// File: contracts/token/interfaces/IERC20Token.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.26;
ERC20 Standard Token interface
contract IERC20Token {
// these functions aren't abstract since the compiler emits automatically generated getter functions as external
function name() public view returns (string) {this;}
function symbol() public view returns (string) {this;}
function decimals() public view returns (uint8) {this;}
function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256) {this;}
function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256) {_owner; this;}
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public view returns (uint256) {_owner; _spender; this;}
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success);
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success);
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success);
// File: contracts/IBancorNetwork.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.26;
Bancor Network interface
contract IBancorNetwork {
function convert2(
IERC20Token[] _path,
uint256 _amount,
uint256 _minReturn,
address _affiliateAccount,
uint256 _affiliateFee
) public payable returns (uint256);
function claimAndConvert2(
IERC20Token[] _path,
uint256 _amount,
uint256 _minReturn,
address _affiliateAccount,
uint256 _affiliateFee
) public returns (uint256);
function convertFor2(
IERC20Token[] _path,
uint256 _amount,
uint256 _minReturn,
address _for,
address _affiliateAccount,
uint256 _affiliateFee
) public payable returns (uint256);
function claimAndConvertFor2(
IERC20Token[] _path,
uint256 _amount,
uint256 _minReturn,
address _for,
address _affiliateAccount,
uint256 _affiliateFee
) public returns (uint256);
// deprecated, backward compatibility
function convert(
IERC20Token[] _path,
uint256 _amount,
uint256 _minReturn
) public payable returns (uint256);
// deprecated, backward compatibility
function claimAndConvert(
IERC20Token[] _path,
uint256 _amount,
uint256 _minReturn
) public returns (uint256);
// deprecated, backward compatibility
function convertFor(
IERC20Token[] _path,
uint256 _amount,
uint256 _minReturn,
address _for
) public payable returns (uint256);
// deprecated, backward compatibility
function claimAndConvertFor(
IERC20Token[] _path,
uint256 _amount,
uint256 _minReturn,
address _for
) public returns (uint256);
// File: contracts/IConversionPathFinder.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.26;
Conversion Path Finder interface
contract IConversionPathFinder {
function findPath(address _sourceToken, address _targetToken) public view returns (address[] memory);
// File: contracts/utility/interfaces/IOwned.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.26;
Owned contract interface
contract IOwned {
// this function isn't abstract since the compiler emits automatically generated getter functions as external
function owner() public view returns (address) {this;}
function transferOwnership(address _newOwner) public;
function acceptOwnership() public;
// File: contracts/utility/interfaces/ITokenHolder.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.26;
Token Holder interface
contract ITokenHolder is IOwned {
function withdrawTokens(IERC20Token _token, address _to, uint256 _amount) public;
// File: contracts/converter/interfaces/IConverterAnchor.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.26;
Converter Anchor interface
contract IConverterAnchor is IOwned, ITokenHolder {
// File: contracts/utility/interfaces/IWhitelist.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.26;
Whitelist interface
contract IWhitelist {
function isWhitelisted(address _address) public view returns (bool);
// File: contracts/converter/interfaces/IConverter.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.26;
Converter interface
contract IConverter is IOwned {
function converterType() public pure returns (uint16);
function anchor() public view returns (IConverterAnchor) {this;}
function isActive() public view returns (bool);
function rateAndFee(IERC20Token _sourceToken, IERC20Token _targetToken, uint256 _amount) public view returns (uint256, uint256);
function convert(IERC20Token _sourceToken,
IERC20Token _targetToken,
uint256 _amount,
address _trader,
address _beneficiary) public payable returns (uint256);
function conversionWhitelist() public view returns (IWhitelist) {this;}
function conversionFee() public view returns (uint32) {this;}
function maxConversionFee() public view returns (uint32) {this;}
function reserveBalance(IERC20Token _reserveToken) public view returns (uint256);
function() external payable;
function transferAnchorOwnership(address _newOwner) public;
function acceptAnchorOwnership() public;
function setConversionFee(uint32 _conversionFee) public;
function setConversionWhitelist(IWhitelist _whitelist) public;
function withdrawTokens(IERC20Token _token, address _to, uint256 _amount) public;
function withdrawETH(address _to) public;
function addReserve(IERC20Token _token, uint32 _ratio) public;
// deprecated, backward compatibility
function token() public view returns (IConverterAnchor);
function transferTokenOwnership(address _newOwner) public;
function acceptTokenOwnership() public;
function connectors(address _address) public view returns (uint256, uint32, bool, bool, bool);
function getConnectorBalance(IERC20Token _connectorToken) public view returns (uint256);
function connectorTokens(uint256 _index) public view returns (IERC20Token);
function connectorTokenCount() public view returns (uint16);
// File: contracts/converter/interfaces/IBancorFormula.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.26;
Bancor Formula interface
contract IBancorFormula {
function purchaseRate(uint256 _supply,
uint256 _reserveBalance,
uint32 _reserveWeight,
uint256 _amount)
public view returns (uint256);
function saleRate(uint256 _supply,
uint256 _reserveBalance,
uint32 _reserveWeight,
uint256 _amount)
public view returns (uint256);
function crossReserveRate(uint256 _sourceReserveBalance,
uint32 _sourceReserveWeight,
uint256 _targetReserveBalance,
uint32 _targetReserveWeight,
uint256 _amount)
public view returns (uint256);
function fundCost(uint256 _supply,
uint256 _reserveBalance,
uint32 _reserveRatio,
uint256 _amount)
