* The Edgeless blackjack contract only allows calls from the authorized casino proxy contracts.
* The proxy contract only forward moves if called by an authorized wallet owned by the Edgeless casino, but the game
* data has to be signed by the player to show his approval. This way, Edgeless can provide a fluid game experience
* without having to wait for transaction confirmations.
* author: Julia Altenried
pragma solidity ^ 0.4 .17;
contract owned {
address public owner;
modifier onlyOwner {
require(msg.sender == owner);
function owned() public {
owner = msg.sender;
function changeOwner(address newOwner) onlyOwner public {
owner = newOwner;
contract mortal is owned {
function close() onlyOwner public {
contract casino is mortal {
/** the minimum bet**/
uint public minimumBet;
/** the maximum bet **/
uint public maximumBet;
/** tells if an address is authorized to call game functions **/
mapping(address => bool) public authorized;
/** notify listeners that an error occurred**/
event Error(uint8 errorCode);
* constructur. initialize the contract with initial values.
* @param minBet the minimum bet
* maxBet the maximum bet
function casino(uint minBet, uint maxBet) public {
minimumBet = minBet;
maximumBet = maxBet;
* allows the owner to change the minimum bet
* @param newMin the new minimum bet
function setMinimumBet(uint newMin) onlyOwner public {
minimumBet = newMin;
* allows the owner to change the maximum bet
* @param newMax the new maximum bet
function setMaximumBet(uint newMax) onlyOwner public {
maximumBet = newMax;
* authorize a address to call game functions.
* @param addr the address to be authorized
function authorize(address addr) onlyOwner public {
authorized[addr] = true;
* deauthorize a address to call game functions.
* @param addr the address to be deauthorized
function deauthorize(address addr) onlyOwner public {
authorized[addr] = false;
* checks if an address is authorized to call game functionality
modifier onlyAuthorized {
contract blackjack is casino {
struct Game {
/** the hash of the (partial) deck **/
bytes32 deck;
/** the hash of the casino seed used for randomness generation and deck-hashing, also serves as id**/
bytes32 seedHash;
/** the player address **/
address player;
/** the bet **/
uint bet;
/** the value of the cards: Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K . Ace can be 1 or 11, of course.
* the value of a card can be determined by looking up cardValues[cardId%13]**/
uint8[13] cardValues = [11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10];
/** use the game id to reference the games **/
mapping(bytes32 => Game) games;
/** list of splits per game - length 0 in most cases **/
mapping(bytes32 => uint8[]) splits;
/** tells if a hand of a given game has been doubled **/
mapping(bytes32 => mapping(uint8 => bool)) doubled;
/** tells if the player already claimed his win **/
mapping(bytes32 => bool) over;
/** notify listeners that a new round of blackjack started **/
event NewGame(bytes32 indexed id, bytes32 deck, bytes32 srvSeed, bytes32 cSeed, address player, uint bet);
/** notify listeners of the game outcome **/
event Result(bytes32 indexed id, address player, uint win);
/** notify listeners that the player doubled **/
event Double(bytes32 indexed id, uint8 hand);
/** notify listeners that the player split **/
event Split(bytes32 indexed id, uint8 hand);
* constructur. initialize the contract with a minimum bet and a signer address.
* @param minBet the minimum bet
* maxBet the maximum bet
* bankroll the lower bound for profit sharing
* lotteryAddress the address of the lottery contract
* profitAddress the address to send 60% of the profit to on payday
function blackjack(uint minBet, uint maxBet) casino(minBet, maxBet) public {
* initializes a round of blackjack with an id, the hash of the (partial) deck and the hash of the server seed.
* accepts the bet.
* throws an exception if the bet is too low or a game with the given id already exists.
* @param player the address of the player
* value the value of the bet in tokens
* deck the hash of the deck
* srvSeed the hash of the server seed
* cSeed the plain client seed
function initGame(address player, uint value, bytes32 deck, bytes32 srvSeed, bytes32 cSeed) onlyAuthorized public {
//throw if game with id already exists. later maybe throw only if game with id is still running
assert(value >= minimumBet && value <= maximumBet);
games[srvSeed] = Game(deck, srvSeed, player, value);
NewGame(srvSeed, deck, srvSeed, cSeed, player, value);
* doubles the bet of the game with the given id if the correct amount is sent and the player did not double the hand yet.
* @param id the game id
* hand the index of the hand being doubled
* value the number of tokens sent by the player
function double(bytes32 id, uint8 hand, uint value) onlyAuthorized public {
Game storage game = games[id];
require(value == game.bet);
require(hand <= splits[id].length && !doubled[id][hand]);
doubled[id][hand] = true;
Double(id, hand);
* splits the hands of the game with the given id if the correct amount is sent from the player address and the player
* did not split yet.
* @param id the game id
* hand the index of the hand being split
* value the number of tokens sent by the player
function split(bytes32 id, uint8 hand, uint value) onlyAuthorized public {
Game storage game = games[id];
require(value == game.bet);
require(splits[id].length < 3);
Split(id, hand);
* by surrendering half the bet is returned to the player.
* send the plain server seed to check if it's correct
* @param seed the server seed
function surrender(bytes32 seed) onlyAuthorized public {
var id = keccak256(seed);
Game storage game = games[id];
require(id == game.seedHash);
over[id] = true;
assert(msg.sender.call(bytes4(keccak256("shift(address,uint256)")), game.player, game.bet / 2));
Result(id, game.player, game.bet / 2);
* first checks if deck and the player's number of cards are correct, then checks if the player won and if so, sends the win.
