We all know that our bodies and minds grow and change as time goes by... Like the many features of a dazzling landscape, we undergo a slow but steady transformation; we learn new skills, we gain (or lose) physical capabilities, we become new people in every moment.
But what about the creative spirit? Does our fiery spark change its very nature as time goes by? Or is it an immortal part of us, hidden in the background, always present but never changing? And what does this mean for our creative works? Will they change and evolve with us, almost like a reflection of our soul in the still waters of a timeless pond?
A year ago, I released my first real labor of love in the NFT space, "Stay Golden: The Fall Collection". The photos and captions were and are an exploration of change, both externally and internally. I can honestly say that the past year here, with all its challenges and exciting moments and new friendships, has changed my life, and I can't wait for whatever surprises the future holds for me. Thank you for being a part of it!
This edition, "Still Golden", is a celebration of all of that; I took this photo not long after I minted Stay Golden, but I consider it in my heart to be the long lost and long last 36th image in the collection.
For those who might be curious or just want some interesting captions to ponder:
[Stay Golden: The Fall Collection](https://opensea.io/collection/stay-golden-fall-collection?search[sortAscending]=true&search[sortBy]=CREATED_DATE)
**Artist:** Steve Walasavage
**Series:** This And That
**Collection:** Steve Walasavage Editions
**Edition:** 1/50 NFT
*"Steve Walasavage Editions"* is a set of editions released over the course of my career as a photographer, artist, and multidisciplinary phenom (citation needed).
All editions are ERC-1155 tokens minted on the [Steve Walasavage Editions](https://etherscan.io/address/0x61db92d6349cd56d8accd059fd1c12a6bd60fcb2) custom smart contract.
Extended Editorial License: Can be used to display privately, or in commercial and non-commercial settings, or in groups with an unlimited number of participants. The License includes unlimited use and display in virtual or physical galleries, documentaries, and essays by the NFT holder. Provides no rights to create commercial merchandise, commercial distribution, or derivative works.