文件 1 的 1:AutonomousConverter.sol
pragma solidity ^0.4.21;
library SafeMath {
function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
if (a == 0) {
return 0;
uint256 c = a * b;
assert(c / a == b);
return c;
function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
uint256 c = a / b;
return c;
function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
assert(b <= a);
return a - b;
function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
uint256 c = a + b;
assert(c >= a);
return c;
contract FixedMath {
using SafeMath for uint;
uint constant internal METDECIMALS = 18;
uint constant internal METDECMULT = 10 ** METDECIMALS;
uint constant internal DECIMALS = 18;
uint constant internal DECMULT = 10 ** DECIMALS;
function fMul(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint) {
return (x.mul(y)).div(DECMULT);
function fDiv(uint numerator, uint divisor) internal pure returns (uint) {
return (numerator.mul(DECMULT)).div(divisor);
function fSqrt(uint n) internal pure returns (uint) {
if (n == 0) {
return 0;
uint z = n * n;
require(z / n == n);
uint high = fAdd(n, DECMULT);
uint low = 0;
while (fSub(high, low) > 1) {
uint mid = fAdd(low, high) / 2;
if (fSqr(mid) <= n) {
low = mid;
} else {
high = mid;
return low;
function fSqr(uint n) internal pure returns (uint) {
return fMul(n, n);
function fAdd(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint) {
return x.add(y);
function fSub(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint) {
return x.sub(y);
contract Formula is FixedMath {
function returnForMint(uint smartTokenSupply, uint reserveTokensSent, uint reserveTokenBalance)
internal pure returns (uint)
uint s = smartTokenSupply;
uint e = reserveTokensSent;
uint r = reserveTokenBalance;
return ((fMul(s, (fSub(fSqrt(fAdd(DECMULT, fDiv(e, r))), DECMULT)))).mul(METDECMULT)).div(DECMULT);
function returnForRedemption(uint smartTokenSupply, uint smartTokensSent, uint reserveTokenBalance)
internal pure returns (uint)
uint s = smartTokenSupply;
uint t = smartTokensSent;
uint r = reserveTokenBalance;
return ((fMul(r, (fSub(DECMULT, fSqr(fSub(DECMULT, fDiv(t, s))))))).mul(METDECMULT)).div(DECMULT);
contract Pricer {
using SafeMath for uint;
uint constant internal METDECIMALS = 18;
uint constant internal METDECMULT = 10 ** METDECIMALS;
uint public minimumPrice = 33*10**11;
uint public minimumPriceInDailyAuction = 1;
uint public tentimes;
uint public hundredtimes;
uint public thousandtimes;
uint constant public MULTIPLIER = 1984320568*10**5;
function initPricer() public {
uint x = METDECMULT;
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
x = x.mul(99).div(100);
tentimes = x;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
x = x.mul(tentimes).div(METDECMULT);
hundredtimes = x;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
x = x.mul(hundredtimes).div(METDECMULT);
thousandtimes = x;
function priceAt(uint initialPrice, uint _n) public view returns (uint price) {
uint mult = METDECMULT;
uint i;
uint n = _n;
if (n / 1000 > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < n / 1000; i++) {
mult = mult.mul(thousandtimes).div(METDECMULT);
n = n % 1000;
if (n / 100 > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < n / 100; i++) {
mult = mult.mul(hundredtimes).div(METDECMULT);
n = n % 100;
if (n / 10 > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < n / 10; i++) {
mult = mult.mul(tentimes).div(METDECMULT);
n = n % 10;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
mult = mult.mul(99).div(100);
price = initialPrice.mul(mult).div(METDECMULT);
if (price < minimumPriceInDailyAuction) {
price = minimumPriceInDailyAuction;
function priceAtInitialAuction(uint lastPurchasePrice, uint numTicks) public view returns (uint price) {
if (lastPurchasePrice > MULTIPLIER.mul(numTicks)) {
price = lastPurchasePrice.sub(MULTIPLIER.mul(numTicks));
if (price < minimumPrice) {
price = minimumPrice;
interface ERC20 {
function totalSupply() public constant returns (uint256);
function balanceOf(address _owner) public constant returns (uint256);
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public constant returns (uint256);
event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value);
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool);
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool);
event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value);
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool);
contract Ownable {
address public owner;
event OwnershipChanged(address indexed prevOwner, address indexed newOwner);
function Ownable() public {
owner = msg.sender;
modifier onlyOwner() {
require(msg.sender == owner);
function changeOwnership(address _newOwner) public onlyOwner returns (bool) {
require(_newOwner != address(0));
require(_newOwner != owner);
emit OwnershipChanged(owner, _newOwner);
owner = _newOwner;
return true;
contract Owned is Ownable {
address public newOwner;
function changeOwnership(address _newOwner) public onlyOwner returns (bool) {
require(_newOwner != owner);
newOwner = _newOwner;
return true;
function acceptOwnership() public returns (bool) {
require(msg.sender == newOwner);
emit OwnershipChanged(owner, newOwner);
owner = newOwner;
return true;
contract Mintable is Owned {
using SafeMath for uint256;
event Mint(address indexed _to, uint _value);
event Destroy(address indexed _from, uint _value);
event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value);
uint256 internal _totalSupply;
mapping(address => uint256) internal _balanceOf;
address public autonomousConverter;
address public minter;
