndexes[_owner][_point] = pointsOwnedBy[_owner].length;
emit OwnerChanged(_point, _owner);
// setManagementProxy(): makes _proxy _point's management proxy
function setManagementProxy(uint32 _point, address _proxy)
Deed storage deed = rights[_point];
address prev = deed.managementProxy;
if (prev == _proxy)
// if the point used to have a different manager, do some gymnastics
// to keep the reverse lookup gapless. delete the point from the
// old manager's list, then fill that gap with the list tail.
if (0x0 != prev)
// i: current index in previous manager's list of managed points
uint256 i = managerForIndexes[prev][_point];
// we store index + 1, because 0 is the solidity default value
assert(i > 0);
// copy the last item in the list into the now-unused slot,
// making sure to update its :managerForIndexes reference
uint32[] storage prevMfor = managerFor[prev];
uint256 last = prevMfor.length - 1;
uint32 moved = prevMfor[last];
prevMfor[i] = moved;
managerForIndexes[prev][moved] = i + 1;
// delete the last item
prevMfor.length = last;
managerForIndexes[prev][_point] = 0;
if (0x0 != _proxy)
uint32[] storage mfor = managerFor[_proxy];
managerForIndexes[_proxy][_point] = mfor.length;
deed.managementProxy = _proxy;
emit ChangedManagementProxy(_point, _proxy);
// setSpawnProxy(): makes _proxy _point's spawn proxy
function setSpawnProxy(uint32 _point, address _proxy)
Deed storage deed = rights[_point];
address prev = deed.spawnProxy;
if (prev == _proxy)
// if the point used to have a different spawn proxy, do some
// gymnastics to keep the reverse lookup gapless. delete the point
// from the old proxy's list, then fill that gap with the list tail.
if (0x0 != prev)
// i: current index in previous proxy's list of spawning points
uint256 i = spawningForIndexes[prev][_point];
// we store index + 1, because 0 is the solidity default value
assert(i > 0);
// copy the last item in the list into the now-unused slot,
// making sure to update its :spawningForIndexes reference
uint32[] storage prevSfor = spawningFor[prev];
uint256 last = prevSfor.length - 1;
uint32 moved = prevSfor[last];
prevSfor[i] = moved;
spawningForIndexes[prev][moved] = i + 1;
// delete the last item
prevSfor.length = last;
spawningForIndexes[prev][_point] = 0;
if (0x0 != _proxy)
uint32[] storage sfor = spawningFor[_proxy];
spawningForIndexes[_proxy][_point] = sfor.length;
deed.spawnProxy = _proxy;
emit ChangedSpawnProxy(_point, _proxy);
// setVotingProxy(): makes _proxy _point's voting proxy
function setVotingProxy(uint32 _point, address _proxy)
Deed storage deed = rights[_point];
address prev = deed.votingProxy;
if (prev == _proxy)
// if the point used to have a different voter, do some gymnastics
// to keep the reverse lookup gapless. delete the point from the
// old voter's list, then fill that gap with the list tail.
if (0x0 != prev)
// i: current index in previous voter's list of points it was
// voting for
uint256 i = votingForIndexes[prev][_point];
// we store index + 1, because 0 is the solidity default value
assert(i > 0);
// copy the last item in the list into the now-unused slot,
// making sure to update its :votingForIndexes reference
uint32[] storage prevVfor = votingFor[prev];
uint256 last = prevVfor.length - 1;
uint32 moved = prevVfor[last];
prevVfor[i] = moved;
votingForIndexes[prev][moved] = i + 1;
// delete the last item
prevVfor.length = last;
votingForIndexes[prev][_point] = 0;
if (0x0 != _proxy)
uint32[] storage vfor = votingFor[_proxy];
votingForIndexes[_proxy][_point] = vfor.length;
deed.votingProxy = _proxy;
emit ChangedVotingProxy(_point, _proxy);
// setManagementProxy(): makes _proxy _point's transfer proxy
function setTransferProxy(uint32 _point, address _proxy)
Deed storage deed = rights[_point];
address prev = deed.transferProxy;
if (prev == _proxy)
// if the point used to have a different transfer proxy, do some
// gymnastics to keep the reverse lookup gapless. delete the point
// from the old proxy's list, then fill that gap with the list tail.
if (0x0 != prev)
// i: current index in previous proxy's list of transferable points
uint256 i = transferringForIndexes[prev][_point];
// we store index + 1, because 0 is the solidity default value
assert(i > 0);
// copy the last item in the list into the now-unused slot,
// making sure to update its :transferringForIndexes reference
uint32[] storage prevTfor = transferringFor[prev];
uint256 last = prevTfor.length - 1;
uint32 moved = prevTfor[last];
prevTfor[i] = moved;
transferringForIndexes[prev][moved] = i + 1;
// delete the last item
prevTfor.length = last;
transferringForIndexes[prev][_point] = 0;
if (0x0 != _proxy)
uint32[] storage tfor = transferringFor[_proxy];
transferringForIndexes[_proxy][_point] = tfor.length;
deed.transferProxy = _proxy;
emit ChangedTransferProxy(_point, _proxy);
// setOperator(): dis/allow _operator to transfer ownership of all points
// owned by _owner
// operators are part of the ERC721 standard
function setOperator(address _owner, address _operator, bool _approved)
operators[_owner][_operator] = _approved;
// ReadsAzimuth: referring to and testing against the Azimuth
// data contract
// To avoid needless repetition, this contract provides common
// checks and operations using the Azimuth contract.
contract ReadsAzimuth
// azimuth: points data storage contract.
Azimuth public azimuth;
// constructor(): set the Azimuth data contract's address
constructor(Azimuth _azimuth)
azimuth = _azimuth;
// activePointOwner(): require that :msg.sender is the owner of _point,
// and that _point is active
modifier activePointOwner(uint32 _point)
require( azimuth.isOwner(_point, msg.sender) &&
azimuth.isActive(_point) );
// activePointManager(): require that :msg.sender can manage _point,
// and that _point is active
modifier activePointManager(uint32 _point)
require( azimuth.canManage(_point, msg.sender) &&
azimuth.isActive(_point) );
// bare-bones sample planet sale contract
// the azimuth logic contract
// base contract for the azimuth logic contract
// encapsulates dependencies all ecliptics need.
