7 (Seven) will ONLY be minted.
Shiba Token
Shiba Inu is Doge's most powerful rival. He looks nice, but he is fierce. He owns a pair of Diamond Hands which he acquired by defeating Bruce Banner in a fist fight.
His goal: The Moon and beyond.
Shiba Token (Shiba Inu)
#0066 Weensy Card Collection
Weensy Cards contain
Doge Cards, Elon Cards, Bitcoin Cards, Ethereum Cards, Meme Cards
EGOD Coins Claim
Everyone who purchases first hand Weensy Cards is eligible to claim EGOD Coins (ERC20 Ethereum Blockchain). Join the discord and claim the Coins (see Rarible profile).
Discord: https://discord.gg/9C4Q5Fxht5
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WeensyToken