ITokenPorter public tokenPorter;
function initMintable(address _autonomousConverter, address _minter, uint _initialSupply,
uint _decmult) public onlyOwner {
require(autonomousConverter == 0x0 && _autonomousConverter != 0x0);
require(minter == 0x0 && _minter != 0x0);
autonomousConverter = _autonomousConverter;
minter = _minter;
_totalSupply = _initialSupply.mul(_decmult);
_balanceOf[_autonomousConverter] = _totalSupply;
function totalSupply() public constant returns (uint256) {
return _totalSupply;
function balanceOf(address _owner) public constant returns (uint256) {
return _balanceOf[_owner];
function setTokenPorter(address _tokenPorter) public onlyOwner returns (bool) {
require(_tokenPorter != 0x0);
tokenPorter = ITokenPorter(_tokenPorter);
return true;
function mint(address _to, uint _value) public returns (bool) {
require(msg.sender == minter || msg.sender == address(tokenPorter));
_balanceOf[_to] = _balanceOf[_to].add(_value);
_totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(_value);
emit Mint(_to, _value);
emit Transfer(0x0, _to, _value);
return true;
function destroy(address _from, uint _value) public returns (bool) {
require(msg.sender == autonomousConverter || msg.sender == address(tokenPorter));
_balanceOf[_from] = _balanceOf[_from].sub(_value);
_totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(_value);
emit Destroy(_from, _value);
emit Transfer(_from, 0x0, _value);
return true;
contract Token is ERC20, Mintable {
mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) internal _allowance;
function initToken(address _autonomousConverter, address _minter,
uint _initialSupply, uint _decmult) public onlyOwner {
initMintable(_autonomousConverter, _minter, _initialSupply, _decmult);
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public constant returns (uint256) {
return _allowance[_owner][_spender];
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) {
require(_to != address(0));
require(_to != minter);
require(_to != address(this));
require(_to != autonomousConverter);
Proceeds proceeds = Auctions(minter).proceeds();
require((_to != address(proceeds)));
_balanceOf[msg.sender] = _balanceOf[msg.sender].sub(_value);
_balanceOf[_to] = _balanceOf[_to].add(_value);
emit Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value);
return true;
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) {
require(_to != address(0));
require(_to != minter && _from != minter);
require(_to != address(this) && _from != address(this));
Proceeds proceeds = Auctions(minter).proceeds();
require(_to != address(proceeds) && _from != address(proceeds));
require(_from != autonomousConverter);
require(_allowance[_from][msg.sender] >= _value);
_balanceOf[_from] = _balanceOf[_from].sub(_value);
_balanceOf[_to] = _balanceOf[_to].add(_value);
_allowance[_from][msg.sender] = _allowance[_from][msg.sender].sub(_value);
emit Transfer(_from, _to, _value);
return true;
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) {
require(_spender != address(this));
_allowance[msg.sender][_spender] = _value;
emit Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value);
return true;
function multiTransfer(uint[] bits) public returns (bool) {
for (uint i = 0; i < bits.length; i++) {
address a = address(bits[i] >> 96);
uint amount = bits[i] & ((1 << 96) - 1);
if (!transfer(a, amount)) revert();
return true;
function approveMore(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) {
uint previous = _allowance[msg.sender][_spender];
uint newAllowance = previous.add(_value);
_allowance[msg.sender][_spender] = newAllowance;
emit Approval(msg.sender, _spender, newAllowance);
return true;
function approveLess(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) {
uint previous = _allowance[msg.sender][_spender];
uint newAllowance = previous.sub(_value);
_allowance[msg.sender][_spender] = newAllowance;
emit Approval(msg.sender, _spender, newAllowance);
return true;
contract SmartToken is Mintable {
uint constant internal METDECIMALS = 18;
uint constant internal METDECMULT = 10 ** METDECIMALS;
function initSmartToken(address _autonomousConverter, address _minter, uint _initialSupply) public onlyOwner {
initMintable(_autonomousConverter, _minter, _initialSupply, METDECMULT);
contract METToken is Token {
string public constant name = "Metronome";
string public constant symbol = "MET";
uint8 public constant decimals = 18;
bool public transferAllowed;
function initMETToken(address _autonomousConverter, address _minter,
uint _initialSupply, uint _decmult) public onlyOwner {
initToken(_autonomousConverter, _minter, _initialSupply, _decmult);
modifier transferable() {
function enableMETTransfers() public returns (bool) {
require(!transferAllowed && Auctions(minter).isInitialAuctionEnded());
transferAllowed = true;
return true;
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public transferable returns (bool) {
return super.transfer(_to, _value);
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public transferable returns (bool) {
return super.transferFrom(_from, _to, _value);
function multiTransfer(uint[] bits) public transferable returns (bool) {
return super.multiTransfer(bits);
mapping (address => bytes32) public roots;
function setRoot(bytes32 data) public {
roots[msg.sender] = data;
function getRoot(address addr) public view returns (bytes32) {
return roots[addr];
function rootsMatch(address a, address b) public view returns (bool) {
return roots[a] == roots[b];
function importMET(bytes8 _originChain, bytes8 _destinationChain, address[] _addresses, bytes _extraData,
