"Baby boy did commercials for life thanks to a cia pedigree… No he’s laying back in his chair reminiscing on the set of Inside the Crisis Actor's Studio."
Birthplace: Pubic, CA
Gay: Yes
*Laughs* I remember when they first came up with Parkland- the good ol’ days... It was the early days of 2018, and we saw the writing on the wall- we knew we had to pull out all the stops for the next smash hit. The limo pulled up to Comet Ping Pong and who do I see? Henry Kissinger, behind the wheel, he says get in, kid, you and me we’re goin’ places. He gives me the elevator pitch, and I could already tell, this was gonna be the next big thing. This is my moment. This is gonna make me a star.
I look over and who do I see but Ol' Dan Schneider! He always had a great sense of humor - soon as he saw me I could tell he was undressing me with his eyes. Started to slide off my Nikes and I was like "Huh?" I'll never forget what he said: "Gun control? How about foot control! Hahaha!"
Achilles Heel: While immune to gunfire, this card is critically weak against MONARCH programming techniques (e.g.: molestation by Dan Schneider).
♦ Immune to Guns DMG.
♦ 6X Molest DMG.
Shame on You: Use a verbal attack for social warfare.
♦ 225 DMG to one target
♦ Stuns all opponent Whypeepo for one (1) turn;
♦ D.U.D.E: Fellas Rising cards are immune to this Gay Boy