pragma solidity 0.4.24;
import "./Whitelist.sol";
import "./Pausable.sol";
import "./SafeMath.sol";
import "./IKODAV2.sol";
* Auction V2 interface definition - event and method definitions
interface IAuctionV2 {
event BidPlaced(
address indexed _bidder,
uint256 indexed _editionNumber,
uint256 _amount
event BidIncreased(
address indexed _bidder,
uint256 indexed _editionNumber,
uint256 _amount
event BidWithdrawn(
address indexed _bidder,
uint256 indexed _editionNumber
event BidAccepted(
address indexed _bidder,
uint256 indexed _editionNumber,
uint256 indexed _tokenId,
uint256 _amount
event BidRejected(
address indexed _caller,
address indexed _bidder,
uint256 indexed _editionNumber,
uint256 _amount
event BidderRefunded(
uint256 indexed _editionNumber,
address indexed _bidder,
uint256 _amount
event AuctionCancelled(
uint256 indexed _editionNumber
event AuctionEnabled(
uint256 indexed _editionNumber,
address indexed _auctioneer
event AuctionDisabled(
uint256 indexed _editionNumber,
address indexed _auctioneer
function placeBid(uint256 _editionNumber) payable external returns (bool success);
function increaseBid(uint256 _editionNumber) payable external returns (bool success);
function withdrawBid(uint256 _editionNumber) external returns (bool success);
function acceptBid(uint256 _editionNumber) external returns (uint256 tokenId);
function rejectBid(uint256 _editionNumber) external returns (bool success);
function cancelAuction(uint256 _editionNumber) external returns (bool success);
* @title Artists accepting bidding contract for KnownOrigin (KODA)
* Rules:
* Can only bid for an edition which is enabled
* Can only add new bids higher than previous highest bid plus minimum bid amount
* Can increase your bid, only if you are the top current bidder
* Once outbid, original bidder has ETH returned
* Cannot double bid once you are already the highest bidder, can only call increaseBid()
* Only the defined controller address can accept the bid
* If a bid is revoked, the auction remains open however no highest bid exists
* If the contract is Paused, no public actions can happen e.g. bids, increases, withdrawals
* Managers of contract have full control over it act as a fallback in-case funds go missing or errors are found
* On accepting of any bid, funds are split to KO and Artists - optional 3rd party split not currently supported
* If an edition is sold out, the auction is stopped, manual refund required by bidder or whitelisted
* Upon cancelling a bid which is in flight, funds are returned and contract stops further bids on the edition
* Artists commissions and address are pulled from the KODA contract and are not based on the controller address
* Scenario:
* 1) Config artist (Dave) & edition (1000)
* 2) Bob places a bid on edition 1000 for 1 ETH
* 3) Alice places a higher bid of 1.5ETH, overriding Bobs position as the leader, sends Bobs 1 ETH back and taking 1st place
* 4) Dave accepts Alice's bid
* 5) KODA token generated and transferred to Alice, funds are split between KO and Artist
contract ArtistAcceptingBidsV2 is Whitelist, Pausable, IAuctionV2 {
using SafeMath for uint256;
// A mapping of the controller address to the edition number
mapping(uint256 => address) public editionNumberToArtistControlAddress;
// Enabled/disable the auction for the edition number
mapping(uint256 => bool) public enabledEditions;
// Edition to current highest bidders address
mapping(uint256 => address) public editionHighestBid;
// Mapping for edition -> bidder -> bid amount
mapping(uint256 => mapping(address => uint256)) internal editionBids;
// A simple list of editions which have been once added to this contract
uint256[] public editionsOnceEnabledForAuctions;
// Min increase in bid amount
uint256 public minBidAmount = 0.01 ether;
// Interface into the KODA world
IKODAV2 public kodaAddress;
// KO account which can receive commission
address public koCommissionAccount;
// Modifiers //
// Checks the auction is enabled
modifier whenAuctionEnabled(uint256 _editionNumber) {
require(enabledEditions[_editionNumber], "Edition is not enabled for auctions");
// Checks the msg.sender is the artists control address or the auction whitelisted
modifier whenCallerIsController(uint256 _editionNumber) {
require(editionNumberToArtistControlAddress[_editionNumber] == msg.sender || whitelist(msg.sender), "Edition not managed by calling address");
// Checks the bid is higher than the current amount + min bid
modifier whenPlacedBidIsAboveMinAmount(uint256 _editionNumber) {
address currentHighestBidder = editionHighestBid[_editionNumber];
uint256 currentHighestBidderAmount = editionBids[_editionNumber][currentHighestBidder];
require(currentHighestBidderAmount.add(minBidAmount) <= msg.value, "Bids must be higher than previous bids plus minimum bid");
