Lord of the Pendants is a series of non-repeating pendants. It's a whole story inside. Every time new. The new power is omnipotence and omnipotence. Each pendant is unique and endows its owner with certain properties.
EYE - pendant of foresight.
He endows his owner with the gift of foresight. The ability to see the future and plan it in the best possible way.
The gift of foresight is one of the great gifts inherent in the Lord of the pendants.
The EYE sees everything, knows everything, reads everything, understands everything and foresees everything.
The gold framing the pendant breathes energy into it and revitalizes it.
The Lord of the Pendants collection is a beautiful, unique combination of real paintings from the Worlds of Metaverse series by abstract artist Regina Rei Art and 3D contemporary digital art creations from @Maleev.art.