// the azimuth polls data store
* @title SafeMath8
* @dev Math operations for uint8 with safety checks that throw on error
library SafeMath8 {
function mul(uint8 a, uint8 b) internal pure returns (uint8) {
uint8 c = a * b;
assert(a == 0 || c / a == b);
return c;
function div(uint8 a, uint8 b) internal pure returns (uint8) {
// assert(b > 0); // Solidity automatically throws when dividing by 0
uint8 c = a / b;
// assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold
return c;
function sub(uint8 a, uint8 b) internal pure returns (uint8) {
assert(b <= a);
return a - b;
function add(uint8 a, uint8 b) internal pure returns (uint8) {
uint8 c = a + b;
assert(c >= a);
return c;
* @title SafeMath16
* @dev Math operations for uint16 with safety checks that throw on error
library SafeMath16 {
function mul(uint16 a, uint16 b) internal pure returns (uint16) {
uint16 c = a * b;
assert(a == 0 || c / a == b);
return c;
function div(uint16 a, uint16 b) internal pure returns (uint16) {
// assert(b > 0); // Solidity automatically throws when dividing by 0
uint16 c = a / b;
// assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold
return c;
function sub(uint16 a, uint16 b) internal pure returns (uint16) {
assert(b <= a);
return a - b;
function add(uint16 a, uint16 b) internal pure returns (uint16) {
uint16 c = a + b;
assert(c >= a);
return c;
// Polls: proposals & votes data contract
// This contract is used for storing all data related to the proposals
// of the senate (galaxy owners) and their votes on those proposals.
// It keeps track of votes and uses them to calculate whether a majority
// is in favor of a proposal.
// Every galaxy can only vote on a proposal exactly once. Votes cannot
// be changed. If a proposal fails to achieve majority within its
// duration, it can be restarted after its cooldown period has passed.
// The requirements for a proposal to achieve majority are as follows:
// - At least 1/4 of the currently active voters (rounded down) must have
// voted in favor of the proposal,
// - More than half of the votes cast must be in favor of the proposal,
// and this can no longer change, either because
// - the poll duration has passed, or
// - not enough voters remain to take away the in-favor majority.
// As soon as these conditions are met, no further interaction with
// the proposal is possible. Achieving majority is permanent.
// Since data stores are difficult to upgrade, all of the logic unrelated
// to the voting itself (that is, determining who is eligible to vote)
// is expected to be implemented by this contract's owner.
// This contract will be owned by the Ecliptic contract.
contract Polls is Ownable
using SafeMath for uint256;
using SafeMath16 for uint16;
using SafeMath8 for uint8;
// UpgradePollStarted: a poll on :proposal has opened
event UpgradePollStarted(address proposal);
// DocumentPollStarted: a poll on :proposal has opened
event DocumentPollStarted(bytes32 proposal);
// UpgradeMajority: :proposal has achieved majority
event UpgradeMajority(address proposal);
// DocumentMajority: :proposal has achieved majority
event DocumentMajority(bytes32 proposal);
// Poll: full poll state
struct Poll
// start: the timestamp at which the poll was started
uint256 start;
// voted: per galaxy, whether they have voted on this poll
bool[256] voted;
// yesVotes: amount of votes in favor of the proposal
uint16 yesVotes;
// noVotes: amount of votes against the proposal
uint16 noVotes;
// duration: amount of time during which the poll can be voted on
uint256 duration;
// cooldown: amount of time before the (non-majority) poll can be reopened
uint256 cooldown;
// pollDuration: duration set for new polls. see also Poll.duration above
uint256 public pollDuration;
// pollCooldown: cooldown set for new polls. see also Poll.cooldown above
uint256 public pollCooldown;
// totalVoters: amount of active galaxies
uint16 public totalVoters;
// upgradeProposals: list of all upgrades ever proposed
// this allows clients to discover the existence of polls.
// from there, they can do liveness checks on the polls themselves.
address[] public upgradeProposals;
// upgradePolls: per address, poll held to determine if that address
// will become the new ecliptic
mapping(address => Poll) public upgradePolls;
// upgradeHasAchievedMajority: per address, whether that address
// has ever achieved majority
// If we did not store this, we would have to look at old poll data
// to see whether or not a proposal has ever achieved majority.
// Since the outcome of a poll is calculated based on :totalVoters,
// which may not be consistent across time, we need to store outcomes
// explicitly instead of re-calculating them. This allows us to always
// tell with certainty whether or not a majority was achieved,
// regardless of the current :totalVoters.
mapping(address => bool) public upgradeHasAchievedMajority;
// documentProposals: list of all documents ever proposed
// this allows clients to discover the existence of polls.
// from there, they can do liveness checks on the polls themselves.
bytes32[] public documentProposals;
// documentPolls: per hash, poll held to determine if the corresponding
// document is accepted by the galactic senate
mapping(bytes32 => Poll) public documentPolls;
// documentHasAchievedMajority: per hash, whether that hash has ever
// achieved majority
// the note for upgradeHasAchievedMajority above applies here as well
mapping(bytes32 => bool) public documentHasAchievedMajority;
// documentMajorities: all hashes that have achieved majority
bytes32[] public documentMajorities;
// constructor(): initial contract configuration
constructor(uint256 _pollDuration, uint256 _pollCooldown)
reconfigure(_pollDuration, _pollCooldown);
// reconfigure(): change poll duration and cooldown
function reconfigure(uint256 _pollDuration, uint256 _pollCooldown)
require( (5 days <= _pollDuration) && (_pollDuration <= 90 days) &&
(5 days <= _pollCooldown) && (_pollCooldown <= 90 days) );
pollDuration = _pollDuration;
pollCooldown = _pollCooldown;
// incrementTotalVoters(): increase the amount of registered voters
function incrementTotalVoters()
require(totalVoters < 256);
totalVoters = totalVoters.add(1);
// getAllUpgradeProposals(): return array of all upgrade proposals ever made
// Note: only useful for clients, as Solidity does not currently
// support returning dynamic arrays.
function getUpgradeProposals()
returns (address[] proposals)
return upgradeProposals;
// getUpgradeProposalCount(): get the number of unique proposed upgrades
function getUpgradeProposalCount()
returns (uint256 count)
return upgradeProposals.length;
// getAllDocumentProposals(): return array of all upgrade proposals ever made
// Note: only useful for clients, as Solidity does not currently
// support returning dynamic arrays.
function getDocumentProposals()
returns (bytes32[] proposals)
return documentProposals;
// getDocumentProposalCount(): get the number of unique proposed upgrades
function getDocumentProposalCount()
returns (uint256 count)
return documentProposals.length;
// getDocumentMajorities(): return array of all document majorities
// Note: only useful for clients, as Solidity does not currently
// support returning dynamic arrays.
function getDocumentMajorities()
returns (bytes32[] majorities)
return documentMajorities;
// hasVotedOnUpgradePoll(): returns true if _galaxy has voted
// on the _proposal
function hasVotedOnUpgradePoll(uint8 _galaxy, address _proposal)
returns (bool result)
return upgradePolls[_proposal].voted[_galaxy];
// hasVotedOnDocumentPoll(): returns true if _galaxy has voted
// on the _proposal
function hasVotedOnDocumentPoll(uint8 _galaxy, bytes32 _proposal)
returns (bool result)
return documentPolls[_proposal].voted[_galaxy];
// startUpgradePoll(): open a poll on making _proposal the new ecliptic
function startUpgradePoll(address _proposal)
// _proposal must not have achieved majority before
Poll storage poll = upgradePolls[_proposal];
// if the proposal is being made for the first time, register it.
