Abstract Pop Art by Joe Bradley derived from Art by Gabe Weis.
This piece was based off of the very first Stoics allow list drawing for the public (#2) during the first VeeCon.
I had been following Gabe's plans on allow listing for his Stoics project and was excited to catch one of these hand drawn 1/1 passes. I couldn't believe I was the first one of the day to catch him walking in and got the 1/1 signed. It now sits in my collection of treasured art pieces from so many friends in web3 and beyond! The Stoics by Gabe Weis blazed trails in web3 and I believe raised the bar for the future of web3. I'm honored to have created a piece as apart of that collection and was inspired to create another here.
Created in Procreate and Photoshop | Total Strokes Made: 5203 | Tracked Time: 32 Hours | Size: 5000 x 6500 | File type: PNG | File size: 38mb | Date Created: 12/1/2022