public view returns (uint256);
function liquidateRate(uint256 _supply,
uint256 _reserveBalance,
uint32 _reserveRatio,
uint256 _amount)
public view returns (uint256);
// File: contracts/utility/Owned.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.26;
* @dev Provides support and utilities for contract ownership
contract Owned is IOwned {
address public owner;
address public newOwner;
* @dev triggered when the owner is updated
* @param _prevOwner previous owner
* @param _newOwner new owner
event OwnerUpdate(address indexed _prevOwner, address indexed _newOwner);
* @dev initializes a new Owned instance
constructor() public {
owner = msg.sender;
// allows execution by the owner only
modifier ownerOnly {
// error message binary size optimization
function _ownerOnly() internal view {
require(msg.sender == owner, "ERR_ACCESS_DENIED");
* @dev allows transferring the contract ownership
* the new owner still needs to accept the transfer
* can only be called by the contract owner
* @param _newOwner new contract owner
function transferOwnership(address _newOwner) public ownerOnly {
require(_newOwner != owner, "ERR_SAME_OWNER");
newOwner = _newOwner;
* @dev used by a new owner to accept an ownership transfer
function acceptOwnership() public {
require(msg.sender == newOwner, "ERR_ACCESS_DENIED");
emit OwnerUpdate(owner, newOwner);
owner = newOwner;
newOwner = address(0);
// File: contracts/utility/Utils.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.26;
* @dev Utilities & Common Modifiers
contract Utils {
// verifies that a value is greater than zero
modifier greaterThanZero(uint256 _value) {
// error message binary size optimization
function _greaterThanZero(uint256 _value) internal pure {
require(_value > 0, "ERR_ZERO_VALUE");
// validates an address - currently only checks that it isn't null
modifier validAddress(address _address) {
// error message binary size optimization
function _validAddress(address _address) internal pure {
require(_address != address(0), "ERR_INVALID_ADDRESS");
// verifies that the address is different than this contract address
modifier notThis(address _address) {
// error message binary size optimization
function _notThis(address _address) internal view {
require(_address != address(this), "ERR_ADDRESS_IS_SELF");
// File: contracts/utility/interfaces/IContractRegistry.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.26;
Contract Registry interface
contract IContractRegistry {
function addressOf(bytes32 _contractName) public view returns (address);
// deprecated, backward compatibility
function getAddress(bytes32 _contractName) public view returns (address);
// File: contracts/utility/ContractRegistryClient.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.26;
* @dev Base contract for ContractRegistry clients
contract ContractRegistryClient is Owned, Utils {
bytes32 internal constant CONTRACT_REGISTRY = "ContractRegistry";
bytes32 internal constant BANCOR_NETWORK = "BancorNetwork";
bytes32 internal constant BANCOR_FORMULA = "BancorFormula";
bytes32 internal constant CONVERTER_FACTORY = "ConverterFactory";
bytes32 internal constant CONVERSION_PATH_FINDER = "ConversionPathFinder";
bytes32 internal constant CONVERTER_UPGRADER = "BancorConverterUpgrader";
bytes32 internal constant CONVERTER_REGISTRY = "BancorConverterRegistry";
bytes32 internal constant CONVERTER_REGISTRY_DATA = "BancorConverterRegistryData";
bytes32 internal constant BNT_TOKEN = "BNTToken";
bytes32 internal constant BANCOR_X = "BancorX";
bytes32 internal constant BANCOR_X_UPGRADER = "BancorXUpgrader";
IContractRegistry public registry; // address of the current contract-registry
IContractRegistry public prevRegistry; // address of the previous contract-registry
bool public onlyOwnerCanUpdateRegistry; // only an owner can update the contract-registry
* @dev verifies that the caller is mapped to the given contract name
* @param _contractName contract name
modifier only(bytes32 _contractName) {
// error message binary size optimization
function _only(bytes32 _contractName) internal view {
require(msg.sender == addressOf(_contractName), "ERR_ACCESS_DENIED");
* @dev initializes a new ContractRegistryClient instance
* @param _registry address of a contract-registry contract
constructor(IContractRegistry _registry) internal validAddress(_registry) {
registry = IContractRegistry(_registry);
prevRegistry = IContractRegistry(_registry);
* @dev updates to the new contract-registry
function updateRegistry() public {
// verify that this function is permitted
require(msg.sender == owner || !onlyOwnerCanUpdateRegistry, "ERR_ACCESS_DENIED");
// get the new contract-registry
IContractRegistry newRegistry = IContractRegistry(addressOf(CONTRACT_REGISTRY));
// verify that the new contract-registry is different and not zero
require(newRegistry != address(registry) && newRegistry != address(0), "ERR_INVALID_REGISTRY");
// verify that the new contract-registry is pointing to a non-zero contract-registry
require(newRegistry.addressOf(CONTRACT_REGISTRY) != address(0), "ERR_INVALID_REGISTRY");
// save a backup of the current contract-registry before replacing it
prevRegistry = registry;
// replace the current contract-registry with the new contract-registry
registry = newRegistry;
* @dev restores the previous contract-registry
function restoreRegistry() public ownerOnly {
// restore the previous contract-registry
registry = prevRegistry;
* @dev restricts the permission to update the contract-registry
* @param _onlyOwnerCanUpdateRegistry indicates whether or not permission is restricted to owner only
function restrictRegistryUpdate(bool _onlyOwnerCanUpdateRegistry) public ownerOnly {
// change the permission to update the contract-registry
onlyOwnerCanUpdateRegistry = _onlyOwnerCanUpdateRegistry;
* @dev returns the address associated with the given contract name
* @param _contractName contract name
* @return contract address
function addressOf(bytes32 _contractName) internal view returns (address) {
return registry.addressOf(_contractName);
// File: contracts/utility/ReentrancyGuard.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.26;
* @dev ReentrancyGuard
* The contract provides protection against re-entrancy - calling a function (directly or
* indirectly) from within itself.