if (0 == poll.start)
emit UpgradePollStarted(_proposal);
// startDocumentPoll(): open a poll on accepting the document
// whose hash is _proposal
function startDocumentPoll(bytes32 _proposal)
// _proposal must not have achieved majority before
Poll storage poll = documentPolls[_proposal];
// if the proposal is being made for the first time, register it.
if (0 == poll.start)
emit DocumentPollStarted(_proposal);
// startPoll(): open a new poll, or re-open an old one
function startPoll(Poll storage _poll)
// check that the poll has cooled down enough to be started again
// for completely new polls, the values used will be zero
require( block.timestamp > ( _poll.start.add(
_poll.cooldown )) ) );
// set started poll state
_poll.start = block.timestamp;
delete _poll.voted;
_poll.yesVotes = 0;
_poll.noVotes = 0;
_poll.duration = pollDuration;
_poll.cooldown = pollCooldown;
// castUpgradeVote(): as galaxy _as, cast a vote on the _proposal
// _vote is true when in favor of the proposal, false otherwise
function castUpgradeVote(uint8 _as, address _proposal, bool _vote)
returns (bool majority)
Poll storage poll = upgradePolls[_proposal];
processVote(poll, _as, _vote);
return updateUpgradePoll(_proposal);
// castDocumentVote(): as galaxy _as, cast a vote on the _proposal
// _vote is true when in favor of the proposal, false otherwise
function castDocumentVote(uint8 _as, bytes32 _proposal, bool _vote)
returns (bool majority)
Poll storage poll = documentPolls[_proposal];
processVote(poll, _as, _vote);
return updateDocumentPoll(_proposal);
// processVote(): record a vote from _as on the _poll
function processVote(Poll storage _poll, uint8 _as, bool _vote)
// assist symbolic execution tools
assert(block.timestamp >= _poll.start);
require( // may only vote once
!_poll.voted[_as] &&
// may only vote when the poll is open
(block.timestamp < _poll.start.add(_poll.duration)) );
// update poll state to account for the new vote
_poll.voted[_as] = true;
if (_vote)
_poll.yesVotes = _poll.yesVotes.add(1);
_poll.noVotes = _poll.noVotes.add(1);
// updateUpgradePoll(): check whether the _proposal has achieved
// majority, updating state, sending an event,
// and returning true if it has
function updateUpgradePoll(address _proposal)
returns (bool majority)
// _proposal must not have achieved majority before
// check for majority in the poll
Poll storage poll = upgradePolls[_proposal];
majority = checkPollMajority(poll);
// if majority was achieved, update the state and send an event
if (majority)
upgradeHasAchievedMajority[_proposal] = true;
emit UpgradeMajority(_proposal);
return majority;
// updateDocumentPoll(): check whether the _proposal has achieved majority,
// updating the state and sending an event if it has
// this can be called by anyone, because the ecliptic does not
// need to be aware of the result
function updateDocumentPoll(bytes32 _proposal)
returns (bool majority)
// _proposal must not have achieved majority before
// check for majority in the poll
Poll storage poll = documentPolls[_proposal];
majority = checkPollMajority(poll);
// if majority was achieved, update state and send an event
if (majority)
documentHasAchievedMajority[_proposal] = true;
emit DocumentMajority(_proposal);
return majority;
// checkPollMajority(): returns true if the majority is in favor of
// the subject of the poll
function checkPollMajority(Poll _poll)
returns (bool majority)
return ( // poll must have at least the minimum required yes-votes
(_poll.yesVotes >= (totalVoters / 4)) &&
// and have a majority...
(_poll.yesVotes > _poll.noVotes) &&
// ...that is indisputable
( // either because the poll has ended
(block.timestamp > _poll.start.add(_poll.duration)) ||
// or there are more yes votes than there can be no votes
( _poll.yesVotes > totalVoters.sub(_poll.yesVotes) ) ) );
// EclipticBase: upgradable ecliptic
// This contract implements the upgrade logic for the Ecliptic.
// Newer versions of the Ecliptic are expected to provide at least
// the onUpgrade() function. If they don't, upgrading to them will
// fail.
// Note that even though this contract doesn't specify any required
// interface members aside from upgrade() and onUpgrade(), contracts
// and clients may still rely on the presence of certain functions
// provided by the Ecliptic proper. Keep this in mind when writing
// new versions of it.
contract EclipticBase is Ownable, ReadsAzimuth
// Upgraded: _to is the new canonical Ecliptic
event Upgraded(address to);
// polls: senate voting contract
Polls public polls;
// previousEcliptic: address of the previous ecliptic this
// instance expects to upgrade from, stored and
// checked for to prevent unexpected upgrade paths
address public previousEcliptic;
constructor( address _previous,
Azimuth _azimuth,
Polls _polls )
previousEcliptic = _previous;
polls = _polls;
// onUpgrade(): called by previous ecliptic when upgrading
// in future ecliptics, this might perform more logic than
// just simple checks and verifications.
// when overriding this, make sure to call this original as well.
function onUpgrade()
// make sure this is the expected upgrade path,
// and that we have gotten the ownership we require
require( msg.sender == previousEcliptic &&
this == azimuth.owner() &&
this == polls.owner() );
// upgrade(): transfer ownership of the ecliptic data to the new
// ecliptic contract, notify it, then self-destruct.
// Note: any eth that have somehow ended up in this contract
// are also sent to the new ecliptic.
function upgrade(EclipticBase _new)
// transfer ownership of the data contracts
// trigger upgrade logic on the target contract
// emit event and destroy this contract
emit Upgraded(_new);
// simple claims store
// Claims: simple identity management
// This contract allows points to document claims about their owner.
// Most commonly, these are about identity, with a claim's protocol
// defining the context or platform of the claim, and its dossier
// containing proof of its validity.
// Points are limited to a maximum of 16 claims.
// For existing claims, the dossier can be updated, or the claim can
// be removed entirely. It is recommended to remove any claims associated
// with a point when it is about to be transferred to a new owner.