// Checks the bid is higher than the min bid
modifier whenBidIncreaseIsAboveMinAmount() {
require(minBidAmount <= msg.value, "Bids must be higher than minimum bid amount");
// Check the caller in not already the highest bidder
modifier whenCallerNotAlreadyTheHighestBidder(uint256 _editionNumber) {
address currentHighestBidder = editionHighestBid[_editionNumber];
require(currentHighestBidder != msg.sender, "Cant bid anymore, you are already the current highest");
// Checks msg.sender is the highest bidder
modifier whenCallerIsHighestBidder(uint256 _editionNumber) {
require(editionHighestBid[_editionNumber] == msg.sender, "Can only withdraw a bid if you are the highest bidder");
// Only when editions are not sold out in KODA
modifier whenEditionNotSoldOut(uint256 _editionNumber) {
uint256 totalRemaining = kodaAddress.totalRemaining(_editionNumber);
require(totalRemaining > 0, "Unable to accept any more bids, edition is sold out");
// Only when edition exists in KODA
modifier whenEditionExists(uint256 _editionNumber) {
bool editionExists = kodaAddress.editionExists(_editionNumber);
require(editionExists, "Edition does not exist");
// Constructor //
// Set the caller as the default KO account
constructor(IKODAV2 _kodaAddress) public {
kodaAddress = _kodaAddress;
koCommissionAccount = msg.sender;
// Core Auction Methods //
* @dev Public method for placing a bid, reverts if:
* - Contract is Paused
* - Edition provided is not valid
* - Edition provided is not configured for auctions
* - Edition provided is sold out
* - msg.sender is already the highest bidder
* - msg.value is not greater than highest bid + minimum amount
* @dev refunds the previous bidders ether if the bid is overwritten
* @return true on success
function placeBid(uint256 _editionNumber)
returns (bool success)
// Grab the previous holders bid so we can refund it
// Keep a record of the current users bid (previous bidder has been refunded)
editionBids[_editionNumber][msg.sender] = msg.value;
// Update the highest bid to be the latest bidder
editionHighestBid[_editionNumber] = msg.sender;
// Emit event
emit BidPlaced(msg.sender, _editionNumber, msg.value);
return true;
* @dev Public method for increasing your bid, reverts if:
* - Contract is Paused
* - Edition provided is not valid
* - Edition provided is not configured for auctions
* - Edition provided is sold out
* - msg.sender is not the current highest bidder
* @return true on success
function increaseBid(uint256 _editionNumber)
returns (bool success)
// Bump the current highest bid by provided amount
editionBids[_editionNumber][msg.sender] = editionBids[_editionNumber][msg.sender].add(msg.value);
// Emit event
emit BidIncreased(msg.sender, _editionNumber, editionBids[_editionNumber][msg.sender]);
return true;
* @dev Public method for withdrawing your bid, reverts if:
* - Contract is Paused
* - msg.sender is not the current highest bidder
* @dev removes current highest bid so there is no current highest bidder
* @return true on success
function withdrawBid(uint256 _editionNumber)
returns (bool success)
// get current highest bid and refund it
// Fire event
emit BidWithdrawn(msg.sender, _editionNumber);
return true;
* @dev Method for cancelling an auction, only called from contract whitelist
* @dev refunds previous highest bidders bid
* @dev removes current highest bid so there is no current highest bidder
* @return true on success
function cancelAuction(uint256 _editionNumber)
returns (bool success)
// get current highest bid and refund it
// Disable the auction
enabledEditions[_editionNumber] = false;
// Fire event
emit AuctionCancelled(_editionNumber);
return true;
* @dev Public method for increasing your bid, reverts if:
* - Contract is Paused
* - Edition provided is not valid
* - Edition provided is not configured for auctions
* - Edition provided is sold out
* - msg.sender is not the current highest bidder
* @return true on success
function rejectBid(uint256 _editionNumber)
whenCallerIsController(_editionNumber) // Checks only the controller can call this
whenAuctionEnabled(_editionNumber) // Checks auction is still enabled
returns (bool success)
address rejectedBidder = editionHighestBid[_editionNumber];
uint256 rejectedBidAmount = editionBids[_editionNumber][rejectedBidder];
// get current highest bid and refund it
emit BidRejected(msg.sender, rejectedBidder, _editionNumber, rejectedBidAmount);
return true;
* @dev Method for accepting the highest bid, only called by edition creator, reverts if:
* - Contract is Paused
* - msg.sender is not the edition controller
* - Edition provided is not valid
* @dev Mints a new token in KODA contract
* @dev Splits bid amount to KO and Artist, based on KODA contract defined values