contract ReentrancyGuard {
// true while protected code is being executed, false otherwise
bool private locked = false;
* @dev ensures instantiation only by sub-contracts
constructor() internal {}
// protects a function against reentrancy attacks
modifier protected() {
locked = true;
locked = false;
// error message binary size optimization
function _protected() internal view {
require(!locked, "ERR_REENTRANCY");
// File: contracts/utility/TokenHandler.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.26;
contract TokenHandler {
bytes4 private constant APPROVE_FUNC_SELECTOR = bytes4(keccak256("approve(address,uint256)"));
bytes4 private constant TRANSFER_FUNC_SELECTOR = bytes4(keccak256("transfer(address,uint256)"));
bytes4 private constant TRANSFER_FROM_FUNC_SELECTOR = bytes4(keccak256("transferFrom(address,address,uint256)"));
* @dev executes the ERC20 token's `approve` function and reverts upon failure
* the main purpose of this function is to prevent a non standard ERC20 token
* from failing silently
* @param _token ERC20 token address
* @param _spender approved address
* @param _value allowance amount
function safeApprove(IERC20Token _token, address _spender, uint256 _value) public {
execute(_token, abi.encodeWithSelector(APPROVE_FUNC_SELECTOR, _spender, _value));
* @dev executes the ERC20 token's `transfer` function and reverts upon failure
* the main purpose of this function is to prevent a non standard ERC20 token
* from failing silently
* @param _token ERC20 token address
* @param _to target address
* @param _value transfer amount
function safeTransfer(IERC20Token _token, address _to, uint256 _value) public {
execute(_token, abi.encodeWithSelector(TRANSFER_FUNC_SELECTOR, _to, _value));
* @dev executes the ERC20 token's `transferFrom` function and reverts upon failure
* the main purpose of this function is to prevent a non standard ERC20 token
* from failing silently
* @param _token ERC20 token address
* @param _from source address
* @param _to target address
* @param _value transfer amount
function safeTransferFrom(IERC20Token _token, address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public {
execute(_token, abi.encodeWithSelector(TRANSFER_FROM_FUNC_SELECTOR, _from, _to, _value));
* @dev executes a function on the ERC20 token and reverts upon failure
* the main purpose of this function is to prevent a non standard ERC20 token
* from failing silently
* @param _token ERC20 token address
* @param _data data to pass in to the token's contract for execution
function execute(IERC20Token _token, bytes memory _data) private {
uint256[1] memory ret = [uint256(1)];
assembly {
let success := call(
gas, // gas remaining
_token, // destination address
0, // no ether
add(_data, 32), // input buffer (starts after the first 32 bytes in the `data` array)
mload(_data), // input length (loaded from the first 32 bytes in the `data` array)
ret, // output buffer
32 // output length
if iszero(success) {
revert(0, 0)
require(ret[0] != 0, "ERR_TRANSFER_FAILED");
// File: contracts/utility/TokenHolder.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.26;
* @dev We consider every contract to be a 'token holder' since it's currently not possible
* for a contract to deny receiving tokens.
* The TokenHolder's contract sole purpose is to provide a safety mechanism that allows
* the owner to send tokens that were sent to the contract by mistake back to their sender.
* Note that we use the non standard ERC-20 interface which has no return value for transfer
* in order to support both non standard as well as standard token contracts.
* see https://github.com/ethereum/solidity/issues/4116
contract TokenHolder is ITokenHolder, TokenHandler, Owned, Utils {
* @dev withdraws tokens held by the contract and sends them to an account
* can only be called by the owner
* @param _token ERC20 token contract address
* @param _to account to receive the new amount
* @param _amount amount to withdraw
function withdrawTokens(IERC20Token _token, address _to, uint256 _amount)
safeTransfer(_token, _to, _amount);
// File: contracts/utility/SafeMath.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.26;
* @dev Library for basic math operations with overflow/underflow protection
library SafeMath {
* @dev returns the sum of _x and _y, reverts if the calculation overflows
* @param _x value 1
* @param _y value 2
* @return sum
function add(uint256 _x, uint256 _y) internal pure returns (uint256) {
uint256 z = _x + _y;
require(z >= _x, "ERR_OVERFLOW");
return z;
* @dev returns the difference of _x minus _y, reverts if the calculation underflows
* @param _x minuend
* @param _y subtrahend
* @return difference
function sub(uint256 _x, uint256 _y) internal pure returns (uint256) {
require(_x >= _y, "ERR_UNDERFLOW");
return _x - _y;
* @dev returns the product of multiplying _x by _y, reverts if the calculation overflows
* @param _x factor 1
* @param _y factor 2
* @return product
function mul(uint256 _x, uint256 _y) internal pure returns (uint256) {
// gas optimization
if (_x == 0)
return 0;
uint256 z = _x * _y;
require(z / _x == _y, "ERR_OVERFLOW");
return z;
* @dev Integer division of two numbers truncating the quotient, reverts on division by zero.