// For convenience, the owner of the Azimuth contract (the Ecliptic)
// is allowed to clear claims for any point, allowing it to do this for
// you on-transfer.
contract Claims is ReadsAzimuth
// ClaimAdded: a claim was added by :by
event ClaimAdded( uint32 indexed by,
string _protocol,
string _claim,
bytes _dossier );
// ClaimRemoved: a claim was removed by :by
event ClaimRemoved(uint32 indexed by, string _protocol, string _claim);
// maxClaims: the amount of claims that can be registered per point
uint8 constant maxClaims = 16;
// Claim: claim details
struct Claim
// protocol: context of the claim
string protocol;
// claim: the claim itself
string claim;
// dossier: data relating to the claim, as proof
bytes dossier;
// per point, list of claims
mapping(uint32 => Claim[maxClaims]) public claims;
// constructor(): register the azimuth contract.
constructor(Azimuth _azimuth)
// addClaim(): register a claim as _point
function addClaim(uint32 _point,
string _protocol,
string _claim,
bytes _dossier)
// cur: index + 1 of the claim if it already exists, 0 otherwise
uint8 cur = findClaim(_point, _protocol, _claim);
// if the claim doesn't yet exist, store it in state
if (cur == 0)
// if there are no empty slots left, this throws
uint8 empty = findEmptySlot(_point);
claims[_point][empty] = Claim(_protocol, _claim, _dossier);
// if the claim has been made before, update the version in state
claims[_point][cur-1] = Claim(_protocol, _claim, _dossier);
emit ClaimAdded(_point, _protocol, _claim, _dossier);
// removeClaim(): unregister a claim as _point
function removeClaim(uint32 _point, string _protocol, string _claim)
// i: current index + 1 in _point's list of claims
uint256 i = findClaim(_point, _protocol, _claim);
// we store index + 1, because 0 is the eth default value
// can only delete an existing claim
require(i > 0);
// clear out the claim
delete claims[_point][i];
emit ClaimRemoved(_point, _protocol, _claim);
// clearClaims(): unregister all of _point's claims
// can also be called by the ecliptic during point transfer
function clearClaims(uint32 _point)
// both point owner and ecliptic may do this
// We do not necessarily need to check for _point's active flag here,
// since inactive points cannot have claims set. Doing the check
// anyway would make this function slightly harder to think about due
// to its relation to Ecliptic's transferPoint().
require( azimuth.canManage(_point, msg.sender) ||
( msg.sender == azimuth.owner() ) );
Claim[maxClaims] storage currClaims = claims[_point];
// clear out all claims
for (uint8 i = 0; i < maxClaims; i++)
delete currClaims[i];
// findClaim(): find the index of the specified claim
// returns 0 if not found, index + 1 otherwise
function findClaim(uint32 _whose, string _protocol, string _claim)
returns (uint8 index)
// we use hashes of the string because solidity can't do string
// comparison yet
bytes32 protocolHash = keccak256(bytes(_protocol));
bytes32 claimHash = keccak256(bytes(_claim));
Claim[maxClaims] storage theirClaims = claims[_whose];
for (uint8 i = 0; i < maxClaims; i++)
Claim storage thisClaim = theirClaims[i];
if ( ( protocolHash == keccak256(bytes(thisClaim.protocol)) ) &&
( claimHash == keccak256(bytes(thisClaim.claim)) ) )
return i+1;
return 0;
// findEmptySlot(): find the index of the first empty claim slot
// returns the index of the slot, throws if there are no empty slots
function findEmptySlot(uint32 _whose)
returns (uint8 index)
Claim[maxClaims] storage theirClaims = claims[_whose];
for (uint8 i = 0; i < maxClaims; i++)
Claim storage thisClaim = theirClaims[i];
if ( (0 == bytes(thisClaim.protocol).length) &&
(0 == bytes(thisClaim.claim).length) )
return i;
* @title SupportsInterfaceWithLookup
* @author Matt Condon (@shrugs)
* @dev Implements ERC165 using a lookup table.
contract SupportsInterfaceWithLookup is ERC165 {
bytes4 public constant InterfaceId_ERC165 = 0x01ffc9a7;
* 0x01ffc9a7 ===
* bytes4(keccak256('supportsInterface(bytes4)'))
* @dev a mapping of interface id to whether or not it's supported
mapping(bytes4 => bool) internal supportedInterfaces;
* @dev A contract implementing SupportsInterfaceWithLookup
* implement ERC165 itself
* @dev implement supportsInterface(bytes4) using a lookup table
function supportsInterface(bytes4 _interfaceId)
returns (bool)
return supportedInterfaces[_interfaceId];
* @dev private method for registering an interface
function _registerInterface(bytes4 _interfaceId)
require(_interfaceId != 0xffffffff);
supportedInterfaces[_interfaceId] = true;
* @title ERC721 Non-Fungible Token Standard basic interface
* @dev see
contract ERC721Basic is ERC165 {
bytes4 internal constant InterfaceId_ERC721 = 0x80ac58cd;
* 0x80ac58cd ===
* bytes4(keccak256('balanceOf(address)')) ^
* bytes4(keccak256('ownerOf(uint256)')) ^
* bytes4(keccak256('approve(address,uint256)')) ^
* bytes4(keccak256('getApproved(uint256)')) ^
* bytes4(keccak256('setApprovalForAll(address,bool)')) ^
* bytes4(keccak256('isApprovedForAll(address,address)')) ^
* bytes4(keccak256('transferFrom(address,address,uint256)')) ^
* bytes4(keccak256('safeTransferFrom(address,address,uint256)')) ^
* bytes4(keccak256('safeTransferFrom(address,address,uint256,bytes)'))
bytes4 internal constant InterfaceId_ERC721Exists = 0x4f558e79;
* 0x4f558e79 ===
* bytes4(keccak256('exists(uint256)'))
bytes4 internal constant InterfaceId_ERC721Enumerable = 0x780e9d63;
* 0x780e9d63 ===
* bytes4(keccak256('totalSupply()')) ^
* bytes4(keccak256('tokenOfOwnerByIndex(address,uint256)')) ^
* bytes4(keccak256('tokenByIndex(uint256)'))
bytes4 internal constant InterfaceId_ERC721Metadata = 0x5b5e139f;
* 0x5b5e139f ===
* bytes4(keccak256('name()')) ^
* bytes4(keccak256('symbol()')) ^
* bytes4(keccak256('tokenURI(uint256)'))
event Transfer(
address indexed _from,
address indexed _to,
uint256 indexed _tokenId
event Approval(
address indexed _owner,
address indexed _approved,
uint256 indexed _tokenId
event ApprovalForAll(
address indexed _owner,
address indexed _operator,
bool _approved
function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 _balance);
function ownerOf(uint256 _tokenId) public view returns (address _owner);
function exists(uint256 _tokenId) public view returns (bool _exists);
function approve(address _to, uint256 _tokenId) public;
function getApproved(uint256 _tokenId)
public view returns (address _operator);
function setApprovalForAll(address _operator, bool _approved) public;
function isApprovedForAll(address _owner, address _operator)
public view returns (bool);
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _tokenId) public;
function safeTransferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _tokenId)
function safeTransferFrom(
address _from,
address _to,
uint256 _tokenId,
bytes _data
* @title ERC-721 Non-Fungible Token Standard, optional enumeration extension
* @dev See
contract ERC721Enumerable is ERC721Basic {
function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256);
function tokenOfOwnerByIndex(
address _owner,
uint256 _index
returns (uint256 _tokenId);
function tokenByIndex(uint256 _index) public view returns (uint256);
* @title ERC-721 Non-Fungible Token Standard, optional metadata extension
* @dev See
contract ERC721Metadata is ERC721Basic {
function name() external view returns (string _name);
function symbol() external view returns (string _symbol);
function tokenURI(uint256 _tokenId) public view returns (string);
* @title ERC-721 Non-Fungible Token Standard, full implementation interface
* @dev See
contract ERC721 is ERC721Basic, ERC721Enumerable, ERC721Metadata {
* @title ERC721 token receiver interface
* @dev Interface for any contract that wants to support safeTransfers
* from ERC721 asset contracts.
