Bomb Story: Nuke Adam is part of a larger T-shirt graphic, ""Our Friend,"" that was inspired by an old-school science textbook. Adam is a sparkless nucleus of an — get this — atom. Since his name is derived from “atom bomb,” it’s one of the few times we’ve referenced that facet of his personality. The original art features a hand hovering around the atom and you can still see a sliver of a finger in the bottom right corner.| Background Story:
It got to a point where we had generated so many unique camouflage patterns, we were concerned that we were exhausting ourselves of new ideas. So, we threw everything at the wall to see what would stick. The result? A medley of ALL of our favorite traditional camo patterns. It's a love letter to camouflage, really. You can find everything from Rain to Tiger Stripe to Duck to Woodland and everything in between.