NFT Price - $2500
To buy the NFT, place a bid in wETH at the current exchange rate.
ATTENTION! This is an NFT PREORDER for a gun. Please note that the physical gun has not yet been manufactured. The estimated completion date will be listed on the NFT card under “Unlockable content” link. This link provides all the comprehensive information about the status of your order and a direct contact channel with us. If you have any questions, email us at nft@mintguns.us.
You are free to trade the NFT, but before redeeming the physical gun, you must carefully study the laws of the state where you reside to ensure that it is legal for you to get this type of gun.
Once you have determined that it is legal for you to own the gun, you may redeem it.
Please note that currently, the physical gun can only be redeemed in the United States. We are working on expanding availability to other countries.
You will need to provide us with your federally required identification documents when you decide to redeem the gun connected to your NFT.
We will then start the process of transferring the gun to an authorized Firearm License (FFL) dealer near you of your choosing.
Please note that the gun cannot be directly obtained from us; we only facilitate the transfer of the gun associated with your NFT to the FFL dealer of your choice.
Web: www.mintguns.us
NFT Marketplace: nft.mintguns.us
Twitter: @mintguns_us
Telegram Channel: @mintgunsofficial
Telegram Community: @mintguns_us
Instagram: @mintguns_us
Email: nft@mintguns.us