* @param _x dividend
* @param _y divisor
* @return quotient
function div(uint256 _x, uint256 _y) internal pure returns (uint256) {
require(_y > 0, "ERR_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO");
uint256 c = _x / _y;
return c;
// File: contracts/token/interfaces/IEtherToken.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.26;
Ether Token interface
contract IEtherToken is IERC20Token {
function deposit() public payable;
function withdraw(uint256 _amount) public;
function depositTo(address _to) public payable;
function withdrawTo(address _to, uint256 _amount) public;
// File: contracts/token/interfaces/ISmartToken.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.26;
Smart Token interface
contract ISmartToken is IConverterAnchor, IERC20Token {
function disableTransfers(bool _disable) public;
function issue(address _to, uint256 _amount) public;
function destroy(address _from, uint256 _amount) public;
// File: contracts/bancorx/interfaces/IBancorX.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.26;
contract IBancorX {
function token() public view returns (IERC20Token) {this;}
function xTransfer(bytes32 _toBlockchain, bytes32 _to, uint256 _amount, uint256 _id) public;
function getXTransferAmount(uint256 _xTransferId, address _for) public view returns (uint256);
// File: contracts/BancorNetwork.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.26;
// interface of older converters for backward compatibility
contract ILegacyConverter {
function change(IERC20Token _sourceToken, IERC20Token _targetToken, uint256 _amount, uint256 _minReturn) public returns (uint256);
* @dev The BancorNetwork contract is the main entry point for Bancor token conversions.
* It also allows for the conversion of any token in the Bancor Network to any other token in a single
* transaction by providing a conversion path.
* A note on Conversion Path: Conversion path is a data structure that is used when converting a token
* to another token in the Bancor Network, when the conversion cannot necessarily be done by a single
* converter and might require multiple 'hops'.
* The path defines which converters should be used and what kind of conversion should be done in each step.
* The path format doesn't include complex structure; instead, it is represented by a single array
* in which each 'hop' is represented by a 2-tuple - converter anchor & target token.
* In addition, the first element is always the source token.
* The converter anchor is only used as a pointer to a converter (since converter addresses are more
* likely to change as opposed to anchor addresses).
* Format:
* [source token, converter anchor, target token, converter anchor, target token...]
contract BancorNetwork is IBancorNetwork, TokenHolder, ContractRegistryClient, ReentrancyGuard {
using SafeMath for uint256;
uint256 private constant CONVERSION_FEE_RESOLUTION = 1000000;
uint256 private constant AFFILIATE_FEE_RESOLUTION = 1000000;
address private constant ETH_RESERVE_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE;
struct ConversionStep {
IConverter converter;
IConverterAnchor anchor;
IERC20Token sourceToken;
IERC20Token targetToken;
address beneficiary;
bool isV28OrHigherConverter;
bool processAffiliateFee;
uint256 public maxAffiliateFee = 30000; // maximum affiliate-fee
mapping (address => bool) public etherTokens; // list of all supported ether tokens
* @dev triggered when a conversion between two tokens occurs
* @param _smartToken anchor governed by the converter
* @param _fromToken source ERC20 token
* @param _toToken target ERC20 token
* @param _fromAmount amount converted, in the source token
* @param _toAmount amount returned, minus conversion fee
* @param _trader wallet that initiated the trade
event Conversion(
address indexed _smartToken,
address indexed _fromToken,
address indexed _toToken,
uint256 _fromAmount,
uint256 _toAmount,
address _trader
* @dev initializes a new BancorNetwork instance
* @param _registry address of a contract registry contract
constructor(IContractRegistry _registry) ContractRegistryClient(_registry) public {
etherTokens[ETH_RESERVE_ADDRESS] = true;
* @dev allows the owner to update the maximum affiliate-fee
* @param _maxAffiliateFee maximum affiliate-fee
function setMaxAffiliateFee(uint256 _maxAffiliateFee)
maxAffiliateFee = _maxAffiliateFee;
* @dev allows the owner to register/unregister ether tokens
* @param _token ether token contract address
* @param _register true to register, false to unregister
function registerEtherToken(IEtherToken _token, bool _register)
etherTokens[_token] = _register;
* @dev returns the conversion path between two tokens in the network
* note that this method is quite expensive in terms of gas and should generally be called off-chain
* @param _sourceToken source token address
* @param _targetToken target token address
* @return conversion path between the two tokens
function conversionPath(IERC20Token _sourceToken, IERC20Token _targetToken) public view returns (address[]) {
IConversionPathFinder pathFinder = IConversionPathFinder(addressOf(CONVERSION_PATH_FINDER));
return pathFinder.findPath(_sourceToken, _targetToken);
* @dev returns the expected rate of converting a given amount on a given path
* note that there is no support for circular paths
* @param _path conversion path (see conversion path format above)
* @param _amount amount of _path[0] tokens received from the sender
* @return expected rate
function rateByPath(IERC20Token[] _path, uint256 _amount) public view returns (uint256) {
uint256 amount;
uint256 fee;
uint256 supply;
uint256 balance;
uint32 weight;
IConverter converter;
