I feud with food
A war I hate
Morale is low
With my own plate
Make no mistake
I’m on defense
With this warfare
I’m in the trench
I grasp my waist
Contort and writhe
My main battle
Happens inside
From gullet to galley
It’s not my ally
My own body betrays me
No sugar No dairy No Fibre
I climb food pyramids
On fruit and veg alone
Slave to ramses two
How to build a monument
When you can’t build you
One’s mass
Wasting away
Can’t have the apple
You should have each day
To keep that doctor away
No matter the meal
Inflammation I feel
Cause my own body betrays me
I need to change
I need to charge
Live like Khan and conquer large
To eat red meat
Like beef or veal
That’s a steppe forward
To my next meal
Which I could have
A major feast
Bread of rye
And drink of yeast
If my body didn’t betray me
I’d crush cakes
And cram carbs
I’d conquest colas
Like I was soda nobunaga
The bodega
Could be my pantry
I’d climb any gantry
On a sugar high
I’d never die
If my own body didn’t betray me
I can barely move
I’m turning frail
I’d follow Arthur
And find the grail
If only to escape this misery
There’s no strength in a fable
If ever I’m able
I’ll take to the stable
And ride like atilla
To have it all on my round table
But all I can do is turn on the cable
Watch health care hike in price
And ask if I can roll the dice
Just one more day
Keeping a body
That betrays me
Poem written for the "By Any Means" drop inspired by JD's incredible bravery. Love you <3