The Metalympics has begun! The first day saw a great turnout! With everyone keen to explore, can you blame them? Then it was onto the first event, the obstacle course. Dubbed ‘Nearly impossible’ ; Nobody said the Metalympics would be easy! Cryptovoxels fared well… sort of. Join us for all the other events! VIDEOGRAPHER/ CREATOR: Paradoxx. THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR SPONSORS: TokenSmart, Avastars, Lendroid, ArtBlocks, Rendar Art, Battle Racers, VoxelArchitects, The WIP Meetup, MemeForce, CryptoMotors, E9art, Terra Virtua, Sandbox, Play to Earn, Metafactory, Bittrees, Axie Infinity, Stacks, NFT42, Whale Community, Second Legion, Cryptokitties, SteadyBreaks, Connie Digital, MagNFT