IBancorFormula formula = IBancorFormula(addressOf(BANCOR_FORMULA));
amount = _amount;
// verify that the number of elements is larger than 2 and odd
require(_path.length > 2 && _path.length % 2 == 1, "ERR_INVALID_PATH");
// iterate over the conversion path
for (uint256 i = 2; i < _path.length; i += 2) {
IERC20Token sourceToken = _path[i - 2];
IERC20Token anchor = _path[i - 1];
IERC20Token targetToken = _path[i];
// backward compatibility
if (etherTokens[sourceToken])
sourceToken = IERC20Token(ETH_RESERVE_ADDRESS);
if (etherTokens[targetToken])
targetToken = IERC20Token(ETH_RESERVE_ADDRESS);
if (targetToken == anchor) { // buy the smart token
// check if the current smart token has changed
if (i < 3 || anchor != _path[i - 3]) {
supply = ISmartToken(anchor).totalSupply();
converter = IConverter(IConverterAnchor(anchor).owner());
// get the amount & the conversion fee
balance = converter.getConnectorBalance(sourceToken);
(, weight, , , ) = converter.connectors(sourceToken);
amount = formula.purchaseRate(supply, balance, weight, amount);
fee = amount.mul(converter.conversionFee()).div(CONVERSION_FEE_RESOLUTION);
amount -= fee;
// update the smart token supply for the next iteration
supply = supply.add(amount);
else if (sourceToken == anchor) { // sell the smart token
// check if the current smart token has changed
if (i < 3 || anchor != _path[i - 3]) {
supply = ISmartToken(anchor).totalSupply();
converter = IConverter(IConverterAnchor(anchor).owner());
// get the amount & the conversion fee
balance = converter.getConnectorBalance(targetToken);
(, weight, , , ) = converter.connectors(targetToken);
amount = formula.saleRate(supply, balance, weight, amount);
fee = amount.mul(converter.conversionFee()).div(CONVERSION_FEE_RESOLUTION);
amount -= fee;
// update the smart token supply for the next iteration
supply = supply.sub(amount);
else { // cross reserve conversion
// check if the current smart token has changed
if (i < 3 || anchor != _path[i - 3]) {
converter = IConverter(IConverterAnchor(anchor).owner());
(amount, fee) = getReturn(converter, sourceToken, targetToken, amount);
return amount;
* @dev converts the token to any other token in the bancor network by following
* a predefined conversion path and transfers the result tokens to a target account
* affiliate account/fee can also be passed in to receive a conversion fee (on top of the liquidity provider fees)
* note that the network should already have been given allowance of the source token (if not ETH)
* @param _path conversion path, see conversion path format above
* @param _amount amount to convert from, in the source token
* @param _minReturn if the conversion results in an amount smaller than the minimum return - it is cancelled, must be greater than zero
* @param _beneficiary account that will receive the conversion result or 0x0 to send the result to the sender account
* @param _affiliateAccount wallet address to receive the affiliate fee or 0x0 to disable affiliate fee
* @param _affiliateFee affiliate fee in PPM or 0 to disable affiliate fee
* @return amount of tokens received from the conversion
function convertByPath(IERC20Token[] _path, uint256 _amount, uint256 _minReturn, address _beneficiary, address _affiliateAccount, uint256 _affiliateFee)
returns (uint256)
// verify that the path contrains at least a single 'hop' and that the number of elements is odd
require(_path.length > 2 && _path.length % 2 == 1, "ERR_INVALID_PATH");
// validate msg.value and prepare the source token for the conversion
handleSourceToken(_path[0], IConverterAnchor(_path[1]), _amount);
// check if affiliate fee is enabled
bool affiliateFeeEnabled = false;
if (address(_affiliateAccount) == 0) {
require(_affiliateFee == 0, "ERR_INVALID_AFFILIATE_FEE");
else {
require(0 < _affiliateFee && _affiliateFee <= maxAffiliateFee, "ERR_INVALID_AFFILIATE_FEE");
affiliateFeeEnabled = true;
// check if beneficiary is set
address beneficiary = msg.sender;
if (_beneficiary != address(0))
beneficiary = _beneficiary;
// convert and get the resulting amount
ConversionStep[] memory data = createConversionData(_path, beneficiary, affiliateFeeEnabled);
uint256 amount = doConversion(data, _amount, _minReturn, _affiliateAccount, _affiliateFee);
// handle the conversion target tokens
handleTargetToken(data, amount, beneficiary);
return amount;
* @dev converts any other token to BNT in the bancor network by following
a predefined conversion path and transfers the result to an account on a different blockchain
* note that the network should already have been given allowance of the source token (if not ETH)
* @param _path conversion path, see conversion path format above
* @param _amount amount to convert from, in the source token
* @param _minReturn if the conversion results in an amount smaller than the minimum return - it is cancelled, must be greater than zero
* @param _targetBlockchain blockchain BNT will be issued on
* @param _targetAccount address/account on the target blockchain to send the BNT to
* @param _conversionId pre-determined unique (if non zero) id which refers to this transaction
* @return the amount of BNT received from this conversion
function xConvert(
IERC20Token[] _path,
uint256 _amount,
uint256 _minReturn,
bytes32 _targetBlockchain,
bytes32 _targetAccount,
uint256 _conversionId
returns (uint256)
return xConvert2(_path, _amount, _minReturn, _targetBlockchain, _targetAccount, _conversionId, address(0), 0);
* @dev converts any other token to BNT in the bancor network by following
a predefined conversion path and transfers the result to an account on a different blockchain
* note that the network should already have been given allowance of the source token (if not ETH)
