'Understanding how these organisms are able to develop significant changes in larger organisms, such as whales, is crucial. That is why it is important to travel to the glacier, take the samples, return to the laboratory, spend more time sitting in front of the microscope analyzing the phytoplankton community that is present, and then be able to understand what is happening in the system in order to transfer that information to other people, who are the ones dedicating their research to the other fractions of this great chain.'
'Entender cómo estos organismos son capaces de desarrollar cambios significativos en organismos más grandes, como las ballenas, es crucial. Por eso es importante viajar al glaciar, tomar las muestras, volver al laboratorio, pasar más tiempo sentado frente al microscopio analizando la comunidad de fitoplancton presente, y luego poder comprender lo que ocurre en el sistema para poder transferir esa información a otras personas, que son las que se dedican a investigar las otras fracciones de esta gran cadena.'
Marco Antonius Pinto, preparing lab work in Punta Arenas during the global pandemic in December 2020.
Inverted color photograph on Cinestill film changing hues over time. Vertical video piece, no sound.