contract ERC721Receiver {
* @dev Magic value to be returned upon successful reception of an NFT
* Equals to `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,address,uint256,bytes)"))`,
* which can be also obtained as `ERC721Receiver(0).onERC721Received.selector`
bytes4 internal constant ERC721_RECEIVED = 0x150b7a02;
* @notice Handle the receipt of an NFT
* @dev The ERC721 smart contract calls this function on the recipient
* after a `safetransfer`. This function MAY throw to revert and reject the
* transfer. Return of other than the magic value MUST result in the
* transaction being reverted.
* Note: the contract address is always the message sender.
* @param _operator The address which called `safeTransferFrom` function
* @param _from The address which previously owned the token
* @param _tokenId The NFT identifier which is being transferred
* @param _data Additional data with no specified format
* @return `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,address,uint256,bytes)"))`
function onERC721Received(
address _operator,
address _from,
uint256 _tokenId,
bytes _data
* Utility library of inline functions on addresses
library AddressUtils {
* Returns whether the target address is a contract
* @dev This function will return false if invoked during the constructor of a contract,
* as the code is not actually created until after the constructor finishes.
* @param _addr address to check
* @return whether the target address is a contract
function isContract(address _addr) internal view returns (bool) {
uint256 size;
// XXX Currently there is no better way to check if there is a contract in an address
// than to check the size of the code at that address.
// See
// for more details about how this works.
// TODO Check this again before the Serenity release, because all addresses will be
// contracts then.
// solium-disable-next-line security/no-inline-assembly
assembly { size := extcodesize(_addr) }
return size > 0;
* @title SafeMath
* @dev Math operations with safety checks that throw on error
library SafeMath {
* @dev Multiplies two numbers, throws on overflow.
function mul(uint256 _a, uint256 _b) internal pure returns (uint256 c) {
// Gas optimization: this is cheaper than asserting 'a' not being zero, but the
// benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested.
// See:
if (_a == 0) {
return 0;
c = _a * _b;
assert(c / _a == _b);
return c;
* @dev Integer division of two numbers, truncating the quotient.
function div(uint256 _a, uint256 _b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
// assert(_b > 0); // Solidity automatically throws when dividing by 0
// uint256 c = _a / _b;
// assert(_a == _b * c + _a % _b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold
return _a / _b;
* @dev Subtracts two numbers, throws on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend).
function sub(uint256 _a, uint256 _b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
assert(_b <= _a);
return _a - _b;
* @dev Adds two numbers, throws on overflow.
function add(uint256 _a, uint256 _b) internal pure returns (uint256 c) {
c = _a + _b;
assert(c >= _a);
return c;
// Ecliptic: logic for interacting with the Azimuth ledger
// This contract is the point of entry for all operations on the Azimuth
// ledger as stored in the Azimuth data contract. The functions herein
// are responsible for performing all necessary business logic.
// Examples of such logic include verifying permissions of the caller
// and ensuring a requested change is actually valid.
// Point owners can always operate on their own points. Ethereum addresses
// can also perform specific operations if they've been given the
// appropriate permissions. (For example, managers for general management,
// spawn proxies for spawning child points, etc.)
// This contract uses external contracts (Azimuth, Polls) for data storage
// so that it itself can easily be replaced in case its logic needs to
// be changed. In other words, it can be upgraded. It does this by passing
// ownership of the data contracts to a new Ecliptic contract.
// Because of this, it is advised for clients to not store this contract's
// address directly, but rather ask the Azimuth contract for its owner
// attribute to ensure transactions get sent to the latest Ecliptic.
// Alternatively, the ENS name ecliptic.eth will resolve to the latest
// Ecliptic as well.
// Upgrading happens based on polls held by the senate (galaxy owners).
// Through this contract, the senate can submit proposals, opening polls
// for the senate to cast votes on. These proposals can be either hashes
// of documents or addresses of new Ecliptics.
// If an ecliptic proposal gains majority, this contract will transfer
// ownership of the data storage contracts to that address, so that it may
// operate on the data they contain. This contract will selfdestruct at
// the end of the upgrade process.
// This contract implements the ERC721 interface for non-fungible tokens,
// allowing points to be managed using generic clients that support the
// standard. It also implements ERC165 to allow this to be discovered.
contract Ecliptic is EclipticBase, SupportsInterfaceWithLookup, ERC721Metadata
using SafeMath for uint256;
using AddressUtils for address;
// Transfer: This emits when ownership of any NFT changes by any mechanism.
// This event emits when NFTs are created (`from` == 0) and
// destroyed (`to` == 0). At the time of any transfer, the
// approved address for that NFT (if any) is reset to none.
event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _tokenId);
// Approval: This emits when the approved address for an NFT is changed or
// reaffirmed. The zero address indicates there is no approved
// address. When a Transfer event emits, this also indicates that
// the approved address for that NFT (if any) is reset to none.
event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _approved,
uint256 _tokenId);
// ApprovalForAll: This emits when an operator is enabled or disabled for an
// owner. The operator can manage all NFTs of the owner.
event ApprovalForAll(address indexed _owner, address indexed _operator,
bool _approved);
// erc721Received: equal to:
// bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,address,uint256,bytes)"))
// which can be also obtained as:
// ERC721Receiver(0).onERC721Received.selector`
bytes4 constant erc721Received = 0x150b7a02;
// claims: contract reference, for clearing claims on-transfer
Claims public claims;
// constructor(): set data contract addresses and signal interface support
// Note: during first deploy, ownership of these data contracts must
// be manually transferred to this contract.
constructor(address _previous,
Azimuth _azimuth,
Polls _polls,
Claims _claims)
EclipticBase(_previous, _azimuth, _polls)
claims = _claims;
// register supported interfaces for ERC165
_registerInterface(0x80ac58cd); // ERC721
_registerInterface(0x5b5e139f); // ERC721Metadata
_registerInterface(0x7f5828d0); // ERC173 (ownership)
// ERC721 interface
// balanceOf(): get the amount of points owned by _owner
function balanceOf(address _owner)
returns (uint256 balance)
require(0x0 != _owner);
return azimuth.getOwnedPointCount(_owner);
// ownerOf(): get the current owner of point _tokenId
function ownerOf(uint256 _tokenId)
returns (address owner)
uint32 id = uint32(_tokenId);
// this will throw if the owner is the zero address,
// active points always have a valid owner.
