Painting Altar #21 is a photograph by artist Veronica Bruce Woodward taken in her art studio on the desk, or "altar," in which she creates her physical works. The image is composed of: plastic tarps with oil paint marks when cleaning off her brush, a portion of a large painting from 2020 that she ripped off of the stretchers to make her Stabilize Collection, and a finished work in a frame. The framed work in the center is a 7 in by 5 in work on panel titled "Fossil Series #1" from 2020. The piece is a textural surface with nail glue, bits of her grandfather's plastic gloves, enamel paint, acrylic skins, on panel with sanded down portions revealing the history underneath.
Veronica began creating these photographs in November 2021 to release as NFTs as separate, but intertwined works to her physical painting/objects. "Fossil Series #1" comes with the purchase of the NFT if desired.