Bomb Story: For every design and collaboration successfully executed by The Hundreds, there are a handful of alternatives and pitches that fell through. Some Adam Bombs go all the way to the final stages of the filtration process but are ultimately cut. The reasoning is all over the place: we believed in it, but not enough of our stockists bought into it. Sometimes, it's just that timing is off and the design fails to meet the climate criteria. Regardless, some bombs eventually make their way through but many are often trapped in purgatory. This is one of the lucky few drafts to finally see the light of day.| Background Story:
Our earliest adopters know JAGS as The Hundreds' signature pattern, in the vein of Louis Vuitton's monogram or a Burberry plaid. Bobby taught himself how to design graphics through the Adobe Suite. His first Photoshop ""doodle"" was taking the pen tool and making these jagged shapes. Years later, we would coin this repeating print on clothing, leather belts and wallets, BMX bikes, snowboards, and marketing materials as ""JAGS."" Although still used across the collection, JAGS sums up the 2000s era of The Hundreds.