return azimuth.getOwner(id);
// exists(): returns true if point _tokenId is active
function exists(uint256 _tokenId)
returns (bool doesExist)
return ( (_tokenId < 0x100000000) &&
azimuth.isActive(uint32(_tokenId)) );
// safeTransferFrom(): transfer point _tokenId from _from to _to
function safeTransferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _tokenId)
// transfer with empty data
safeTransferFrom(_from, _to, _tokenId, "");
// safeTransferFrom(): transfer point _tokenId from _from to _to,
// and call recipient if it's a contract
function safeTransferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _tokenId,
bytes _data)
// perform raw transfer
transferFrom(_from, _to, _tokenId);
// do the callback last to avoid re-entrancy
if (_to.isContract())
bytes4 retval = ERC721Receiver(_to)
.onERC721Received(msg.sender, _from, _tokenId, _data);
// standard return idiom to confirm contract semantics
require(retval == erc721Received);
// transferFrom(): transfer point _tokenId from _from to _to,
// WITHOUT notifying recipient contract
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _tokenId)
uint32 id = uint32(_tokenId);
require(azimuth.isOwner(id, _from));
// the ERC721 operator/approved address (if any) is
// accounted for in transferPoint()
transferPoint(id, _to, true);
// approve(): allow _approved to transfer ownership of point
// _tokenId
function approve(address _approved, uint256 _tokenId)
setTransferProxy(uint32(_tokenId), _approved);
// setApprovalForAll(): allow or disallow _operator to
// transfer ownership of ALL points
// owned by :msg.sender
function setApprovalForAll(address _operator, bool _approved)
require(0x0 != _operator);
azimuth.setOperator(msg.sender, _operator, _approved);
emit ApprovalForAll(msg.sender, _operator, _approved);
// getApproved(): get the approved address for point _tokenId
function getApproved(uint256 _tokenId)
returns (address approved)
//NOTE redundant, transfer proxy cannot be set for
// inactive points
return azimuth.getTransferProxy(uint32(_tokenId));
// isApprovedForAll(): returns true if _operator is an
// operator for _owner
function isApprovedForAll(address _owner, address _operator)
returns (bool result)
return azimuth.isOperator(_owner, _operator);
// ERC721Metadata interface
// name(): returns the name of a collection of points
function name()
returns (string)
return "Azimuth Points";
// symbol(): returns an abbreviates name for points
function symbol()
returns (string)
return "AZP";
// tokenURI(): returns a URL to an ERC-721 standard JSON file
function tokenURI(uint256 _tokenId)
returns (string _tokenURI)
_tokenURI = "";
bytes memory _tokenURIBytes = bytes(_tokenURI);
_tokenURIBytes[31] = byte(48+(_tokenId / 1000000000) % 10);
_tokenURIBytes[32] = byte(48+(_tokenId / 100000000) % 10);
_tokenURIBytes[33] = byte(48+(_tokenId / 10000000) % 10);
_tokenURIBytes[34] = byte(48+(_tokenId / 1000000) % 10);
_tokenURIBytes[35] = byte(48+(_tokenId / 100000) % 10);
_tokenURIBytes[36] = byte(48+(_tokenId / 10000) % 10);
_tokenURIBytes[37] = byte(48+(_tokenId / 1000) % 10);
_tokenURIBytes[38] = byte(48+(_tokenId / 100) % 10);
_tokenURIBytes[39] = byte(48+(_tokenId / 10) % 10);
_tokenURIBytes[40] = byte(48+(_tokenId / 1) % 10);
// Points interface
// configureKeys(): configure _point with network public keys
// _encryptionKey, _authenticationKey,
// and corresponding _cryptoSuiteVersion,
// incrementing the point's continuity number if needed
function configureKeys(uint32 _point,
bytes32 _encryptionKey,
bytes32 _authenticationKey,
uint32 _cryptoSuiteVersion,
bool _discontinuous)
if (_discontinuous)
// spawn(): spawn _point, then either give, or allow _target to take,
// ownership of _point
// if _target is the :msg.sender, _targets owns the _point right away.
// otherwise, _target becomes the transfer proxy of _point.
// Requirements:
// - _point must not be active
// - _point must not be a planet with a galaxy prefix
// - _point's prefix must be linked and under its spawn limit
// - :msg.sender must be either the owner of _point's prefix,
// or an authorized spawn proxy for it
function spawn(uint32 _point, address _target)
// only currently unowned (and thus also inactive) points can be spawned
require(azimuth.isOwner(_point, 0x0));
// prefix: half-width prefix of _point
uint16 prefix = azimuth.getPrefix(_point);
// only allow spawning of points of the size directly below the prefix
// this is possible because of how the address space works,
// but supporting it introduces complexity through broken assumptions.
// example:
// 0x0000.0000 - galaxy zero
// 0x0000.0100 - the first star of galaxy zero
// 0x0001.0100 - the first planet of the first star
// 0x0001.0000 - the first planet of galaxy zero
require( (uint8(azimuth.getPointSize(prefix)) + 1) ==
uint8(azimuth.getPointSize(_point)) );
// prefix point must be linked and able to spawn
require( (azimuth.hasBeenLinked(prefix)) &&
( azimuth.getSpawnCount(prefix) <
getSpawnLimit(prefix, block.timestamp) ) );
// the owner of a prefix can always spawn its children;
// other addresses need explicit permission (the role
// of "spawnProxy" in the Azimuth contract)
require( azimuth.canSpawnAs(prefix, msg.sender) );
// if the caller is spawning the point to themselves,
// assume it knows what it's doing and resolve right away
if (msg.sender == _target)
doSpawn(_point, _target, true, 0x0);
// when sending to a "foreign" address, enforce a withdraw pattern
// making the _point prefix's owner the _point owner in the mean time
doSpawn(_point, _target, false, azimuth.getOwner(prefix));
// doSpawn(): actual spawning logic, used in spawn(). creates _point,
// making the _target its owner if _direct, or making the
// _holder the owner and the _target the transfer proxy
// if not _direct.
function doSpawn( uint32 _point,
address _target,
bool _direct,
address _holder )
// register the spawn for _point's prefix, incrementing spawn count
// if the spawn is _direct, assume _target knows what they're doing
// and resolve right away
if (_direct)
// make the point active and set its new owner
azimuth.setOwner(_point, _target);
emit Transfer(0x0, _target, uint256(_point));
// when spawning indirectly, enforce a withdraw pattern by approving
// the _target for transfer of the _point instead.
// we make the _holder the owner of this _point in the mean time,
// so that it may cancel the transfer (un-approve) if _target flakes.
