“AH Shit! Wha- think I stepped in glass. Owm shit, turn the light on will you?.. -What the..? Oh, fuck man.”
Busted up pile of YUCKY blackened evil needles. Probably used for drugs or ‘animal research’. Great for putting in the doorway of a dark room in your HOME, right after you tell your guests you have an eastern ‘shoes-off’ home policy. Gotcha! AIDS prank!
CHANCE CARD. Choose an enemy creature to use the trap on. Flip a coin.
Heads: If heads, enemy creature notices your bio trap last second. Close one!
Tails: ENemy creature contracts AIDS : ) ..and it goes full blown fast………none of that Magic Johnson fancy stuff this is the REAL OG GAY CANCER. It’s really a tragedy.
150 HP per turn. Can be cured by “AIDS GAY SPECIALIST” creature