bytes32[] _burnHashes, uint[] _supplyOnAllChains, uint[] _importData, bytes _proof) public returns (bool)
require(address(tokenPorter) != 0x0);
return tokenPorter.importMET(_originChain, _destinationChain, _addresses, _extraData,
_burnHashes, _supplyOnAllChains, _importData, _proof);
function export(bytes8 _destChain, address _destMetronomeAddr, address _destRecipAddr, uint _amount, uint _fee,
bytes _extraData) public returns (bool)
require(address(tokenPorter) != 0x0);
return tokenPorter.export(msg.sender, _destChain, _destMetronomeAddr,
_destRecipAddr, _amount, _fee, _extraData);
struct Sub {
uint startTime;
uint payPerWeek;
uint lastWithdrawTime;
event LogSubscription(address indexed subscriber, address indexed subscribesTo);
event LogCancelSubscription(address indexed subscriber, address indexed subscribesTo);
mapping (address => mapping (address => Sub)) public subs;
function subscribe(uint _startTime, uint _payPerWeek, address _recipient) public returns (bool) {
require(_startTime >= block.timestamp);
require(_payPerWeek != 0);
require(_recipient != 0);
subs[msg.sender][_recipient] = Sub(_startTime, _payPerWeek, _startTime);
emit LogSubscription(msg.sender, _recipient);
return true;
function cancelSubscription(address _recipient) public returns (bool) {
require(subs[msg.sender][_recipient].startTime != 0);
require(subs[msg.sender][_recipient].payPerWeek != 0);
subs[msg.sender][_recipient].startTime = 0;
subs[msg.sender][_recipient].payPerWeek = 0;
subs[msg.sender][_recipient].lastWithdrawTime = 0;
emit LogCancelSubscription(msg.sender, _recipient);
return true;
function getSubscription(address _owner, address _recipient) public constant
returns (uint startTime, uint payPerWeek, uint lastWithdrawTime)
Sub storage sub = subs[_owner][_recipient];
return (
function subWithdraw(address _owner) public transferable returns (bool) {
require(subWithdrawFor(_owner, msg.sender));
return true;
function multiSubWithdraw(address[] _owners) public returns (uint) {
uint n = 0;
for (uint i=0; i < _owners.length; i++) {
if (subWithdrawFor(_owners[i], msg.sender)) {
return n;
function multiSubWithdrawFor(address[] _owners, address[] _recipients) public returns (uint) {
require(_owners.length == _recipients.length);
uint n = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < _owners.length; i++) {
if (subWithdrawFor(_owners[i], _recipients[i])) {
return n;
function subWithdrawFor(address _from, address _to) internal returns (bool) {
Sub storage sub = subs[_from][_to];
if (sub.startTime > 0 && sub.startTime < block.timestamp && sub.payPerWeek > 0) {
uint weekElapsed = (now.sub(sub.lastWithdrawTime)).div(7 days);
uint amount = weekElapsed.mul(sub.payPerWeek);
if (weekElapsed > 0 && _balanceOf[_from] >= amount) {
subs[_from][_to].lastWithdrawTime = block.timestamp;
_balanceOf[_from] = _balanceOf[_from].sub(amount);
_balanceOf[_to] = _balanceOf[_to].add(amount);
emit Transfer(_from, _to, amount);
return true;
return false;
contract AutonomousConverter is Formula, Owned {
SmartToken public smartToken;
METToken public reserveToken;
Auctions public auctions;
enum WhichToken { Eth, Met }
bool internal initialized = false;
event LogFundsIn(address indexed from, uint value);
event ConvertEthToMet(address indexed from, uint eth, uint met);
event ConvertMetToEth(address indexed from, uint eth, uint met);
function init(address _reserveToken, address _smartToken, address _auctions)
public onlyOwner payable
auctions = Auctions(_auctions);
reserveToken = METToken(_reserveToken);
smartToken = SmartToken(_smartToken);
initialized = true;
function handleFund() public payable {
require(msg.sender == address(auctions.proceeds()));
emit LogFundsIn(msg.sender, msg.value);
function getMetBalance() public view returns (uint) {
return balanceOf(WhichToken.Met);
function getEthBalance() public view returns (uint) {
return balanceOf(WhichToken.Eth);
function getMetForEthResult(uint _depositAmount) public view returns (uint256) {
return convertingReturn(WhichToken.Eth, _depositAmount);
function getEthForMetResult(uint _depositAmount) public view returns (uint256) {
return convertingReturn(WhichToken.Met, _depositAmount);
function convertEthToMet(uint _mintReturn) public payable returns (uint returnedMet) {
returnedMet = convert(WhichToken.Eth, _mintReturn, msg.value);
emit ConvertEthToMet(msg.sender, msg.value, returnedMet);
function convertMetToEth(uint _amount, uint _mintReturn) public returns (uint returnedEth) {
returnedEth = convert(WhichToken.Met, _mintReturn, _amount);
emit ConvertMetToEth(msg.sender, returnedEth, _amount);
function balanceOf(WhichToken which) internal view returns (uint) {
if (which == WhichToken.Eth) return address(this).balance;
if (which == WhichToken.Met) return reserveToken.balanceOf(this);
function convertingReturn(WhichToken whichFrom, uint _depositAmount) internal view returns (uint256) {
WhichToken to = WhichToken.Met;
if (whichFrom == WhichToken.Met) {
to = WhichToken.Eth;
uint reserveTokenBalanceFrom = balanceOf(whichFrom).add(_depositAmount);
uint mintRet = returnForMint(smartToken.totalSupply(), _depositAmount, reserveTokenBalanceFrom);
uint newSmartTokenSupply = smartToken.totalSupply().add(mintRet);
uint reserveTokenBalanceTo = balanceOf(to);
return returnForRedemption(
function convert(WhichToken whichFrom, uint _minReturn, uint amnt) internal returns (uint) {
WhichToken to = WhichToken.Met;
if (whichFrom == WhichToken.Met) {
to = WhichToken.Eth;
require(reserveToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, this, amnt));
uint mintRet = mint(whichFrom, amnt, 1);
return redeem(to, mintRet, _minReturn);
