Passport Tier 3 —— Creation 萬物 先有創造,才有萬物;再有想像,才得以物生物。 聶永真以其團隊「永真急制Workshop」與專業字體設計師歷經半年研發、近期始曝光的官方獨家字體、具幾何感與神經質的「AA Grotesk」字型為載體,擷取羅蘭‧巴特(Roland Barthes)服裝符號系統的經典論述《流行體系》、斯圖爾特‧布蘭德(Stewart Brand)1968年《全球型錄》的首刊號、以及當代手機通訊中大量出現的網路關鍵詞彙及社交圖文 —— 以消費主義、流行符號、自我認同、時間斷代為素材,丟入果汁機中綜合攪拌,重新造義,產生新的修辭組合。 每一組修辭或荒謬、或直觀、或笨拙、或未來寓言、或浪漫斷裂、或對號入座⋯⋯透過不同讀者文本的主觀詮釋,擴增了想像的多樣性,#每個詞彙或符號只屬於一個人。微風作為高端消費修辭的販賣者,此系列 NFT 是對當代流行文化最神經質的致意。 鑄得機率:3/4(75%)
A. 享有每週四1次,2小時微風集團旗下指定館別免費停車優惠。
B. 享有每週1次至微風廣場2F Breeze Diamond Lounge休憩/用餐。
C. 首年每季可獲得乙次10000點微風會員點數回饋。
D. Breeze Bonus 0.0027。
Passport Tier 3 —— Creation
The act of creation precedes all creatures. First there is imagination. Then, all beings
come into existence.
Presented by the exclusive official font ‘AA Grotesk’ with geometric and sensible
characteristics newly released by ©aaronniehworkshop in collaboration with the
professional font producer, this series uses words extracted from Roland Barthes’s The
Fashion System, Stewart Brand’s Whole Earth Catalog (1968 debut issue), and popular
cyber slangs and memes. After that, concepts such as consumerism, semiotics of fashion,
self-identification, and specific eras in time are mixed and re-paired to become novel
phrases. In the end, the meanings of rhetoric are re-designated by the living experiences
of various holders.
Chance of Making: 3⁄4 (75%)
Various utilities
A. Enjoy 2 hours free parking discount every Thursday in the selected stores of Breeze Group.
B. Enjoy once a week access to Breeze Diamond Lounge in Breeze Center.
C. Receive 10000 Breeze Rewards member points per quarter in the first year.
D. Breeze Bonus 0.0027.
※For further information about empowerment, please follow the link: https://www.breezeverse.io/