* @dev Removes current highest bid so there is no current highest bidder
* @dev If no more editions are available the auction is stopped
* @return the generated tokenId on success
function acceptBid(uint256 _editionNumber)
whenCallerIsController(_editionNumber) // Checks only the controller can call this
whenAuctionEnabled(_editionNumber) // Checks auction is still enabled
returns (uint256 tokenId)
// Get total remaining here so we can use it below
uint256 totalRemaining = kodaAddress.totalRemaining(_editionNumber);
require(totalRemaining > 0, "Unable to accept bid, edition is sold out");
// Get the winner of the bidding action
address winningAccount = editionHighestBid[_editionNumber];
require(winningAccount != address(0), "Cannot win an auction when there is no highest bidder");
uint256 winningBidAmount = editionBids[_editionNumber][winningAccount];
require(winningBidAmount >= 0, "Cannot win an auction when no bid amount set");
// Mint a new token to the winner
uint256 _tokenId =, _editionNumber);
require(_tokenId != 0, "Failed to mint new token");
// Split the monies
_handleFunds(_editionNumber, winningBidAmount);
// Clear out highest bidder for this auction
delete editionHighestBid[_editionNumber];
// If the edition is sold out, disable the auction
if (totalRemaining.sub(1) == 0) {
enabledEditions[_editionNumber] = false;
// Fire event
emit BidAccepted(winningAccount, _editionNumber, _tokenId, winningBidAmount);
return _tokenId;
* Handle all splitting of funds to the artist, any optional split and KO
function _handleFunds(uint256 _editionNumber, uint256 _winningBidAmount) internal {
// Get the commission and split bid amount accordingly
(address artistAccount, uint256 artistCommission) = kodaAddress.artistCommission(_editionNumber);
// Extract the artists commission and send it
uint256 artistPayment = _winningBidAmount.div(100).mul(artistCommission);
// Optional Commission Splits
(uint256 optionalCommissionRate, address optionalCommissionRecipient) = kodaAddress.editionOptionalCommission(_editionNumber);
// Apply optional commission structure if we have one
if (optionalCommissionRate > 0) {
uint256 rateSplit = _winningBidAmount.div(100).mul(optionalCommissionRate);
// Send KO remaining amount
uint256 remainingCommission = _winningBidAmount.sub(artistPayment).sub(rateSplit);
* Returns funds of the previous highest bidder back to them if present
function _refundHighestBidder(uint256 _editionNumber) internal {
// Get current highest bidder
address currentHighestBidder = editionHighestBid[_editionNumber];
// Get current highest bid amount
uint256 currentHighestBiddersAmount = editionBids[_editionNumber][currentHighestBidder];
if (currentHighestBidder != address(0) && currentHighestBiddersAmount > 0) {
// Clear out highest bidder as there is no long one
delete editionHighestBid[_editionNumber];
// Refund it
// Emit event
emit BidderRefunded(_editionNumber, currentHighestBidder, currentHighestBiddersAmount);
// Public management methods //
* @dev Enables the edition for auctions in a single call
* @dev Only callable from whitelisted account or KODA edition artists
function enableEditionForArtist(uint256 _editionNumber)
returns (bool)
// Ensure caller is whitelisted or artists
(address artistAccount, uint256 artistCommission) = kodaAddress.artistCommission(_editionNumber);
require(whitelist(msg.sender) || msg.sender == artistAccount, "Cannot enable when not the edition artist");
// Ensure not already setup
require(!enabledEditions[_editionNumber], "Edition already enabled");
// Enable the auction
enabledEditions[_editionNumber] = true;
// keep track of the edition
// Setup the controller address to be the artist
editionNumberToArtistControlAddress[_editionNumber] = artistAccount;
emit AuctionEnabled(_editionNumber, msg.sender);
return true;
* @dev Enables the edition for auctions
* @dev Only callable from whitelist
function enableEdition(uint256 _editionNumber)
public returns (bool) {
enabledEditions[_editionNumber] = true;
emit AuctionEnabled(_editionNumber, msg.sender);
return true;
* @dev Disables the edition for auctions
* @dev Only callable from whitelist
function disableEdition(uint256 _editionNumber)
public returns (bool) {
enabledEditions[_editionNumber] = false;
emit AuctionDisabled(_editionNumber, msg.sender);
return true;
* @dev Sets the edition artist control address
* @dev Only callable from whitelist
function setArtistsControlAddress(uint256 _editionNumber, address _address)
public returns (bool) {
editionNumberToArtistControlAddress[_editionNumber] = _address;
return true;
* @dev Sets the edition artist control address and enables the edition for auction
* @dev Only callable from whitelist
