A character from the world of Project ANNA (Model) REVAC - RE-XX (Unique Value Piece).
REVACs are AI-integrated robots that are cost-effective and flexible to deploy. Robotic Enhanced Vehicles and Companions, or REVACs, are making automation easier than ever, as general transportation, personnel support, or beasts of war. By design, REVACs share workspaces with their owners, making it convenient as they go. They widely vary in size, material, and computational power, depending on their specific purposes.
Born outside from the ANNA PROTOCOL Initiation.
The Kiy00ts collection
Arcane Rarity Edition is a unique rarity category in the kiyoots collection, which consists of kiyoots model(s) in a different kind of art style, as each of the kiyoots in this rarity will be created by various artists that we collaborated with.