As has been echoing throughout the swampland, GREMPLIN has been arrested and jailed! While crowds of Cryptoadz have gathered to celebrate, Colonel Floorbin and his team have been feverishly meeting to determine how to organize the new government and, most importantly, redistribute choglat ASAP.
In a press conference on the matter, Colonel Floorbin spoke deeply of the brave Lil Toadz who strategized the capture of the Evil King. In fact, the colonel spoke for hourzzzzz, yawn. Most important to note from the conference was that he and his team of G.I. Toadz intends to restart monthly rations of choglat as soon as toadzly possible.
Little did anyone at the press conference know, the evil king’s minions are feverishly working to manifest his escape via the tunnels under the swamp that were built for just this purpose.
To be continued! This is the SECOND of FOUR pieces in this exploratory series (all 4 WILL be released over the next few weeks) -- having the FIRST THREE in your wallet will unlock the ability to mint the FOURTH piece!