function setArtistsControlAddressAndEnabledEdition(uint256 _editionNumber, address _address)
public returns (bool) {
require(!enabledEditions[_editionNumber], "Edition already enabled");
// Enable the edition
enabledEditions[_editionNumber] = true;
// Setup the artist address for this edition
editionNumberToArtistControlAddress[_editionNumber] = _address;
// keep track of the edition
emit AuctionEnabled(_editionNumber, _address);
return true;
* @dev Sets the minimum bid amount
* @dev Only callable from whitelist
function setMinBidAmount(uint256 _minBidAmount) onlyIfWhitelisted(msg.sender) public {
minBidAmount = _minBidAmount;
* @dev Sets the KODA address
* @dev Only callable from whitelist
function setKodavV2(IKODAV2 _kodaAddress) onlyIfWhitelisted(msg.sender) public {
kodaAddress = _kodaAddress;
* @dev Sets the KODA address
* @dev Only callable from whitelist
function setKoCommissionAccount(address _koCommissionAccount) public onlyIfWhitelisted(msg.sender) {
require(_koCommissionAccount != address(0), "Invalid address");
koCommissionAccount = _koCommissionAccount;
// Manual Override methods //
* @dev Allows for the ability to extract ether so we can distribute to the correct bidders accordingly
* @dev Only callable from whitelist
function withdrawStuckEther(address _withdrawalAccount)
public {
require(_withdrawalAccount != address(0), "Invalid address provided");
require(address(this).balance != 0, "No more ether to withdraw");
* @dev Allows for the ability to extract specific ether amounts so we can distribute to the correct bidders accordingly
* @dev Only callable from whitelist
function withdrawStuckEtherOfAmount(address _withdrawalAccount, uint256 _amount)
public {
require(_withdrawalAccount != address(0), "Invalid address provided");
require(_amount != 0, "Invalid amount to withdraw");
require(address(this).balance >= _amount, "No more ether to withdraw");
* @dev Manual override method for setting edition highest bid & the highest bidder to the provided address
* @dev Only callable from whitelist
function manualOverrideEditionHighestBidAndBidder(uint256 _editionNumber, address _bidder, uint256 _amount)
public returns (bool) {
editionBids[_editionNumber][_bidder] = _amount;
editionHighestBid[_editionNumber] = _bidder;
return true;
* @dev Manual override method removing bidding values
* @dev Only callable from whitelist
function manualDeleteEditionBids(uint256 _editionNumber, address _bidder)
public returns (bool) {
delete editionHighestBid[_editionNumber];
delete editionBids[_editionNumber][_bidder];
return true;
// Public query methods //
* @dev Look up all the known data about the latest edition bidding round
* @dev Returns zeros for all values when not valid
function auctionDetails(uint256 _editionNumber) public view returns (bool _enabled, address _bidder, uint256 _value, address _controller) {
address highestBidder = editionHighestBid[_editionNumber];
uint256 bidValue = editionBids[_editionNumber][highestBidder];
address controlAddress = editionNumberToArtistControlAddress[_editionNumber];
return (
* @dev Look up all the current highest bidder for the latest edition
* @dev Returns zeros for all values when not valid
function highestBidForEdition(uint256 _editionNumber) public view returns (address _bidder, uint256 _value) {
address highestBidder = editionHighestBid[_editionNumber];
uint256 bidValue = editionBids[_editionNumber][highestBidder];
return (highestBidder, bidValue);
* @dev Check an edition is enabled for auction
function isEditionEnabled(uint256 _editionNumber) public view returns (bool) {
return enabledEditions[_editionNumber];
* @dev Check which address can action a bid for the given edition
function editionController(uint256 _editionNumber) public view returns (address) {
return editionNumberToArtistControlAddress[_editionNumber];
* @dev Returns the array of edition numbers
function addedEditions() public view returns (uint256[]) {
return editionsOnceEnabledForAuctions;
* Minimal interface definition for KODA V2 contract calls
interface IKODAV2 {
function mint(address _to, uint256 _editionNumber) external returns (uint256);
function editionExists(uint256 _editionNumber) external returns (bool);
function totalRemaining(uint256 _editionNumber) external view returns (uint256);
function artistCommission(uint256 _editionNumber) external view returns (address _artistAccount, uint256 _artistCommission);
function editionOptionalCommission(uint256 _editionNumber) external view returns (uint256 _rate, address _recipient);
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
* @title Ownable
* @dev The Ownable contract has an owner address, and provides basic authorization control
* functions, this simplifies the implementation of "user permissions".
