Born in Coalvale in the west of Xtalnia, Brand was separated from his family since he was a baby when the dark army invaded his hometown. After the dragon matriarch Valentra stopped the dark army, she found a human baby left on the battlefield. Sensing the great fire power inside the baby, Valentraz raised Brand as if he was her own child. When Brand was a teenager, the dragon tyrant Daetraz assaulted the Charring Peak, Valentra’s lair. The dragon matriarch fought the tyrant and Brand tried to join the battle. Seeing the opportunity, Daetraz turned to Brand, which Valentra used herself to protect him. Defeated, she was held captive in Daetraz’s lair. The last word of Velentra to Brand was “Seek the powerful XTAL and use its power to defeat Demon lord Lozardus who empowered Daetraz.” Now, Brand is on his first journey away from Charring Peak in search of XTAL.