OY Times YO is one of the 250 original triptychs that comprise the ‘feel good spins for feel bad times’ generative collection by contemporary pop artist Deborah Kass.
The algorithm that generated this triptych was designed as a slot machine. Each participant–a gambler of sorts–was invited to place their coin into the machine and take a spin in order to reconfigure Kass' text and images–in her signature bright colors and bold typefaces–as novel triptychs.
Collectors are encouraged to explore each work in both physical and digital environments. Owners may create physical prints of their digital triptychs for personal use.
[Collector’s Rights](https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmUNEpgvDwZ2gSqeNr65Dqesdias52UNj4F1gNxwxNVTWq)
Printable PNG files ([OY](https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmSpPBGoEQ5E55kekD2CtcwgmYjftNCw18sAZYQPgoChye/OY.png), [Times](https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmSpPBGoEQ5E55kekD2CtcwgmYjftNCw18sAZYQPgoChye/Times.png), [YO](https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmSpPBGoEQ5E55kekD2CtcwgmYjftNCw18sAZYQPgoChye/YO.png))
Other Formats ([GIF](https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmRZZ6TPeqsaFmcPmuqbG9FZ9FhFZxvNC6xqqWXG1aZ2Z5/OY_Times_YO.gif), [MP4](https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmNj1AsLdMBBhDMJmMFBQc7mFQNzqp3u1oj8uzYvDjgt5B/OY_Times_YO.mp4))