* @param deck the partial deck
* seed the plain server seed
* numCards the number of cards per hand
function stand(uint8[] deck, bytes32 seed, uint8[] numCards) onlyAuthorized public {
var gameId = keccak256(seed); //if seed is incorrect the first condition will already fail
Game storage game = games[gameId];
assert(checkDeck(gameId, deck, seed));
assert(splits[gameId].length == numCards.length - 1);
over[gameId] = true;
uint win = determineOutcome(gameId, deck, numCards);
if (win > 0) assert(msg.sender.call(bytes4(keccak256("shift(address,uint256)")), game.player, win));
Result(gameId, game.player, win);
* checks if a game with the given id already exists
* @param id the game id
function gameExists(bytes32 id) constant public returns(bool success) {
if (games[id].player != 0x0) return true;
return false;
* check if deck and casino seed are correct.
* @param gameId the game id
* deck the partial deck
* seed the server seed
* @return true if correct
function checkDeck(bytes32 gameId, uint8[] deck, bytes32 seed) constant public returns(bool correct) {
if (keccak256(convertToBytes(deck), seed) != games[gameId].deck) return false;
return true;
* converts an uint8 array to bytes
* @param byteArray the uint8 array to be converted
* @return the bytes
function convertToBytes(uint8[] byteArray) internal constant returns(bytes b) {
b = new bytes(byteArray.length);
for (uint8 i = 0; i < byteArray.length; i++)
b[i] = byte(byteArray[i]);
* determines the outcome of a game and returns the win.
* in case of a loss, win is 0.
* @param gameId the id of the game
* cards the cards / partial deck
* numCards the number of cards per hand
* @return the total win of all hands
function determineOutcome(bytes32 gameId, uint8[] cards, uint8[] numCards) constant public returns(uint totalWin) {
Game storage game = games[gameId];
var playerValues = getPlayerValues(cards, numCards, splits[gameId]);
var (dealerValue, dealerBJ) = getDealerValue(cards, sum(numCards));
uint win;
for (uint8 h = 0; h < numCards.length; h++) {
uint8 playerValue = playerValues[h];
//bust if value > 21
if (playerValue > 21) win = 0;
//player blackjack but no dealer blackjack
else if (numCards.length == 1 && playerValue == 21 && numCards[h] == 2 && !dealerBJ) {
win = game.bet * 5 / 2; //pay 3 to 2
//player wins regularly
else if (playerValue > dealerValue || dealerValue > 21)
win = game.bet * 2;
else if (playerValue == dealerValue)
win = game.bet;
//player looses
win = 0;
if (doubled[gameId][h]) win *= 2;
totalWin += win;
* calculates the value of the player's hands.
* @param cards holds the (partial) deck.
* numCards the number of cards per player hand
* pSplits the player's splits (hand index)
* @return the values of the player's hands
function getPlayerValues(uint8[] cards, uint8[] numCards, uint8[] pSplits) constant internal returns(uint8[5] playerValues) {
uint8 cardIndex;
uint8 splitIndex;
(cardIndex, splitIndex, playerValues) = playHand(0, 0, 0, playerValues, cards, numCards, pSplits);
* recursively plays the player's hands.
* @param hIndex the hand index
* cIndex the index of the next card to draw
* sIndex the index of the next split, if there is any
* playerValues the values of the player's hands (not yet complete)
* cards holds the (partial) deck.
* numCards the number of cards per player hand
* pSplits the array of splits
* @return the values of the player's hands and the current card index
function playHand(uint8 hIndex, uint8 cIndex, uint8 sIndex, uint8[5] playerValues, uint8[] cards, uint8[] numCards, uint8[] pSplits) constant internal returns(uint8, uint8, uint8[5]) {
playerValues[hIndex] = cardValues[cards[cIndex] % 13];
cIndex = cIndex < 4 ? cIndex + 2 : cIndex + 1;
while (sIndex < pSplits.length && pSplits[sIndex] == hIndex) {
(cIndex, sIndex, playerValues) = playHand(sIndex, cIndex, sIndex, playerValues, cards, numCards, pSplits);
uint8 numAces = playerValues[hIndex] == 11 ? 1 : 0;
uint8 card;
for (uint8 i = 1; i < numCards[hIndex]; i++) {
card = cards[cIndex] % 13;
playerValues[hIndex] += cardValues[card];
if (card == 0) numAces++;
cIndex = cIndex < 4 ? cIndex + 2 : cIndex + 1;
while (numAces > 0 && playerValues[hIndex] > 21) {
playerValues[hIndex] -= 10;
return (cIndex, sIndex, playerValues);
* calculates the value of a dealer's hand.
* @param cards holds the (partial) deck.
* numCards the number of cards the player holds
* @return the value of the dealer's hand and a flag indicating if the dealer has got a blackjack
function getDealerValue(uint8[] cards, uint8 numCards) constant internal returns(uint8 dealerValue, bool bj) {
//dealer always receives second and forth card
uint8 card = cards[1] % 13;
uint8 card2 = cards[3] % 13;
dealerValue = cardValues[card] + cardValues[card2];
uint8 numAces;
if (card == 0) numAces++;
if (card2 == 0) numAces++;
if (dealerValue > 21) { //2 aces,count as 12
dealerValue -= 10;
} else if (dealerValue == 21) {
return (21, true);
//take cards until value reaches 17 or more.
uint8 i;
while (dealerValue < 17) {
card = cards[numCards + i + 2] % 13;
dealerValue += cardValues[card];
if (card == 0) numAces++;
if (dealerValue > 21 && numAces > 0) {
dealerValue -= 10;
* sums up the given numbers
* note: player will always hold less than 100 cards
* @param numbers the numbers to sum up
* @return the sum of the numbers
function sum(uint8[] numbers) constant internal returns(uint8 s) {
for (uint i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
s += numbers[i];
"compilationTarget": {
"blackjack.sol": "blackjack"
"libraries": {},
"optimizer": {
"enabled": true,
"runs": 200
"remappings": []