'Crypto Beings' is an animated time-based work of art, which grows over time. Each being grows and develops in a period of about two months (starting from October 5th), so you can check your minted token daily and see the creature's growth. After this period, your token will begin to change color slowly and forever to maintain its temporal properties. This algorithm was developed by studying and being inspired by the behavior of many works in the blockchain, so that it feels familiar to everyone. To activate the interactive mode, just simply click on your artwork. CONTROLS: Click and drag mouse for rotating - Use arrow keys to change the position - Press 'i' to Crumple - Adjust the color of the beings by dragging the mouse (only in rainbow variations) - Press 'd' to decrease thickness - Press 'f' to increase thickness - Press 't' to see your original beings without growth - Press 'r' to reset the animation - Press 's' to save the current frame.