Cory Van Lew began his Covid series last year as a response to the pandemic. His series of paintings and NFTs featuring pandemic-related motifs— anonymous figures in hazmat suits, their faces obscured by masks, uncannily rendered in his signature washes of warm pinks and blues - speaks to the strangeness of this period, defined both by darkness and light, separation and community.
**This open edition will be available for 30 minutes starting at 7pm ET on June 10th. No minimum NFT requirement. Multiple purchases per user allowed.**
**Tier 1:** Offered in a 30 minute Open Edition priced at $200. This NFT will be revealed on **Monday, June 13th** as 1 of 6 special designs of different rarities. Buyers will receive a digital artwork, as well as the opportunity for a very special perk to be announced. All buyers of this NFT will receive special access to Cory’s City of Miami collection coming later this year!
*30 editions have been reserved by the artist.*
**Should you encounter any issues during purchasing, please [contact our support team](https://help.niftygateway.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) immediately**.