As you journey through the pestilential mists of a forsaken marshland, you search for the hidden entrance that will lead you to the domain of the Swamp Witch. You find a moss-covered mausoleum – the sepulchre of your forefathers, and you dig beneath the tombs, finding a tunnel beneath the ground. As you enter the vaults of ingurgitating obscurity, the blood-chilling, eerie calm that surrounds you makes your body tremble in fear. Through the cryptic gloom, you hear the shadows whisper, their voices echoing in a silent, sinister discordance.
And as you find an arched entrance, the shadows suddenly become distinct shapes - grotesque, phantomatic entities with obscenely deformed mouths. In a deafening choir, the spirits chanted:
"Mundus est corruptus. Sic reviviscat.
Detriti magam colere.
Ave maga.
Eius sanguine depingite.
Sanguine depingite.
In imagine vestra mundum create.
Nostra mortis vis est.
Eius sanguine create.
Mors novam vitam efficit. Hunc mundum destruat."