昭 和 百 年 展
このNFTは「昭和百年展」で人気を博した電話ボックス型フォトブース「CONNECT TO SHOWA100」をモチーフにして創られました。
Showa100 Exhibition
This is an engagement with a virtual realization that will never come.
If the "Showa" era continued, the year 2025 will mark the "100th year" of the Showa era. Coincidentally, this is the year that the World Expo in Osaka, which symbolized the Showa era, will return to Japan.
Why do we dare to think of the "Showa Centennial" now that the Heisei Era is over?
This NFT was created based on the "CONNECT TO SHOWA100," a telephone booth-type photo booth that was popular at the "Showa Centennial Exhibition.
If the Showa era had continued, the year 2025 would be the Showa Centennial.
And since one year is 52 weeks, we will offer a total of 5,200 NFTs for 100 years x 52 weeks from the first year of the Showa Era to the Showa Centennial.