* @param _path conversion path, see conversion path format above
* @param _amount amount to convert from, in the source token
* @param _minReturn if the conversion results in an amount smaller than the minimum return - it is cancelled, must be greater than zero
* @param _targetBlockchain blockchain BNT will be issued on
* @param _targetAccount address/account on the target blockchain to send the BNT to
* @param _conversionId pre-determined unique (if non zero) id which refers to this transaction
* @param _affiliateAccount affiliate account
* @param _affiliateFee affiliate fee in PPM
* @return the amount of BNT received from this conversion
function xConvert2(
IERC20Token[] _path,
uint256 _amount,
uint256 _minReturn,
bytes32 _targetBlockchain,
bytes32 _targetAccount,
uint256 _conversionId,
address _affiliateAccount,
uint256 _affiliateFee
returns (uint256)
IERC20Token targetToken = _path[_path.length - 1];
IBancorX bancorX = IBancorX(addressOf(BANCOR_X));
// verify that the destination token is BNT
require(targetToken == addressOf(BNT_TOKEN), "ERR_INVALID_TARGET_TOKEN");
// convert and get the resulting amount
uint256 amount = convertByPath(_path, _amount, _minReturn, this, _affiliateAccount, _affiliateFee);
// grant BancorX allowance
ensureAllowance(targetToken, bancorX, amount);
// transfer the resulting amount to BancorX
bancorX.xTransfer(_targetBlockchain, _targetAccount, amount, _conversionId);
return amount;
* @dev allows a user to convert a token that was sent from another blockchain into any other
* token on the BancorNetwork
* ideally this transaction is created before the previous conversion is even complete, so
* so the input amount isn't known at that point - the amount is actually take from the
* BancorX contract directly by specifying the conversion id
* @param _path conversion path
* @param _bancorX address of the BancorX contract for the source token
* @param _conversionId pre-determined unique (if non zero) id which refers to this conversion
* @param _minReturn if the conversion results in an amount smaller than the minimum return - it is cancelled, must be nonzero
* @param _beneficiary wallet to receive the conversion result
* @return amount of tokens received from the conversion
function completeXConversion(IERC20Token[] _path, IBancorX _bancorX, uint256 _conversionId, uint256 _minReturn, address _beneficiary)
public returns (uint256)
// verify that the source token is the BancorX token
require(_path[0] == _bancorX.token(), "ERR_INVALID_SOURCE_TOKEN");
// get conversion amount from BancorX contract
uint256 amount = _bancorX.getXTransferAmount(_conversionId, msg.sender);
// perform the conversion
return convertByPath(_path, amount, _minReturn, _beneficiary, address(0), 0);
* @dev executes the actual conversion by following the conversion path
* @param _data conversion data, see ConversionStep struct above
* @param _amount amount to convert from, in the source token
* @param _minReturn if the conversion results in an amount smaller than the minimum return - it is cancelled, must be greater than zero
* @param _affiliateAccount affiliate account
* @param _affiliateFee affiliate fee in PPM
* @return amount of tokens received from the conversion
function doConversion(
ConversionStep[] _data,
uint256 _amount,
uint256 _minReturn,
address _affiliateAccount,
uint256 _affiliateFee
) private returns (uint256) {
uint256 toAmount;
uint256 fromAmount = _amount;
// iterate over the conversion data
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _data.length; i++) {
ConversionStep memory stepData = _data[i];
// newer converter
if (stepData.isV28OrHigherConverter) {
// transfer the tokens to the converter only if the network contract currently holds the tokens
// not needed with ETH or if it's the first conversion step
if (i != 0 && _data[i - 1].beneficiary == address(this) && !etherTokens[stepData.sourceToken])
safeTransfer(stepData.sourceToken, stepData.converter, fromAmount);
// older converter
// if the source token is the smart token, no need to do any transfers as the converter controls it
else if (stepData.sourceToken != ISmartToken(stepData.anchor)) {
// grant allowance for it to transfer the tokens from the network contract
ensureAllowance(stepData.sourceToken, stepData.converter, fromAmount);
// do the conversion
if (!stepData.isV28OrHigherConverter)
toAmount = ILegacyConverter(stepData.converter).change(stepData.sourceToken, stepData.targetToken, fromAmount, 1);
else if (etherTokens[stepData.sourceToken])
toAmount = stepData.converter.convert.value(msg.value)(stepData.sourceToken, stepData.targetToken, fromAmount, msg.sender, stepData.beneficiary);
toAmount = stepData.converter.convert(stepData.sourceToken, stepData.targetToken, fromAmount, msg.sender, stepData.beneficiary);
// pay affiliate-fee if needed
if (stepData.processAffiliateFee) {
uint256 affiliateAmount = toAmount.mul(_affiliateFee).div(AFFILIATE_FEE_RESOLUTION);
require(stepData.targetToken.transfer(_affiliateAccount, affiliateAmount), "ERR_FEE_TRANSFER_FAILED");
toAmount -= affiliateAmount;
emit Conversion(stepData.anchor, stepData.sourceToken, stepData.targetToken, fromAmount, toAmount, msg.sender);
fromAmount = toAmount;
// ensure the trade meets the minimum requested amount
require(toAmount >= _minReturn, "ERR_RETURN_TOO_LOW");
return toAmount;
* @dev validates msg.value and prepares the conversion source token for the conversion
* @param _sourceToken source token of the first conversion step
* @param _anchor converter anchor of the first conversion step
* @param _amount amount to convert from, in the source token
function handleSourceToken(IERC20Token _sourceToken, IConverterAnchor _anchor, uint256 _amount) private {
