Recently [Matt Scobel](http://scobel.xyz) launched a Discord called "[Scobelverse](https://discord.gg/scobelverse)"
I have been making art with [Processing](https://processing.org/) ever since I saw a [Brendan Dawes](https://brendandawes.com/) talk in New York City at a [Flash](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adobe_Flash) conference.
I have always been a fan of code generated art. One of my favorite tricks is replacing the pixels in an image with text. The effect looks cool and the words can add meaning to the creation. Recently I started animating multiple outputs into a GIF.
Matt asked me if I could do one for his Discord logo after I shared an example of something I had done. This was then upped to an interactive on-click NFT minted on Manifold.
Thank you for supporting my art!