Eirwen was born in a wealthy family that lived in the town near Whispering Tundra, north of Xtalnia. Eirwen is the youngest of three brothers, Coldin and Nas. Smallest but smartest, Eirwen possesses the power of frost which makes him a little bit cunning. Afraid of their son using his power in the wrong way, Eirwen’s parents sent him to the Azure tower, the school of Azure league, the great wizard guild. Learned from the grandmaster Sagar, the leader of the Azure league, Eirwen’s power grew stronger. One day, Sagar sensed the abnormal presence of Whispering Tundra. Ice maidens, the frost spirit inhabiting the area, were wailing endlessly. Sagar knew immediately that the dark force of the demon lord had corrupted those ice maidens. To turn them back to normal, higher power is needed. No one was suited for this task more than his best student, Eirwen. For this reason, Eirwen began his journey away from the Azure tower for powerful XTAL.