IConverter firstConverter = IConverter(_anchor.owner());
bool isNewerConverter = isV28OrHigherConverter(firstConverter);
// ETH
if (msg.value > 0) {
// validate msg.value
require(msg.value == _amount, "ERR_ETH_AMOUNT_MISMATCH");
// EtherToken converter - deposit the ETH into the EtherToken
// note that it can still be a non ETH converter if the path is wrong
// but such conversion will simply revert
if (!isNewerConverter)
// EtherToken
else if (etherTokens[_sourceToken]) {
// claim the tokens - if the source token is ETH reserve, this call will fail
// since in that case the transaction must be sent with msg.value
safeTransferFrom(_sourceToken, msg.sender, this, _amount);
// ETH converter - withdraw the ETH
if (isNewerConverter)
// other ERC20 token
else {
// newer converter - transfer the tokens from the sender directly to the converter
// otherwise claim the tokens
if (isNewerConverter)
safeTransferFrom(_sourceToken, msg.sender, firstConverter, _amount);
safeTransferFrom(_sourceToken, msg.sender, this, _amount);
* @dev handles the conversion target token if the network still holds it at the end of the conversion
* @param _data conversion data, see ConversionStep struct above
* @param _amount conversion return amount, in the target token
* @param _beneficiary wallet to receive the conversion result
function handleTargetToken(ConversionStep[] _data, uint256 _amount, address _beneficiary) private {
ConversionStep memory stepData = _data[_data.length - 1];
// network contract doesn't hold the tokens, do nothing
if (stepData.beneficiary != address(this))
IERC20Token targetToken = stepData.targetToken;
// ETH / EtherToken
if (etherTokens[targetToken]) {
// newer converter should send ETH directly to the beneficiary
// EtherToken converter - withdraw the ETH and transfer to the beneficiary
IEtherToken(targetToken).withdrawTo(_beneficiary, _amount);
// other ERC20 token
else {
safeTransfer(targetToken, _beneficiary, _amount);
* @dev creates a memory cache of all conversion steps data to minimize logic and external calls during conversions
* @param _conversionPath conversion path, see conversion path format above
* @param _beneficiary wallet to receive the conversion result
* @param _affiliateFeeEnabled true if affiliate fee was requested by the sender, false if not
* @return cached conversion data to be ingested later on by the conversion flow
function createConversionData(IERC20Token[] _conversionPath, address _beneficiary, bool _affiliateFeeEnabled) private view returns (ConversionStep[]) {
ConversionStep[] memory data = new ConversionStep[](_conversionPath.length / 2);
bool affiliateFeeProcessed = false;
address bntToken = addressOf(BNT_TOKEN);
// iterate the conversion path and create the conversion data for each step
uint256 i;
for (i = 0; i < _conversionPath.length - 1; i += 2) {
IConverterAnchor anchor = IConverterAnchor(_conversionPath[i + 1]);
IConverter converter = IConverter(anchor.owner());
IERC20Token targetToken = _conversionPath[i + 2];
// check if the affiliate fee should be processed in this step
bool processAffiliateFee = _affiliateFeeEnabled && !affiliateFeeProcessed && targetToken == bntToken;
if (processAffiliateFee)
affiliateFeeProcessed = true;
data[i / 2] = ConversionStep({
// set the converter anchor
anchor: anchor,
// set the converter
converter: converter,
// set the source/target tokens
sourceToken: _conversionPath[i],
targetToken: targetToken,
// requires knowledge about the next step, so initialize in the next phase
beneficiary: address(0),
// set flags
isV28OrHigherConverter: isV28OrHigherConverter(converter),
processAffiliateFee: processAffiliateFee
// ETH support
// source is ETH
ConversionStep memory stepData = data[0];
if (etherTokens[stepData.sourceToken]) {
// newer converter - replace the source token address with ETH reserve address
if (stepData.isV28OrHigherConverter)
stepData.sourceToken = IERC20Token(ETH_RESERVE_ADDRESS);
// older converter - replace the source token with the EtherToken address used by the converter
stepData.sourceToken = IERC20Token(getConverterEtherTokenAddress(stepData.converter));
// target is ETH
stepData = data[data.length - 1];
if (etherTokens[stepData.targetToken]) {
// newer converter - replace the target token address with ETH reserve address
if (stepData.isV28OrHigherConverter)
stepData.targetToken = IERC20Token(ETH_RESERVE_ADDRESS);
// older converter - replace the target token with the EtherToken address used by the converter
stepData.targetToken = IERC20Token(getConverterEtherTokenAddress(stepData.converter));
// set the beneficiary for each step
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
stepData = data[i];
// first check if the converter in this step is newer as older converters don't even support the beneficiary argument
if (stepData.isV28OrHigherConverter) {
// if affiliate fee is processed in this step, beneficiary is the network contract
if (stepData.processAffiliateFee)
stepData.beneficiary = this;
// if it's the last step, beneficiary is the final beneficiary
else if (i == data.length - 1)
stepData.beneficiary = _beneficiary;
// if the converter in the next step is newer, beneficiary is the next converter
else if (data[i + 1].isV28OrHigherConverter)
stepData.beneficiary = data[i + 1].converter;
// the converter in the next step is older, beneficiary is the network contract
stepData.beneficiary = this;
else {
// converter in this step is older, beneficiary is the network contract
stepData.beneficiary = this;
return data;
* @dev utility, checks whether allowance for the given spender exists and approves one if it doesn't.