// we don't make _point active yet, because it still doesn't really
// belong to anyone.
// have _holder hold on to the _point while _target gets to transfer
// ownership of it
azimuth.setOwner(_point, _holder);
azimuth.setTransferProxy(_point, _target);
emit Transfer(0x0, _holder, uint256(_point));
emit Approval(_holder, _target, uint256(_point));
// transferPoint(): transfer _point to _target, clearing all permissions
// data and keys if _reset is true
// Note: the _reset flag is useful when transferring the point to
// a recipient who doesn't trust the previous owner.
// Requirements:
// - :msg.sender must be either _point's current owner, authorized
// to transfer _point, or authorized to transfer the current
// owner's points (as in ERC721's operator)
// - _target must not be the zero address
function transferPoint(uint32 _point, address _target, bool _reset)
// transfer is legitimate if the caller is the current owner, or
// an operator for the current owner, or the _point's transfer proxy
require(azimuth.canTransfer(_point, msg.sender));
// if the point wasn't active yet, that means transferring it
// is part of the "spawn" flow, so we need to activate it
if ( !azimuth.isActive(_point) )
// if the owner would actually change, change it
// the only time this deliberately wouldn't be the case is when a
// prefix owner wants to activate a spawned but untransferred child.
if ( !azimuth.isOwner(_point, _target) )
// remember the previous owner, to be included in the Transfer event
address old = azimuth.getOwner(_point);
azimuth.setOwner(_point, _target);
// according to ERC721, the approved address (here, transfer proxy)
// gets cleared during every Transfer event
azimuth.setTransferProxy(_point, 0);
emit Transfer(old, _target, uint256(_point));
// reset sensitive data
// used when transferring the point to a new owner
if ( _reset )
// clear the network public keys and break continuity,
// but only if the point has already been linked
if ( azimuth.hasBeenLinked(_point) )
azimuth.setKeys(_point, 0, 0, 0);
// clear management proxy
azimuth.setManagementProxy(_point, 0);
// clear voting proxy
azimuth.setVotingProxy(_point, 0);
// clear transfer proxy
// in most cases this is done above, during the ownership transfer,
// but we might not hit that and still be expected to reset the
// transfer proxy.
// doing it a second time is a no-op in Azimuth.
azimuth.setTransferProxy(_point, 0);
// clear spawning proxy
azimuth.setSpawnProxy(_point, 0);
// clear claims
// escape(): request escape as _point to _sponsor
// if an escape request is already active, this overwrites
// the existing request
// Requirements:
// - :msg.sender must be the owner or manager of _point,
// - _point must be able to escape to _sponsor as per to canEscapeTo()
function escape(uint32 _point, uint32 _sponsor)
require(canEscapeTo(_point, _sponsor));
azimuth.setEscapeRequest(_point, _sponsor);
// cancelEscape(): cancel the currently set escape for _point
function cancelEscape(uint32 _point)
// adopt(): as the relevant sponsor, accept the _point
// Requirements:
// - :msg.sender must be the owner or management proxy
// of _point's requested sponsor
function adopt(uint32 _point)
require( azimuth.isEscaping(_point) &&
azimuth.canManage( azimuth.getEscapeRequest(_point),
msg.sender ) );
// _sponsor becomes _point's sponsor
// its escape request is reset to "not escaping"
// reject(): as the relevant sponsor, deny the _point's request
// Requirements:
// - :msg.sender must be the owner or management proxy
// of _point's requested sponsor
function reject(uint32 _point)
require( azimuth.isEscaping(_point) &&
azimuth.canManage( azimuth.getEscapeRequest(_point),
msg.sender ) );
// reset the _point's escape request to "not escaping"
// detach(): as the _sponsor, stop sponsoring the _point
// Requirements:
// - :msg.sender must be the owner or management proxy
// of _point's current sponsor
function detach(uint32 _point)
require( azimuth.hasSponsor(_point) &&
azimuth.canManage(azimuth.getSponsor(_point), msg.sender) );
// signal that its sponsor no longer supports _point
// Point rules
// getSpawnLimit(): returns the total number of children the _point
// is allowed to spawn at _time.
function getSpawnLimit(uint32 _point, uint256 _time)
returns (uint32 limit)
Azimuth.Size size = azimuth.getPointSize(_point);
if ( size == Azimuth.Size.Galaxy )
return 255;
else if ( size == Azimuth.Size.Star )
// in 2019, stars may spawn at most 1024 planets. this limit doubles
// for every subsequent year.
// Note: 1546300800 corresponds to 2019-01-01
uint256 yearsSince2019 = (_time - 1546300800) / 365 days;
if (yearsSince2019 < 6)
limit = uint32( 1024 * (2 ** yearsSince2019) );
limit = 65535;
return limit;
else // size == Azimuth.Size.Planet
// planets can create moons, but moons aren't on the chain
return 0;
// canEscapeTo(): true if _point could try to escape to _sponsor
function canEscapeTo(uint32 _point, uint32 _sponsor)
returns (bool canEscape)
// can't escape to a sponsor that hasn't been linked
if ( !azimuth.hasBeenLinked(_sponsor) ) return false;
// Can only escape to a point one size higher than ourselves,
// except in the special case where the escaping point hasn't
// been linked yet -- in that case we may escape to points of
// the same size, to support lightweight invitation chains.
// The use case for lightweight invitations is that a planet
// owner should be able to invite their friends onto an
// Azimuth network in a two-party transaction, without a new
// star relationship.
// The lightweight invitation process works by escaping your
// own active (but never linked) point to one of your own
// points, then transferring the point to your friend.
// These planets can, in turn, sponsor other unlinked planets,
// so the "planet sponsorship chain" can grow to arbitrary
// length. Most users, especially deep down the chain, will
// want to improve their performance by switching to direct
// star sponsors eventually.
Azimuth.Size pointSize = azimuth.getPointSize(_point);
Azimuth.Size sponsorSize = azimuth.getPointSize(_sponsor);
return ( // normal hierarchical escape structure
( (uint8(sponsorSize) + 1) == uint8(pointSize) ) ||
// special peer escape
( (sponsorSize == pointSize) &&
// peer escape is only for points that haven't been linked
// yet, because it's only for lightweight invitation chains
!azimuth.hasBeenLinked(_point) ) );
// Permission management
// setManagementProxy(): configure the management proxy for _point
// The management proxy may perform "reversible" operations on
// behalf of the owner. This includes public key configuration and
// operations relating to sponsorship.
function setManagementProxy(uint32 _point, address _manager)
azimuth.setManagementProxy(_point, _manager);
// setSpawnProxy(): give _spawnProxy the right to spawn points
// with the prefix _prefix
function setSpawnProxy(uint16 _prefix, address _spawnProxy)
azimuth.setSpawnProxy(_prefix, _spawnProxy);
// setVotingProxy(): configure the voting proxy for _galaxy
// the voting proxy is allowed to start polls and cast votes
// on the point's behalf.