function mint(WhichToken which, uint _depositAmount, uint _minReturn) internal returns (uint256 amount) {
require(_minReturn > 0);
amount = mintingReturn(which, _depositAmount);
require(amount >= _minReturn);
require(smartToken.mint(msg.sender, amount));
function mintingReturn(WhichToken which, uint _depositAmount) internal view returns (uint256) {
uint256 smartTokenSupply = smartToken.totalSupply();
uint256 reserveBalance = balanceOf(which);
return returnForMint(smartTokenSupply, _depositAmount, reserveBalance);
function redeem(WhichToken which, uint _amount, uint _minReturn) internal returns (uint redeemable) {
require(_amount <= smartToken.balanceOf(msg.sender));
require(_minReturn > 0);
redeemable = redemptionReturn(which, _amount);
require(redeemable >= _minReturn);
uint256 reserveBalance = balanceOf(which);
require(reserveBalance >= redeemable);
uint256 tokenSupply = smartToken.totalSupply();
require(_amount < tokenSupply);
smartToken.destroy(msg.sender, _amount);
if (which == WhichToken.Eth) {
} else {
require(reserveToken.transfer(msg.sender, redeemable));
function redemptionReturn(WhichToken which, uint smartTokensSent) internal view returns (uint256) {
uint smartTokenSupply = smartToken.totalSupply();
uint reserveTokenBalance = balanceOf(which);
return returnForRedemption(
contract Proceeds is Owned {
using SafeMath for uint256;
AutonomousConverter public autonomousConverter;
Auctions public auctions;
event LogProceedsIn(address indexed from, uint value);
event LogClosedAuction(address indexed from, uint value);
uint latestAuctionClosed;
function initProceeds(address _autonomousConverter, address _auctions) public onlyOwner {
require(address(auctions) == 0x0 && _auctions != 0x0);
require(address(autonomousConverter) == 0x0 && _autonomousConverter != 0x0);
autonomousConverter = AutonomousConverter(_autonomousConverter);
auctions = Auctions(_auctions);
function handleFund() public payable {
require(msg.sender == address(auctions));
emit LogProceedsIn(msg.sender, msg.value);
function closeAuction() public {
uint lastPurchaseTick = auctions.lastPurchaseTick();
uint currentAuction = auctions.currentAuction();
uint val = ((address(this).balance).mul(25)).div(10000);
if (val > 0 && (currentAuction > auctions.whichAuction(lastPurchaseTick))
&& (latestAuctionClosed < currentAuction)) {
latestAuctionClosed = currentAuction;
emit LogClosedAuction(msg.sender, val);
contract Auctions is Pricer, Owned {
using SafeMath for uint256;
METToken public token;
Proceeds public proceeds;
address[] public founders;
mapping(address => TokenLocker) public tokenLockers;
uint internal constant DAY_IN_SECONDS = 86400;
uint internal constant DAY_IN_MINUTES = 1440;
uint public genesisTime;
uint public lastPurchaseTick;
uint public lastPurchasePrice;
uint public constant INITIAL_GLOBAL_DAILY_SUPPLY = 2880 * METDECMULT;
uint public totalMigratedOut = 0;
uint public totalMigratedIn = 0;
uint public timeScale = 1;
uint public constant INITIAL_SUPPLY = 10000000 * METDECMULT;
uint public mintable = INITIAL_SUPPLY;
uint public initialAuctionDuration = 7 days;
uint public initialAuctionEndTime;
uint public dailyAuctionStartTime;
uint public constant DAILY_PURCHASE_LIMIT = 1000 ether;
mapping (address => uint) internal purchaseInTheAuction;
mapping (address => uint) internal lastPurchaseAuction;
bool public minted;
bool public initialized;
uint public globalSupplyAfterPercentageLogic = 52598080 * METDECMULT;
uint public constant AUCTION_WHEN_PERCENTAGE_LOGIC_STARTS = 14791;
bytes8 public chain = "ETH";
event LogAuctionFundsIn(address indexed sender, uint amount, uint tokens, uint purchasePrice, uint refund);
function Auctions() public {
mintable = INITIAL_SUPPLY - 2000000 * METDECMULT;
function () public payable running {
require(msg.value > 0);
uint amountForPurchase = msg.value;
uint excessAmount;
if (currentAuction() > whichAuction(lastPurchaseTick)) {
if (isInitialAuctionEnded()) {
require(now >= dailyAuctionStartTime);
if (lastPurchaseAuction[msg.sender] < currentAuction()) {
if (amountForPurchase > DAILY_PURCHASE_LIMIT) {
excessAmount = amountForPurchase.sub(DAILY_PURCHASE_LIMIT);
amountForPurchase = DAILY_PURCHASE_LIMIT;
purchaseInTheAuction[msg.sender] = msg.value;
lastPurchaseAuction[msg.sender] = currentAuction();
} else {
require(purchaseInTheAuction[msg.sender] < DAILY_PURCHASE_LIMIT);
if (purchaseInTheAuction[msg.sender].add(amountForPurchase) > DAILY_PURCHASE_LIMIT) {
excessAmount = (purchaseInTheAuction[msg.sender].add(amountForPurchase)).sub(DAILY_PURCHASE_LIMIT);
amountForPurchase = amountForPurchase.sub(excessAmount);
purchaseInTheAuction[msg.sender] = purchaseInTheAuction[msg.sender].add(msg.value);
uint _currentTick = currentTick();
uint weiPerToken;
uint tokens;
uint refund;
(weiPerToken, tokens, refund) = calcPurchase(amountForPurchase, _currentTick);
require(tokens > 0);
if (now < initialAuctionEndTime && (token.totalSupply()).add(tokens) >= INITIAL_SUPPLY) {
initialAuctionEndTime = now;
dailyAuctionStartTime = ((initialAuctionEndTime / 1 days) + 1) * 1 days;
lastPurchaseTick = _currentTick;
lastPurchasePrice = weiPerToken;
assert(tokens <= mintable);
mintable = mintable.sub(tokens);
assert(refund <= amountForPurchase);
uint ethForProceeds = amountForPurchase.sub(refund);
require(token.mint(msg.sender, tokens));
refund = refund.add(excessAmount);
if (refund > 0) {
if (purchaseInTheAuction[msg.sender] > 0) {
purchaseInTheAuction[msg.sender] = purchaseInTheAuction[msg.sender].sub(refund);
emit LogAuctionFundsIn(msg.sender, ethForProceeds, tokens, lastPurchasePrice, refund);
modifier running() {
