“Eyes closed, The Dissenter saw through the inner eye the burgeoning glow on the horizon of her mind's vast landscape. A sun, resplendent and magnificent, yet its full majesty obscured behind the tapestry of the cosmos. It beckoned, not with light that blinds, but with warmth that invites the seeker deeper into the folds of mystery.” (Visium 4:14)
The Dissenter, the main character of the second Testament “Visium”, is a very powerful persona. While writing her journey, so many visuals came to mind, including a lot of black and white work photography; with branch styling from “Horrorwood”.
The story itself is very destructive and chaotic at times, which is how enlightenment of any kind typically takes shape at first. I started a destruction process with the black and white photography works I had been prompting while writing, which instantly began to hit hard on the vibe of the action in the story.
Visium is a wild story and I continue to be inspired by it visually.