function setVotingProxy(uint8 _galaxy, address _voter)
azimuth.setVotingProxy(_galaxy, _voter);
// setTransferProxy(): give _transferProxy the right to transfer _point
// Requirements:
// - :msg.sender must be either _point's current owner,
// or be an operator for the current owner
function setTransferProxy(uint32 _point, address _transferProxy)
// owner: owner of _point
address owner = azimuth.getOwner(_point);
// caller must be :owner, or an operator designated by the owner.
require((owner == msg.sender) || azimuth.isOperator(owner, msg.sender));
// set transfer proxy field in Azimuth contract
azimuth.setTransferProxy(_point, _transferProxy);
// emit Approval event
emit Approval(owner, _transferProxy, uint256(_point));
// Poll actions
// startUpgradePoll(): as _galaxy, start a poll for the ecliptic
// upgrade _proposal
// Requirements:
// - :msg.sender must be the owner or voting proxy of _galaxy,
// - the _proposal must expect to be upgraded from this specific
// contract, as indicated by its previousEcliptic attribute
function startUpgradePoll(uint8 _galaxy, EclipticBase _proposal)
// ensure that the upgrade target expects this contract as the source
require(_proposal.previousEcliptic() == address(this));
// startDocumentPoll(): as _galaxy, start a poll for the _proposal
// the _proposal argument is the keccak-256 hash of any arbitrary
// document or string of text
function startDocumentPoll(uint8 _galaxy, bytes32 _proposal)
// castUpgradeVote(): as _galaxy, cast a _vote on the ecliptic
// upgrade _proposal
// _vote is true when in favor of the proposal, false otherwise
// If this vote results in a majority for the _proposal, it will
// be upgraded to immediately.
function castUpgradeVote(uint8 _galaxy,
EclipticBase _proposal,
bool _vote)
// majority: true if the vote resulted in a majority, false otherwise
bool majority = polls.castUpgradeVote(_galaxy, _proposal, _vote);
// if a majority is in favor of the upgrade, it happens as defined
// in the ecliptic base contract
if (majority)
// castDocumentVote(): as _galaxy, cast a _vote on the _proposal
// _vote is true when in favor of the proposal, false otherwise
function castDocumentVote(uint8 _galaxy, bytes32 _proposal, bool _vote)
polls.castDocumentVote(_galaxy, _proposal, _vote);
// updateUpgradePoll(): check whether the _proposal has achieved
// majority, upgrading to it if it has
function updateUpgradePoll(EclipticBase _proposal)
// majority: true if the poll ended in a majority, false otherwise
bool majority = polls.updateUpgradePoll(_proposal);
// if a majority is in favor of the upgrade, it happens as defined
// in the ecliptic base contract
if (majority)
// updateDocumentPoll(): check whether the _proposal has achieved majority
// Note: the polls contract publicly exposes the function this calls,
// but we offer it in the ecliptic interface as a convenience
function updateDocumentPoll(bytes32 _proposal)
// Contract owner operations
// createGalaxy(): grant _target ownership of the _galaxy and register
// it for voting
function createGalaxy(uint8 _galaxy, address _target)
// only currently unowned (and thus also inactive) galaxies can be
// created, and only to non-zero addresses
require( azimuth.isOwner(_galaxy, 0x0) &&
0x0 != _target );
// new galaxy means a new registered voter
// if the caller is sending the galaxy to themselves,
// assume it knows what it's doing and resolve right away
if (msg.sender == _target)
doSpawn(_galaxy, _target, true, 0x0);
// when sending to a "foreign" address, enforce a withdraw pattern,
// making the caller the owner in the mean time
doSpawn(_galaxy, _target, false, msg.sender);
function setDnsDomains(string _primary, string _secondary, string _tertiary)
azimuth.setDnsDomains(_primary, _secondary, _tertiary);
// Function modifiers for this contract
// validPointId(): require that _id is a valid point
modifier validPointId(uint256 _id)
require(_id < 0x100000000);
// activePointVoter(): require that :msg.sender can vote as _point,
// and that _point is active
modifier activePointVoter(uint32 _point)
require( azimuth.canVoteAs(_point, msg.sender) &&
azimuth.isActive(_point) );
// PlanetSale: a practically stateless point sale contract
// This contract facilitates the sale of points (most commonly planets).
// Instead of "depositing" points into this contract, points are
// available for sale when this contract is able to spawn them.
// This is the case when the point is inactive and its prefix has
// allowed this contract to spawn for it.
// The contract owner can determine the price per point, withdraw funds
// that have been sent to this contract, and shut down the contract
// to prevent further sales.
// This contract is intended to be deployed by star owners that want
// to sell their planets on-chain.
contract PlanetSale is Ownable
// PlanetSold: _planet has been sold
event PlanetSold(uint32 indexed prefix, uint32 indexed planet);
// azimuth: points state data store
Azimuth public azimuth;
// price: ether per planet, in wei
uint256 public price;
// constructor(): configure the points data store and initial sale price
constructor(Azimuth _azimuth, uint256 _price)
require(0 < _price);
azimuth = _azimuth;
// Buyer operations
// available(): returns true if the _planet is available for purchase
function available(uint32 _planet)
returns (bool result)
uint16 prefix = azimuth.getPrefix(_planet);
return ( // planet must not have an owner yet
azimuth.isOwner(_planet, 0x0) &&
// this contract must be allowed to spawn for the prefix
azimuth.isSpawnProxy(prefix, this) &&
// prefix must be linked
azimuth.hasBeenLinked(prefix) );
// purchase(): pay the :price, acquire ownership of the _planet
// discovery of available planets can be done off-chain
function purchase(uint32 _planet)
require( // caller must pay exactly the price of a planet
(msg.value == price) &&
// the planet must be available for purchase
available(_planet) );
// spawn the planet to us, then immediately transfer to the caller
// spawning to the caller would give the point's prefix's owner
// a window of opportunity to cancel the transfer
Ecliptic ecliptic = Ecliptic(azimuth.owner());
ecliptic.spawn(_planet, this);
ecliptic.transferPoint(_planet, msg.sender, false);
emit PlanetSold(azimuth.getPrefix(_planet), _planet);
// Seller operations
// setPrice(): configure the price in wei per planet
function setPrice(uint256 _price)
require(0 < _price);
price = _price;
// withdraw(): withdraw ether funds held by this contract to _target
function withdraw(address _target)
require(0x0 != _target);
// close(): end the sale by destroying this contract and transferring
// remaining funds to _target
function close(address _target)
require(0x0 != _target);
"compilationTarget": {
"PlanetSale.sol": "PlanetSale"
"evmVersion": "byzantium",
"libraries": {},
"optimizer": {
"enabled": true,
"runs": 200
"remappings": []