function isRunning() public constant returns (bool) {
return (block.timestamp >= genesisTime && genesisTime > 0);
function currentTick() public view returns(uint) {
return whichTick(block.timestamp);
function currentAuction() public view returns(uint) {
return whichAuction(currentTick());
function whichTick(uint t) public view returns(uint) {
if (genesisTime > t) {
return (t - genesisTime) * timeScale / 1 minutes;
function whichAuction(uint t) public view returns(uint) {
if (whichTick(dailyAuctionStartTime) > t) {
return 0;
} else {
return ((t - whichTick(dailyAuctionStartTime)) / DAY_IN_MINUTES) + 1;
function heartbeat() public view returns (
bytes8 _chain,
address auctionAddr,
address convertAddr,
address tokenAddr,
uint minting,
uint totalMET,
uint proceedsBal,
uint currTick,
uint currAuction,
uint nextAuctionGMT,
uint genesisGMT,
uint currentAuctionPrice,
uint _dailyMintable,
uint _lastPurchasePrice) {
_chain = chain;
convertAddr = proceeds.autonomousConverter();
tokenAddr = token;
auctionAddr = this;
totalMET = token.totalSupply();
proceedsBal = address(proceeds).balance;
currTick = currentTick();
currAuction = currentAuction();
if (currAuction == 0) {
nextAuctionGMT = dailyAuctionStartTime;
} else {
nextAuctionGMT = (currAuction * DAY_IN_SECONDS) / timeScale + dailyAuctionStartTime;
genesisGMT = genesisTime;
currentAuctionPrice = currentPrice();
_dailyMintable = dailyMintable();
minting = currentMintable();
_lastPurchasePrice = lastPurchasePrice;
function skipInitBecauseIAmNotOg(address _token, address _proceeds, uint _genesisTime,
uint _minimumPrice, uint _startingPrice, uint _timeScale, bytes8 _chain,
uint _initialAuctionEndTime) public onlyOwner returns (bool) {
require(_timeScale != 0);
require(address(token) == 0x0 && _token != 0x0);
require(address(proceeds) == 0x0 && _proceeds != 0x0);
token = METToken(_token);
proceeds = Proceeds(_proceeds);
mintable = 0;
genesisTime = _genesisTime;
initialAuctionEndTime = _initialAuctionEndTime;
if (initialAuctionEndTime == (initialAuctionEndTime / 1 days) * 1 days) {
dailyAuctionStartTime = initialAuctionEndTime;
} else {
dailyAuctionStartTime = ((initialAuctionEndTime / 1 days) + 1) * 1 days;
lastPurchaseTick = 0;
if (_minimumPrice > 0) {
minimumPrice = _minimumPrice;
timeScale = _timeScale;
if (_startingPrice > 0) {
lastPurchasePrice = _startingPrice * 1 ether;
} else {
lastPurchasePrice = 2 ether;
chain = _chain;
minted = true;
initialized = true;
return true;
function initAuctions(uint _startTime, uint _minimumPrice, uint _startingPrice, uint _timeScale)
public onlyOwner returns (bool)
require(_timeScale != 0);
if (_startTime > 0) {
genesisTime = (_startTime / (1 minutes)) * (1 minutes) + 60;
} else {
genesisTime = block.timestamp + 60 - (block.timestamp % 60);
initialAuctionEndTime = genesisTime + initialAuctionDuration;
if (initialAuctionEndTime == (initialAuctionEndTime / 1 days) * 1 days) {
dailyAuctionStartTime = initialAuctionEndTime;
} else {
dailyAuctionStartTime = ((initialAuctionEndTime / 1 days) + 1) * 1 days;
lastPurchaseTick = 0;
if (_minimumPrice > 0) {
minimumPrice = _minimumPrice;
timeScale = _timeScale;
if (_startingPrice > 0) {
lastPurchasePrice = _startingPrice * 1 ether;
} else {
lastPurchasePrice = 2 ether;
for (uint i = 0; i < founders.length; i++) {
TokenLocker tokenLocker = tokenLockers[founders[i]];
initialized = true;
return true;
function createTokenLocker(address _founder, address _token) public onlyOwner {
require(_token != 0x0);
require(_founder != 0x0);
TokenLocker tokenLocker = new TokenLocker(address(this), _token);
tokenLockers[_founder] = tokenLocker;
function mintInitialSupply(uint[] _founders, address _token,
address _proceeds, address _autonomousConverter) public onlyOwner returns (bool)
require(_founders.length != 0);
require(address(token) == 0x0 && _token != 0x0);
require(address(proceeds) == 0x0 && _proceeds != 0x0);
require(_autonomousConverter != 0x0);
token = METToken(_token);
proceeds = Proceeds(_proceeds);
uint foundersTotal;
for (uint i = 0; i < _founders.length; i++) {
address addr = address(_founders[i] >> 96);
require(addr != 0x0);
uint amount = _founders[i] & ((1 << 96) - 1);
require(amount > 0);
TokenLocker tokenLocker = tokenLockers[addr];
require(token.mint(address(tokenLocker), amount));
tokenLocker.deposit(addr, amount);
foundersTotal = foundersTotal.add(amount);
require(foundersTotal == INITIAL_FOUNDER_SUPPLY);
require(token.mint(_autonomousConverter, INITIAL_AC_SUPPLY));
minted = true;
return true;
function stopEverything() public onlyOwner {
if (genesisTime < block.timestamp) {
genesisTime = genesisTime + 1000 years;
initialAuctionEndTime = genesisTime;
dailyAuctionStartTime = genesisTime;
function isInitialAuctionEnded() public view returns (bool) {
return (initialAuctionEndTime != 0 &&
(now >= initialAuctionEndTime || token.totalSupply() >= INITIAL_SUPPLY));
function globalMetSupply() public view returns (uint) {
uint currAuc = currentAuction();
return globalSupplyAfterPercentageLogic;
} else {
function globalDailySupply() public view returns (uint) {
uint thisAuction = currentAuction();
uint lastAuctionPurchase = whichAuction(lastPurchaseTick);
if (lastAuctionPurchase > recentAuction) {
recentAuction = lastAuctionPurchase;
uint totalAuctions = thisAuction - recentAuction;
if (totalAuctions > 1) {
uint factor = 36525 + ((totalAuctions - 1) * 2);
dailySupply = (globalSupplyAfterPercentageLogic.mul(2).mul(factor)).div(36525 ** 2);
} else {
dailySupply = globalSupplyAfterPercentageLogic.mul(2).div(36525);
return dailySupply;
function currentPrice() public constant returns (uint weiPerToken) {