* Note that we use the non standard erc-20 interface in which `approve` has no return value so that
* this function will work for both standard and non standard tokens
* @param _token token to check the allowance in
* @param _spender approved address
* @param _value allowance amount
function ensureAllowance(IERC20Token _token, address _spender, uint256 _value) private {
uint256 allowance = _token.allowance(this, _spender);
if (allowance < _value) {
if (allowance > 0)
safeApprove(_token, _spender, 0);
safeApprove(_token, _spender, _value);
// legacy - returns the address of an EtherToken used by the converter
function getConverterEtherTokenAddress(IConverter _converter) private view returns (address) {
uint256 reserveCount = _converter.connectorTokenCount();
for (uint256 i = 0; i < reserveCount; i++) {
address reserveTokenAddress = _converter.connectorTokens(i);
if (etherTokens[reserveTokenAddress])
return reserveTokenAddress;
bytes4 private constant GET_RETURN_FUNC_SELECTOR = bytes4(keccak256("getReturn(address,address,uint256)"));
// using assembly code since older converter versions have different return values
function getReturn(address _dest, address _sourceToken, address _targetToken, uint256 _amount) internal view returns (uint256, uint256) {
uint256[2] memory ret;
bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSelector(GET_RETURN_FUNC_SELECTOR, _sourceToken, _targetToken, _amount);
assembly {
let success := staticcall(
gas, // gas remaining
_dest, // destination address
add(data, 32), // input buffer (starts after the first 32 bytes in the `data` array)
mload(data), // input length (loaded from the first 32 bytes in the `data` array)
ret, // output buffer
64 // output length
if iszero(success) {
revert(0, 0)
return (ret[0], ret[1]);
bytes4 private constant IS_V28_OR_HIGHER_FUNC_SELECTOR = bytes4(keccak256("isV28OrHigher()"));
// using assembly code to identify converter version
// can't rely on the version number since the function had a different signature in older converters
function isV28OrHigherConverter(IConverter _converter) internal view returns (bool) {
bool success;
uint256[1] memory ret;
bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSelector(IS_V28_OR_HIGHER_FUNC_SELECTOR);
assembly {
success := staticcall(
gas, // gas remaining
_converter, // destination address
add(data, 32), // input buffer (starts after the first 32 bytes in the `data` array)
mload(data), // input length (loaded from the first 32 bytes in the `data` array)
ret, // output buffer
32 // output length
return success;
* @dev deprecated, backward compatibility
function getReturnByPath(IERC20Token[] _path, uint256 _amount) public view returns (uint256, uint256) {
return (rateByPath(_path, _amount), 0);
* @dev deprecated, backward compatibility
function convert(IERC20Token[] _path, uint256 _amount, uint256 _minReturn) public payable returns (uint256) {
return convertByPath(_path, _amount, _minReturn, address(0), address(0), 0);
* @dev deprecated, backward compatibility
function convert2(
IERC20Token[] _path,
uint256 _amount,
uint256 _minReturn,
address _affiliateAccount,
uint256 _affiliateFee
returns (uint256)
return convertByPath(_path, _amount, _minReturn, address(0), _affiliateAccount, _affiliateFee);
* @dev deprecated, backward compatibility
function convertFor(IERC20Token[] _path, uint256 _amount, uint256 _minReturn, address _beneficiary) public payable returns (uint256) {
return convertByPath(_path, _amount, _minReturn, _beneficiary, address(0), 0);
* @dev deprecated, backward compatibility
function convertFor2(
IERC20Token[] _path,
uint256 _amount,
uint256 _minReturn,
address _beneficiary,
address _affiliateAccount,
uint256 _affiliateFee
returns (uint256)
return convertByPath(_path, _amount, _minReturn, _beneficiary, _affiliateAccount, _affiliateFee);
* @dev deprecated, backward compatibility
function claimAndConvert(IERC20Token[] _path, uint256 _amount, uint256 _minReturn) public returns (uint256) {
return convertByPath(_path, _amount, _minReturn, address(0), address(0), 0);
* @dev deprecated, backward compatibility
function claimAndConvert2(
IERC20Token[] _path,
uint256 _amount,
uint256 _minReturn,
address _affiliateAccount,
uint256 _affiliateFee
returns (uint256)
return convertByPath(_path, _amount, _minReturn, address(0), _affiliateAccount, _affiliateFee);
* @dev deprecated, backward compatibility
function claimAndConvertFor(IERC20Token[] _path, uint256 _amount, uint256 _minReturn, address _beneficiary) public returns (uint256) {
return convertByPath(_path, _amount, _minReturn, _beneficiary, address(0), 0);
* @dev deprecated, backward compatibility
function claimAndConvertFor2(
IERC20Token[] _path,
uint256 _amount,
uint256 _minReturn,
address _beneficiary,
address _affiliateAccount,
uint256 _affiliateFee
returns (uint256)
return convertByPath(_path, _amount, _minReturn, _beneficiary, _affiliateAccount, _affiliateFee);
"compilationTarget": {
"BancorNetwork.sol": "BancorNetwork"
"evmVersion": "byzantium",
"libraries": {},
"optimizer": {
"enabled": true,
"runs": 200
"remappings": []