Redlion Gazette
Your Weekly Guilty Pleasure
Weekly NFT Magazine recording NFT History through Art
Week 39 2022
READ ISSUE #107 for FREE: https://www.redlion.news/gazette/107
Don't miss on this issue:
Gazette #107 "Punks To The Rescue"
-Why XRP Is Bucking The Bear Market Trend
-XRP v. SEC: Judgment Day Approaches for all of Crypto
-Catch me if you Kwon
-Market Prediction: NFT Market to hit $20 Billion Come 2028
-How NFTs are Redefining Global Digital Inclusion
-You can now claim Citizens’ Rights through NFT in this South Korean City
-Why People Are Furious About Apple’s NFT Integration
-Renga NFT Statistics: Where Art is told Tale by Tale
-Weekly Recap By Crypto Gucci #107
-DarePeter (@DarePeter7)
-David Jones (@thestorydj)
-Stephen Z Edelstein (@Stephen_Edel)
-Daisy D. (@sethidamanjeet)
-Joseph Wales
-Crypto Gucci (@CryptoGucci)
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