weiPerToken = calcPriceAt(currentTick());
function dailyMintable() public constant returns (uint) {
return nextAuctionSupply(0);
function tokensOnThisChain() public view returns (uint) {
uint totalSupply = token.totalSupply();
uint currMintable = currentMintable();
return totalSupply.add(currMintable);
function currentMintable() public view returns (uint) {
uint currMintable = mintable;
uint currAuction = currentAuction();
uint totalAuctions = currAuction.sub(whichAuction(lastPurchaseTick));
if (totalAuctions > 0) {
currMintable = mintable.add(nextAuctionSupply(totalAuctions));
return currMintable;
function prepareAuctionForNonOGChain() public {
require(msg.sender == address(token.tokenPorter()) || msg.sender == address(token));
require(token.totalSupply() == 0);
require(chain != "ETH");
lastPurchaseTick = currentTick();
function whatWouldPurchaseDo(uint _wei, uint _timestamp) public constant
returns (uint weiPerToken, uint tokens, uint refund)
weiPerToken = calcPriceAt(whichTick(_timestamp));
uint calctokens = METDECMULT.mul(_wei).div(weiPerToken);
tokens = calctokens;
if (calctokens > mintable) {
tokens = mintable;
uint weiPaying = mintable.mul(weiPerToken).div(METDECMULT);
refund = _wei.sub(weiPaying);
function nextAuction() internal constant returns(uint _startTime, uint _startPrice, uint _auctionTokens) {
if (block.timestamp < genesisTime) {
_startTime = genesisTime;
_startPrice = lastPurchasePrice;
_auctionTokens = mintable;
uint recentAuction = whichAuction(lastPurchaseTick);
uint currAuc = currentAuction();
uint totalAuctions = currAuc - recentAuction;
_startTime = dailyAuctionStartTime;
if (currAuc > 1) {
_startTime = auctionStartTime(currentTick());
_auctionTokens = nextAuctionSupply(totalAuctions);
if (totalAuctions > 1) {
_startPrice = lastPurchasePrice / 100 + 1;
} else {
if (mintable == 0 || totalAuctions == 0) {
_startPrice = (lastPurchasePrice * 2) + 1;
} else {
if (currAuc == 1) {
_startPrice = minimumPrice * 2;
} else {
uint tickWhenAuctionEnded = whichTick(_startTime);
uint numTick = 0;
if (tickWhenAuctionEnded > lastPurchaseTick) {
numTick = tickWhenAuctionEnded - lastPurchaseTick;
_startPrice = priceAt(lastPurchasePrice, numTick) * 2;
function calcPurchase(uint _wei, uint _t) internal view returns (uint weiPerToken, uint tokens, uint refund)
require(_t >= lastPurchaseTick);
uint numTicks = _t - lastPurchaseTick;
if (isInitialAuctionEnded()) {
weiPerToken = priceAt(lastPurchasePrice, numTicks);
} else {
weiPerToken = priceAtInitialAuction(lastPurchasePrice, numTicks);
uint calctokens = METDECMULT.mul(_wei).div(weiPerToken);
tokens = calctokens;
if (calctokens > mintable) {
tokens = mintable;
uint ethPaying = mintable.mul(weiPerToken).div(METDECMULT);
refund = _wei.sub(ethPaying);
function nextAuctionSupply(uint totalAuctionMissed) internal view returns (uint supply) {
uint thisAuction = currentAuction();
uint tokensHere = token.totalSupply().add(mintable);
uint dailySupplyAtLastPurchase;
supply = globalDailySupply();
if (totalAuctionMissed > 1) {
dailySupplyAtLastPurchase = globalSupplyAfterPercentageLogic.mul(2).div(36525);
supply = dailySupplyAtLastPurchase.add(supply).mul(totalAuctionMissed).div(2);
supply = (supply.mul(tokensHere)).div(globalSupplyAfterPercentageLogic);
} else {
if (totalAuctionMissed > 1) {
supply = supply.mul(totalAuctionMissed);
uint previousGlobalMetSupply =
supply = (supply.mul(tokensHere)).div(previousGlobalMetSupply);
function calcPriceAt(uint _tick) internal constant returns (uint weiPerToken) {
uint recentAuction = whichAuction(lastPurchaseTick);
uint totalAuctions = whichAuction(_tick).sub(recentAuction);
uint prevPrice;
uint numTicks = 0;
if (mintable == 0 && totalAuctions == 0) {
return lastPurchasePrice;
if (totalAuctions > 1) {
prevPrice = lastPurchasePrice / 100 + 1;
numTicks = numTicksSinceAuctionStart(_tick);
} else if (totalAuctions == 1) {
if (mintable == 0) {
prevPrice = lastPurchasePrice * 2;
} else {
if (whichAuction(_tick) == 1) {
prevPrice = minimumPrice * 2;
} else {
prevPrice = priceAt(lastPurchasePrice, numTicksTillAuctionStart(_tick)) * 2;
numTicks = numTicksSinceAuctionStart(_tick);
} else {
prevPrice = lastPurchasePrice;
numTicks = _tick - lastPurchaseTick;
require(numTicks >= 0);
if (isInitialAuctionEnded()) {
weiPerToken = priceAt(prevPrice, numTicks);
} else {
weiPerToken = priceAtInitialAuction(prevPrice, numTicks);
function numTicksSinceAuctionStart(uint _tick) private view returns (uint ) {
uint currentAuctionStartTime = auctionStartTime(_tick);
return _tick - whichTick(currentAuctionStartTime);
function numTicksTillAuctionStart(uint _tick) private view returns (uint) {
uint currentAuctionStartTime = auctionStartTime(_tick);
return whichTick(currentAuctionStartTime) - lastPurchaseTick;
function auctionStartTime(uint _tick) private view returns (uint) {
return ((whichAuction(_tick)) * 1 days) / timeScale + dailyAuctionStartTime - 1 days;
function restartAuction() private {
uint time;
uint price;
uint auctionTokens;
(time, price, auctionTokens) = nextAuction();
uint thisAuction = currentAuction();
globalSupplyAfterPercentageLogic = globalSupplyAfterPercentageLogic.add(globalDailySupply());
mintable = mintable.add(auctionTokens);
lastPurchasePrice = price;
lastPurchaseTick = whichTick(time);
contract TokenLocker is Ownable {
using SafeMath for uint;
uint internal constant QUARTER = 91 days + 450 minutes;
Auctions public auctions;
METToken public token;
bool public locked = false;
uint public deposited;
uint public lastWithdrawTime;
uint public quarterlyWithdrawable;
event Withdrawn(address indexed who, uint amount);
