Upon a mountain's crest she stood
Her hair in wild disarray
As pieces of her blew away
Into the dust of yesterday
But still she stood, unbroken, strong
Her eyes upon the distant sky
A fierce determination in her song
As she refused to let her spirit die
For though the winds of fate may blow
And strip her of her all
She'll find the strength to let it go
And rise again, after the fall
And so she'll stand, upon that peak
A beacon in the dark
A symbol of the strength we seek
When life tears us apart.
This is a photographic artwork with a real human, who was lit, posed and photographed in studio. Ai was used to create the backdrop and composited into the portrait.
About the artist:
Victoria West is an activist, story teller and a Master of Photographic Arts, who's work is inspired by what she cares most deeply about. With a painterly style, her photographic composites are entirely lit, composed, shot and edited by Victoria. Her attention to detail and craft has won her many awards. She has been a member of Team Canada in the World Photographic Cup 2019, 2020, 2021, & 2022, and brought home a bronze medal in 2019. She’s also made history by being awarded the title of Portrait Photographer of the Year, 2019, 2020 & 2021, by the Professional Photographers of Canada.
License: Primary NFT holder is free to use for private print display and in virtual galleries.
Provides no rights for commercial use, merchandise, distribution, or derivative works. Copyright remains with creator.