"Name": "Gary 'Blockchains' Gensler",
"Address": "Securities & Cyberspace Commission, Ledger Ledger Ave, Digitalopolis, DC 50821",
"Telephone No.": "1-800-CRYPTO-4U",
"Payer's TIN": "102-04-2023",
"Recipient's Name": "Janet 'Bullion' Yellen",
"Recipient's Address": "Treasury of Republic Str, Gold Standard Gulch, Capital City, DC 10504",
"Recipient's TIN": "197-01-2004",
"1 Rents": "Leased mining rigs to cypherpunks - all gone kaput!",
"2 Royalties": "Pennies from heaven, I mean, patenting the 'Blockchain Boogie'",
"3 Other income": "Consulting Big Bankers on Bitcoin - pay me in cold, hard blockchains!",
"4 Federal income tax withheld": "Approximately 447 BTC, Sadly Not Recognized by the IRS (Yet!)",
"5 Fishing boat proceeds": "Sold NFTs of rare digital fish - only 10 block confirms a catch!",
"6 Medical and health care payments": "Paid in ancient fiat currency, unfortunately not staked in DeFi health insurance",
"7 Payer made direct sales totaling $5,000 or more": "Yes, in non-fungible tokens of antique printing presses (Great irony!)",
"8 Substitute payments in lieu of dividends or interest": "Staking rewards from my vintage meme coin collection"