event Deposited(address indexed who, uint amount);
modifier onlyAuction() {
require(msg.sender == address(auctions));
modifier preLock() {
modifier postLock() {
function TokenLocker(address _auctions, address _token) public {
require(_auctions != 0x0);
require(_token != 0x0);
auctions = Auctions(_auctions);
token = METToken(_token);
function lockTokenLocker() public onlyAuction {
require(auctions.initialAuctionEndTime() != 0);
require(auctions.initialAuctionEndTime() >= auctions.genesisTime());
locked = true;
function deposit (address beneficiary, uint amount ) public onlyAuction preLock {
uint totalBalance = token.balanceOf(this);
require(totalBalance.sub(deposited) >= amount);
deposited = deposited.add(amount);
emit Deposited(beneficiary, amount);
function withdraw() public onlyOwner postLock {
require(deposited > 0);
uint withdrawable = 0;
uint withdrawTime = auctions.initialAuctionEndTime();
if (lastWithdrawTime == 0 && auctions.isInitialAuctionEnded()) {
withdrawable = withdrawable.add((deposited.mul(25)).div(100));
quarterlyWithdrawable = (deposited.sub(withdrawable)).div(12);
lastWithdrawTime = withdrawTime;
require(lastWithdrawTime != 0);
if (now >= lastWithdrawTime.add(QUARTER)) {
uint daysSinceLastWithdraw = now.sub(lastWithdrawTime);
uint totalQuarters = daysSinceLastWithdraw.div(QUARTER);
require(totalQuarters > 0);
withdrawable = withdrawable.add(quarterlyWithdrawable.mul(totalQuarters));
if (now >= withdrawTime.add(QUARTER.mul(12))) {
withdrawable = deposited;
lastWithdrawTime = lastWithdrawTime.add(totalQuarters.mul(QUARTER));
if (withdrawable > 0) {
deposited = deposited.sub(withdrawable);
token.transfer(msg.sender, withdrawable);
emit Withdrawn(msg.sender, withdrawable);
interface ITokenPorter {
event ExportOnChainClaimedReceiptLog(address indexed destinationMetronomeAddr,
address indexed destinationRecipientAddr, uint amount);
event ExportReceiptLog(bytes8 destinationChain, address destinationMetronomeAddr,
address indexed destinationRecipientAddr, uint amountToBurn, uint fee, bytes extraData, uint currentTick,
uint indexed burnSequence, bytes32 indexed currentBurnHash, bytes32 prevBurnHash, uint dailyMintable,
uint[] supplyOnAllChains, uint genesisTime, uint blockTimestamp, uint dailyAuctionStartTime);
event ImportReceiptLog(address indexed destinationRecipientAddr, uint amountImported,
uint fee, bytes extraData, uint currentTick, uint indexed importSequence,
bytes32 indexed currentHash, bytes32 prevHash, uint dailyMintable, uint blockTimestamp, address caller);
function export(address tokenOwner, bytes8 _destChain, address _destMetronomeAddr,
address _destRecipAddr, uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes _extraData) public returns (bool);
function importMET(bytes8 _originChain, bytes8 _destinationChain, address[] _addresses, bytes _extraData,
bytes32[] _burnHashes, uint[] _supplyOnAllChains, uint[] _importData, bytes _proof) public returns (bool);
contract TokenPorter is ITokenPorter, Owned {
using SafeMath for uint;
Auctions public auctions;
METToken public token;
Validator public validator;
ChainLedger public chainLedger;
uint public burnSequence = 1;
uint public importSequence = 1;
bytes32[] public exportedBurns;
uint[] public supplyOnAllChains = new uint[](6);
mapping(bytes8 => address) public destinationChains;
function initTokenPorter(address _tokenAddr, address _auctionsAddr) public onlyOwner {
require(_tokenAddr != 0x0);
require(_auctionsAddr != 0x0);
auctions = Auctions(_auctionsAddr);
token = METToken(_tokenAddr);
function setValidator(address _validator) public onlyOwner returns (bool) {
require(_validator != 0x0);
validator = Validator(_validator);
return true;
function setChainLedger(address _chainLedger) public onlyOwner returns (bool) {
require(_chainLedger != 0x0);
chainLedger = ChainLedger(_chainLedger);
return true;
function addDestinationChain(bytes8 _chainName, address _contractAddress)
public onlyOwner returns (bool)
require(_chainName != 0 && _contractAddress != address(0));
destinationChains[_chainName] = _contractAddress;
return true;
function removeDestinationChain(bytes8 _chainName) public onlyOwner returns (bool) {
require(_chainName != 0);
require(destinationChains[_chainName] != address(0));
destinationChains[_chainName] = address(0);
return true;
mapping (address => mapping(address => uint)) public claimables;
function claimReceivables(address[] recipients) public returns (uint) {
require(recipients.length > 0);
uint total;
for (uint i = 0; i < recipients.length; i++) {
address recipient = recipients[i];
uint amountBurned = claimables[msg.sender][recipient];
if (amountBurned > 0) {
claimables[msg.sender][recipient] = 0;
emit ExportOnChainClaimedReceiptLog(msg.sender, recipient, amountBurned);
total = total.add(1);
return total;
function importMET(bytes8 _originChain, bytes8 _destinationChain, address[] _addresses, bytes _extraData,
bytes32[] _burnHashes, uint[] _supplyOnAllChains, uint[] _importData, bytes _proof) public returns (bool)
require(msg.sender == address(token));
require(_importData.length == 8);
require(_addresses.length == 2);
require(_burnHashes.length == 2);
require(validator.isReceiptClaimable(_originChain, _destinationChain, _addresses, _extraData, _burnHashes,
_supplyOnAllChains, _importData, _proof));
require(_destinationChain == auctions.chain());
uint amountToImport = _importData[1].add(_importData[2]);
require(amountToImport.add(token.totalSupply()) <= auctions.globalMetSupply());
require(_addresses[0] == address(token));
if (_importData[1] == 0) {
return false;
