My Parents got divorced when I was 14 years old. My Pop's ended up moving out, 1st staying local in Tampa, but quickly jettisoning up north back to NY/NJ.
I was too young to understand the context behind them splitting up at the time, so as soon as he left I began taking out my anger via beats/rhymes. I spent my teenage years & most of my adult life resenting my pops for leaving us alone w/ my mom who wasn't really fit for being single parent making life after he left extremely difficult. He loved music, So I was determined to be known for music. Things became official pretty rapidly from when I 1st began in 95, to our 1st single on Vinyl in 98. I Ended up recording a solo LP while also recording the Equilibrium album.
Once "Junk Planet" was picked up by a Label w/ Major worldwide Distro, I mailed a copy of an unfinished version to my Dad. We didn't speak for over a decade, until 2014 when we reunited on the mountain (The Uproot) We bonded quickly, & he pulled out this CD. =)