contract Ownable {
address public owner;
event OwnershipRenounced(address indexed previousOwner);
event OwnershipTransferred(
address indexed previousOwner,
address indexed newOwner
* @dev The Ownable constructor sets the original `owner` of the contract to the sender
* account.
constructor() public {
owner = msg.sender;
* @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner.
modifier onlyOwner() {
require(msg.sender == owner);
* @dev Allows the current owner to relinquish control of the contract.
* @notice Renouncing to ownership will leave the contract without an owner.
* It will not be possible to call the functions with the `onlyOwner`
* modifier anymore.
function renounceOwnership() public onlyOwner {
emit OwnershipRenounced(owner);
owner = address(0);
* @dev Allows the current owner to transfer control of the contract to a newOwner.
* @param _newOwner The address to transfer ownership to.
function transferOwnership(address _newOwner) public onlyOwner {
* @dev Transfers control of the contract to a newOwner.
* @param _newOwner The address to transfer ownership to.
function _transferOwnership(address _newOwner) internal {
require(_newOwner != address(0));
emit OwnershipTransferred(owner, _newOwner);
owner = _newOwner;
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
import "./Ownable.sol";
* @title Pausable
* @dev Base contract which allows children to implement an emergency stop mechanism.
contract Pausable is Ownable {
event Pause();
event Unpause();
bool public paused = false;
* @dev Modifier to make a function callable only when the contract is not paused.
modifier whenNotPaused() {
* @dev Modifier to make a function callable only when the contract is paused.
modifier whenPaused() {
* @dev called by the owner to pause, triggers stopped state
function pause() public onlyOwner whenNotPaused {
paused = true;
emit Pause();
* @dev called by the owner to unpause, returns to normal state
function unpause() public onlyOwner whenPaused {
paused = false;
emit Unpause();
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
import "./Roles.sol";
* @title RBAC (Role-Based Access Control)
* @author Matt Condon (@Shrugs)
* @dev Stores and provides setters and getters for roles and addresses.
* Supports unlimited numbers of roles and addresses.
* See //contracts/mocks/RBACMock.sol for an example of usage.
* This RBAC method uses strings to key roles. It may be beneficial
* for you to write your own implementation of this interface using Enums or similar.
contract RBAC {
using Roles for Roles.Role;
mapping (string => Roles.Role) private roles;
event RoleAdded(address indexed operator, string role);
event RoleRemoved(address indexed operator, string role);
* @dev reverts if addr does not have role
* @param _operator address
* @param _role the name of the role
* // reverts
function checkRole(address _operator, string _role)
* @dev determine if addr has role
* @param _operator address
* @param _role the name of the role
* @return bool
function hasRole(address _operator, string _role)
returns (bool)
return roles[_role].has(_operator);
* @dev add a role to an address
* @param _operator address
* @param _role the name of the role
function addRole(address _operator, string _role)
emit RoleAdded(_operator, _role);
* @dev remove a role from an address
* @param _operator address
* @param _role the name of the role
function removeRole(address _operator, string _role)
emit RoleRemoved(_operator, _role);
* @dev modifier to scope access to a single role (uses msg.sender as addr)
* @param _role the name of the role
* // reverts
modifier onlyRole(string _role)
checkRole(msg.sender, _role);
* @dev modifier to scope access to a set of roles (uses msg.sender as addr)
* @param _roles the names of the roles to scope access to
* // reverts
* @TODO - when solidity supports dynamic arrays as arguments to modifiers, provide this
* see:
// modifier onlyRoles(string[] _roles) {
// bool hasAnyRole = false;
// for (uint8 i = 0; i < _roles.length; i++) {
// if (hasRole(msg.sender, _roles[i])) {
// hasAnyRole = true;
// break;
// }
// }
// require(hasAnyRole);
// _;
// }
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
* @title Roles
* @author Francisco Giordano (@frangio)
* @dev Library for managing addresses assigned to a Role.