if (importSequence == 1 && token.totalSupply() == 0) {
token.mint(_addresses[1], _importData[1]);
emit ImportReceiptLog(_addresses[1], _importData[1], _importData[2], _extraData,
auctions.currentTick(), importSequence, _burnHashes[1],
_burnHashes[0], auctions.dailyMintable(), now, msg.sender);
chainLedger.registerImport(_originChain, _destinationChain, _importData[1]);
return true;
function export(address tokenOwner, bytes8 _destChain, address _destMetronomeAddr,
address _destRecipAddr, uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes _extraData) public returns (bool)
require(msg.sender == address(token));
require(_destChain != 0x0 && _destMetronomeAddr != 0x0 && _destRecipAddr != 0x0 && _amount != 0);
require(destinationChains[_destChain] == _destMetronomeAddr);
require(token.balanceOf(tokenOwner) >= _amount.add(_fee));
token.destroy(tokenOwner, _amount.add(_fee));
uint dailyMintable = auctions.dailyMintable();
uint currentTick = auctions.currentTick();
if (burnSequence == 1) {
if (_destChain == auctions.chain()) {
claimables[_destMetronomeAddr][_destRecipAddr] =
uint blockTime = block.timestamp;
bytes32 currentBurn = keccak256(
exportedBurns[burnSequence - 1]);
supplyOnAllChains[0] = token.totalSupply();
emit ExportReceiptLog(_destChain, _destMetronomeAddr, _destRecipAddr, _amount, _fee, _extraData,
currentTick, burnSequence, currentBurn, exportedBurns[burnSequence - 1], dailyMintable,
supplyOnAllChains, auctions.genesisTime(), blockTime, auctions.dailyAuctionStartTime());
burnSequence = burnSequence + 1;
chainLedger.registerExport(auctions.chain(), _destChain, _amount);
return true;
contract ChainLedger is Owned {
using SafeMath for uint;
mapping (bytes8 => uint) public balance;
mapping (bytes8 => bool) public validChain;
bytes8[] public chains;
address public tokenPorter;
Auctions public auctions;
event LogRegisterChain(address indexed caller, bytes8 indexed chain, uint supply, bool outcome);
event LogRegisterExport(address indexed caller, bytes8 indexed originChain, bytes8 indexed destChain, uint amount);
event LogRegisterImport(address indexed caller, bytes8 indexed originChain, bytes8 indexed destChain, uint amount);
function initChainLedger(address _tokenPorter, address _auctionsAddr) public onlyOwner returns (bool) {
require(_tokenPorter != 0x0);
require(_auctionsAddr != 0x0);
tokenPorter = _tokenPorter;
auctions = Auctions(_auctionsAddr);
return true;
function registerChain(bytes8 chain, uint supply) public onlyOwner returns (bool) {
validChain[chain] = true;
balance[chain] = supply;
emit LogRegisterChain(msg.sender, chain, supply, true);
function registerExport(bytes8 originChain, bytes8 destChain, uint amount) public {
require(msg.sender == tokenPorter || msg.sender == owner);
require(validChain[originChain] && validChain[destChain]);
require(balance[originChain] >= amount);
balance[originChain] = balance[originChain].sub(amount);
balance[destChain] = balance[destChain].add(amount);
emit LogRegisterExport(msg.sender, originChain, destChain, amount);
function registerImport(bytes8 originChain, bytes8 destChain, uint amount) public {
require(msg.sender == tokenPorter || msg.sender == owner);
require(validChain[originChain] && validChain[destChain]);
balance[originChain] = balance[originChain].sub(amount);
balance[destChain] = balance[destChain].add(amount);
emit LogRegisterImport(msg.sender, originChain, destChain, amount);
contract Validator is Owned {
mapping (bytes32 => mapping (address => bool)) public hashAttestations;
mapping (address => bool) public isValidator;
mapping (address => uint8) public validatorNum;
address[] public validators;
address public metToken;
address public tokenPorter;
mapping (bytes32 => bool) public hashClaimed;
uint8 public threshold = 2;
event LogAttestation(bytes32 indexed hash, address indexed who, bool isValid);
function initValidator(address _validator1, address _validator2, address _validator3) public onlyOwner {
for (uint8 i = 0; i < validators.length; i++) {
delete isValidator[validators[i]];
delete validatorNum[validators[i]];
delete validators;
isValidator[_validator1] = true;
isValidator[_validator2] = true;
isValidator[_validator3] = true;
validatorNum[_validator1] = 0;
validatorNum[_validator2] = 1;
validatorNum[_validator3] = 2;
function setTokenPorter(address _tokenPorter) public onlyOwner returns (bool) {
require(_tokenPorter != 0x0);
tokenPorter = _tokenPorter;
return true;
function validateHash(bytes32 hash) public {
hashAttestations[hash][msg.sender] = true;
emit LogAttestation(hash, msg.sender, true);
function invalidateHash(bytes32 hash) public {
hashAttestations[hash][msg.sender] = false;
emit LogAttestation(hash, msg.sender, false);
function hashClaimable(bytes32 hash) public view returns(bool) {
if (hashClaimed[hash]) { return false; }
uint8 count = 0;
for (uint8 i = 0; i < validators.length; i++) {
if (hashAttestations[hash][validators[i]]) { count++;}
if (count >= threshold) { return true; }
return false;
function claimHash(bytes32 hash) public {
require(msg.sender == tokenPorter);
hashClaimed[hash] = true;
function isReceiptClaimable(bytes8 _originChain, bytes8 _destinationChain, address[] _addresses, bytes _extraData,
bytes32[] _burnHashes, uint[] _supplyOnAllChain, uint[] _importData, bytes _proof) public view returns(bool) {
require(_burnHashes[1] == keccak256(_importData[0], _originChain, _destinationChain, _addresses[0],
_addresses[1], _importData[1], _importData[3], _importData[4], _importData[5], _supplyOnAllChain[0],
_extraData, _burnHashes[0]));
if (hashClaimable(_burnHashes[1])) {
return true;
return false;