# FOMO Station
- LEGENDARY Redlion Gazette 138
- Week 18 2023
The frenzy and chaos of FOMO-ing into questionable adventures. It's a cautionary tale that reminds us to always think twice before jumping on the next 'get-rich-quick' bandwagon; you might get rich, but you might also get REKT.
## Articles:
- [This Week in NFTs: ETH Staking, ETH Burning & ChatGPT TURBO](https://www.redlion.news/article/this-week-in-nfts-eth-staking-eth-burning-and-chatgpt-turbo)
- [Memecoin Pepe Trading Burns Ether: Bullish Case for Ethereum](https://www.redlion.news/article/memecoin-pepe-trading-burns-ether-bullish-case-for-ethereum)
- [OPNX Exchange Faces Dubai's Wrath: Three Arrows Capital in Hot Water](https://www.redlion.news/article/opnx-exchange-faces-dubais-wrath-three-arrows-capital-in-hot-water)
- [Live Interview with Marlon - Muralist/Illustrator/Artist](https://www.redlion.news/article/live-interview-with-marlon-muralist-illustrator-artist)
**The Redlion Gazette is the world's first weekly NFT magazine publication on the Ethereum blockchain.** Each week, we document NFT & crypto news, plus global historical events. We curate our findings into interesting and educational articles. Lastly, the content is wrapped up by amazing NFT cover art.
Visit [**gazette.red**](https://gazette.red)