* See RBAC.sol for example usage.
library Roles {
struct Role {
mapping (address => bool) bearer;
* @dev give an address access to this role
function add(Role storage _role, address _addr)
_role.bearer[_addr] = true;
* @dev remove an address' access to this role
function remove(Role storage _role, address _addr)
_role.bearer[_addr] = false;
* @dev check if an address has this role
* // reverts
function check(Role storage _role, address _addr)
require(has(_role, _addr));
* @dev check if an address has this role
* @return bool
function has(Role storage _role, address _addr)
returns (bool)
return _role.bearer[_addr];
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
* @title SafeMath
* @dev Math operations with safety checks that throw on error
library SafeMath {
* @dev Multiplies two numbers, throws on overflow.
function mul(uint256 _a, uint256 _b) internal pure returns (uint256 c) {
// Gas optimization: this is cheaper than asserting 'a' not being zero, but the
// benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested.
// See:
if (_a == 0) {
return 0;
c = _a * _b;
assert(c / _a == _b);
return c;
* @dev Integer division of two numbers, truncating the quotient.
function div(uint256 _a, uint256 _b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
// assert(_b > 0); // Solidity automatically throws when dividing by 0
// uint256 c = _a / _b;
// assert(_a == _b * c + _a % _b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold
return _a / _b;
* @dev Subtracts two numbers, throws on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend).
function sub(uint256 _a, uint256 _b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
assert(_b <= _a);
return _a - _b;
* @dev Adds two numbers, throws on overflow.
function add(uint256 _a, uint256 _b) internal pure returns (uint256 c) {
c = _a + _b;
assert(c >= _a);
return c;
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
import "./Ownable.sol";
import "./RBAC.sol";
* @title Whitelist
* @dev The Whitelist contract has a whitelist of addresses, and provides basic authorization control functions.
* This simplifies the implementation of "user permissions".
contract Whitelist is Ownable, RBAC {
string public constant ROLE_WHITELISTED = "whitelist";
* @dev Throws if operator is not whitelisted.
* @param _operator address
modifier onlyIfWhitelisted(address _operator) {
checkRole(_operator, ROLE_WHITELISTED);
* @dev add an address to the whitelist
* @param _operator address
* @return true if the address was added to the whitelist, false if the address was already in the whitelist
function addAddressToWhitelist(address _operator)
addRole(_operator, ROLE_WHITELISTED);
* @dev getter to determine if address is in whitelist
function whitelist(address _operator)
returns (bool)
return hasRole(_operator, ROLE_WHITELISTED);
* @dev add addresses to the whitelist
* @param _operators addresses
* @return true if at least one address was added to the whitelist,
* false if all addresses were already in the whitelist
function addAddressesToWhitelist(address[] _operators)
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _operators.length; i++) {
* @dev remove an address from the whitelist
* @param _operator address
* @return true if the address was removed from the whitelist,
* false if the address wasn't in the whitelist in the first place
function removeAddressFromWhitelist(address _operator)
removeRole(_operator, ROLE_WHITELISTED);
* @dev remove addresses from the whitelist
* @param _operators addresses
* @return true if at least one address was removed from the whitelist,
* false if all addresses weren't in the whitelist in the first place
function removeAddressesFromWhitelist(address[] _operators)
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _operators.length; i++) {
"compilationTarget": {
"ArtistAcceptingBidsV2.sol": "ArtistAcceptingBidsV2"
"evmVersion": "byzantium",
"libraries": {},
"optimizer": {
"enabled": true,
"runs": 200
"remappings": []